Adolescence: A Time of Growth & Change

By: Amanda L. Weigel, Psy.D., Rush Neurobehavioral Center

Mention the word adolescence to many parents and the response is more often than not rich with worry and concern. Despite the challenges for both teens and parents during this developmental period, it can be easily navigated with knowledge, appropriate boundaries, and empathy. During this stage, adolescents are taxed with many important developmental tasks including developing a personal and social identity, making decisions about higher education, and making sense of physical changes. Today all these important milestones are set within the context of social media – a source of information that has altered how we relate with one another. In working with parents, a few guiding principals have helped families transverse commonly asked questions or concerns.

Appropriate Boundaries & Communication

During adolescence, teens naturally shift their focus from family to their peers and social group. A young teen’s relationships with peers often will absorb much of their time and energy. Parents are encouraged to foster their adolescent’s interest in relating, while ensuring appropriate boundaries are in place. We work with teens and their families to balance peer and family time. Young adolescents need personal space and time to devote to themselves, school work, and peer relationships. Teens, although they may never admit to this, need boundaries and support from their parents during this time. It is through these boundaries and limitations (when necessary) that they are able to feel secure in exploring the social world. Staying connected with family is important during this time. As much as parents are processing the changes of their child as they grow into a teenager, so too, is the young teen experiencing a host of emotions. As much as parents become accustomed to one word answers, it is important to continue to express interest, set appropriate boundaries, and know about what is occurring for your budding young adult. Some helpful tips for parents and adolescents to keep communication lines open include:

-Scheduling daily time to discuss school, upcoming events, etc…. (e.g., at dinner, before going tosleep).

-Scheduling monthly dates to be with your teen, engaging in something that is naturally interesting to them and that they enjoy doing. Let them teach you something about what they enjoydoing.

-Allow your teen to be involved in forming specific rules, responsibilities, etc…. If they have a voice in a decision, they are more likely to follow that rule and it helps them learn important compromising skills.

-Teens should not be in their room for the majority of their day. While they do need their space and time in their room, they should also be around family members. Discussing with your teen the importance of attending dinner and/or interacting with family members is encouraged. When working with teens, we often let them know that if they are involved at home, their parents are less likely to worry or “nag” them about spending time together.

Social Media

Today adolescents spend most of their time engaging on social media websites or texting. These outlets have both pros and cons to their use and their impact on relationships. Teens are able to be connected to friends outside of school more easily, however, miscommunication often occurs when a text’s intonation or timing is misinterpreted. Social media has also given birth to cyber bullying. In 2007–2008 1 in 3 students reported that they experienced bullying of some form. Parents are often left trying to figure out how much exposure they should allow their teen to have within these mediums and how to protect them from the pitfalls of virtual communication. The following tips may be helpful in navigating technology together with yourteen:

-Limits should be placed around texting and being on the computer for social purposes. For example, many teens often multitask (e.g., texting while completing homework) – completing homework in a distraction free setting is encouraged. Talking with your teen that if they focus strictly on school work for a period of time, the work will be completed quicker, and thus enable them to utilize social media sooner.

-Parents often take away cell phones or access to social media when providing consequences to their teen (for behavior, decline in grades, etc…). Given the importance of social relationships to adolescences, complete removal of access to friends is discouraged. Instead, think about decreasing the time they have on social media.

-If your teen reports cyber bullying or school bullying, it is important that this is brought to the attention of the school.

-Additional resources on bullying can be foundat:

Emotional Changes

During adolescence, young teens are experiencing physical, social, and psychological changes and growth. In the midst of the excitement about dances, friends, and preparing for college, some teens struggle with stress (e.g., about grades) and mood changes. Some mild irritability is expected (sorry parents!) However, any significant increase in sadness, irritability, or anxiety should be closely monitored. In addition, any decrease in pro-social behaviors including socializing with friends, declines in grades or withdrawing from (once enjoyed) activities – are also signs of more significant difficulties. The following are important things to keep inmind:

-Parents should check in with their teen to monitor mood or any significant events that may be impacting their behavior.

-If parents have concerns regarding their son or daughter’s emotional functioning, school based or outpatient individual psychotherapy can help support the teen and family.

-Adolescence is a period we all remember – the drama, the uncertainty, and the excitement. However, all teens are not alike, so each journey through adolescence will look and feel differently. Despite the increasing independence, adolescents are still very much in need of their family to help guide this progression. Parents that continue to display empathy, patience, and openness to their young teen, will provide an environment for a teen to be self-confident and assured.