The Village Hall, North Street, Hellingly, East Sussex, BN27 4DS
Tel: 01323 461390

Minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee held at the Village Hall,

North Street, Hellingly.

OnWednesday 12th July 2017 at 6.30pm

P.016.07.17 – P.018.07.17

Present:Councillors, J Blake (Chairman), C Jackets and D White

In Attendance:Tracy Harper (Clerk to the Committee) and Jenny Hoodless (Parish Clerk)

Apologies:Councillors,G Hesselgrave, W Hesselgrave and P Strudwick.

Declarations of Interest:Cllr. J Blake declared a Prejudicial Interest in Application WD/2017/1487/LB

P.016.07.17The Planning and Environment Committee Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 26th June 2017were approved and signed.

P.017.07.17Matters Arising:

P.015.06.17The Clerk confirmed that an SLR (Strengthening Local Relationships) meeting had been arranged for 17th July at 1.30, at the Ringmer Depot. The agenda had been circulated to those attending.

P.018.07.17The Committee commented on the Planning Application received as follows:

Caldicotts Farm, Caldicotts Lane, Lower Dicker, BN27 4BG.WD/2017/1287/F

Garage proposed to each unit approved by application WD/2016/1944/F together with re-siting of vehicular access to unit 2.

The Planning & Environment Committee have NO OBJECTIONS to this application.

4 Luscombe Avenue, Hellingly, BN27 4DWWD/2017/1433/F

Proposed utility room extension.

The Planning & Environment Committee have NO OBJECTIONS to this application, however have concerns over the loss of a parking space in the area.

[Cllr. J Blake left the meeting]

Pelham Cottage, Church Lane, Hellingly, B27 4HAWD/2017/1487/LB

Relocate soil-vent pipe and rainwater down pipe, relay tiles to pitched roof over south elevation

The Planning & Environment Committee have NO OBJECTIONS to this application with the Conservation Officers approval.

[Cllr. J Blake re-joined the meeting]

Land South of New RoadWD/2017/6509/SO

Request for screening opinion for proposed residential development. Change to previously approved use of land.

The Planning & Environment Committee have the following comments:

  • In the original comments concerns were raised over the access for HGV’s in to and out of the site, this still stands. A more appropriate area would be the south of the site,
  • The traffic increase will influence the nitrogen disposition within Wealden,
  • This application would be a loss of local employment,
  • Concerns regarding the issue of sewerage, Southern Water are at compacity already,
  • S106 or CIL contributions, would this go towards open space / leisure facilities for Youth/Adults and the Community Hall planned at Roebuck Park?

P.018.07.17The Planning & Environment Committee discussed road Improvements put forward by the developer for the land to the west of Park Road. It was agreed to reply with the Committees comments of:

  • In accordance with the approved planning consent, as part of the redevelopment of the land to the west of Park Road to provide 240 new dwellings, the developer will be installing a new traffic signal controlled junction at the site access, which may have previously been consulted on. These traffic signals would be situated within close proximity to another proposed set.
  • To reduce vehicle speeds on the approach to the new signals it is now proposed that the existing 30mph speed limit will be extended approximately 316m northwards. The Committee SUPPORT this proposal. A new bus stop will also be provided in Park Road, the Committee OBJECT to this due to the narrow road and the volume of traffic using this road, and the existing stop on Upper Horsebridge will be upgraded. Details shown on the attached plans. The Committee OBJECT to this proposal due to the closeness to the mini roundabout and the Allotments Gardens where vehicles park on the path.

Meeting closed at 7.20pm

Date of next meeting: Scheduled 24th July 2017 at 7pm

Tracy Harper 19th July2017

Clerk to the Committee