1:00 P.M.

Commission Members Present:

Ernie Dianastasis

Scott Green, Esq.

Dana Jefferson, Ph.D., for Michael Jackson, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Dennis Loftus

Pete Ross

Harold Slatcher

OMB Human Resource Management (HRM) Staff Present:

Lisa Allison

Abbey Feierstein

Linda McCloskey

Ian O’Neil

The meeting was called to order with a welcome from Dana Jefferson. Commission members and staff introduced themselves following which Dr. Jefferson provided an orientation to the Commission including: terms of office, appointment requirements, positions whose salaries are covered by the Delaware Compensation Commission, a proposed meeting schedule, and the governing legislation. The following key thoughts were also addressed by Dr. Jefferson: the state of the economy both statewide and nationwide, the labor market data collected from other State governments, significant organizational changes occurring since the last Commission in 2005, and that the positions covered by the Commission received the same yearly general salary increases as other State employees. Dr. Jefferson also noted that FY 2009 Budget epilogue language changed the effective date of the report in the Delaware Code from February 1, 2009 to July 1, 2009.

Lisa Allison then explained the data in the resource notebook prepared by HRM staff for use by the Commission members including salary survey data from other State governments, current salaries of the covered positions, major organizational changes, FTEs, budgets, and salaries from FY 2005 through FY 2009 as well as a copy of the report issued by the 2005 Commission.

The Commission members then considered election of two co-chairs to represent both the public sector and the private sector. Mr. Slatcher moved to elect Pete Ross and Ernie Dianastasis as co-chairs. Mr. Green seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Ross began by noting the unusual situation faced by the Commission this year with the downturn in the economic climate both nationally and locally and stated that financially the State would not be able to implement any recommendations to increase salaries of positions covered by the Commission. A discussion among the members ensued as to what course of action the Commission should take given the current statewide, nationwide, and worldwide financial circumstances. The pros and cons of a number of options were discussed. All members recognized the importance to the State of maintaining competitive and fair salaries for its top executives in order to attract and retain the highest caliber of public officers on the one hand and the immediate lack of funds to address this aim on the other hand.

Also discussed was the possibility of re-organizations in state government that might be needed in order to meet financial obligations and balance the budget.

Following consideration of a number of scenarios and the critical issues summarized in the preceding paragraphs (the economic condition of the State’s budget, the national economic climate, and the potential for government reorganizations), the Commission discussed a number of possible options contingent upon advice from our Deputy Attorney General.

The next order of business for the Commission will be the public hearing and meeting to be held on December 15, 2008.

Mr. Ross moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Dianastasis seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.