August 18, 2014, 6:30 p.m., City Hall Meeting Room

Councilmember Drennen called the meeting to order at 6:30 a.m. in the Meeting Room at City Hall.


Elected Officials: / Councilmember’s Scott Drennen, William Burkes, and Todd Gunther
City Employees: / City Administrator Mark Bethune; and Public Works Director Dean Kaelin
Professional Representatives:
Guests: / Parametrix Engineer JC Hungerford


Councilmember Drennen motioned to approve the minutes from June 16, 2014 and August 8, 2014, seconded and approved.

Guests & Policy Issues:

Calistoga St W – Semi-truck parking in ROW – Code Enforcement Officer Larry Isenhart has identified the employer for who is driving and leaving the semi-truck parked in City ROW. Larry has mailed the employer a letter stating that if the truck should be parked in the City ROW that a traffic violation will be cited to the driver of the truck.

Truck Weight Limits - Councilmember Birkes brought up a point on the gross weight limit for vehicles/semi-trucks. The sign located in the North end of the City on SR 162 is actually located inside the City limits. Not prior to the City limit sign. He suggested a call be placed to WSDOT for having the sign re-located for fair warning to truckers enter the City.

SR 162 Water Leaks - Dean discussed a water leak that occurred 2 weeks ago on SR 162. The result of the water line repair work means in having SR 162 road work- repaved. The discussion lead to comments about water hammer. Furthermore, it is believed that the fire department may have been responsible for the water leaks as the leaks occurred rights after a training near the hydrant being used. Public Works staff has tracked the cost of repair and if a water leak should occur again as the result of fire department hydrant training, then the City will issue a invoice for the repair work.

Village Green No Parking Request – Resident Mr. Ken Sorenson of Village Green called Dean a few weeks ago requesting No Parking near Colorossi and Spangler intersection. The issue Mr. Sorenson finds is when cars park near the intersection that motorists cannot see around the corner. The committee sighted many intersections throughout the City with the same issue. Councilmember Birkes said that if there’s no proof of accidents at this intersection or any other intersections like this in the City then parking should remain as allowed. However, the committee did note that it’s illegal to park 30’ from a stop sign. Mark has requested that Mr. Sorenson attend the Transportation Meeting to state his case in order for City to make recommendation for a solution.

Old Business

1.  Transportation
Benefit District: / Dean commented that the contractor, Sierra Santa Fe will be starting chip seal work week of August 25 thru 29. Warning signs have been posted on streets and as motorist enter the City electronic signs have been programed.
Scott has requested a list and map of streets designated for the chip seal this year be in Council packets for distribution this Friday, August 22nd.
2.  Transportation Improvement Board (TIB):
3.  Van Scoyoc Ave SW Parks Lighting:
New Business
1.  Sidewalk trip hazard Assessment
2.  Street Light Request Policy: / Washington Ave N: Two-Way Left Turn Lane UPDATE:
The two-way left turn lane has a gap between Leber St and Whitesell on SR 162. The turn lane will help improve traffic flow in this area.
JC mentioned that the City has receive a TIB grant for construction of $813,000 and a grant from PSRC for design for $147,000.
Last meeting JC provided a Scope of Work on Washington Avenue North two-way left turn lane and a completed design for the improvements.
Parametrix Engineer Jennifer Dvorak will attend the next Council meeting to present the design. Complete final design will be about $157,000.
To date, the City has spent approximately $65,000 on preliminary design, all of which has been paid for by the grant. The City budgeted to spend $170,000 on the project this year and the total expenditure, if approved, will be $221,450.67. This will require $51,450.67 in additional funding. JC and Mark met and determined that there is enough money in the 320 Transportation Impact fund to cover the expense.
Van Scoyoc Ave SW (100 & 200 blocks) Parking Lights UPDATE:
JC provided a plan detail with a description of plantings, trees, curbing and LED lighting. Curbing installation to protect the light poles is the main topic of discussion. It’s the committees desire to see curbing be installed on the west side of the park parking lot, parallel to Van Scoyoc Ave SW (100 & 200 block), for both parks. Curb length will be on inside of parking lot with 4 radiuses in each parking lot and to abut along existing sidewalk.
The result of the conversation was to request public works refer to the Small Works Roster and go out for bid to determine cost of the curbing prior to committing to lighting installation.
A representative from Precision concrete cutting will be town on Wednesday to demonstrate trip hazard (TH) removal. The company will also provide a free assessment of a section of the City for TH and costs for each. If the City should want to move forward with TH removal then the overall costs will assist during budget time.
A draft policy for street lighting request is being drafted and will be provided at the next transportation meeting.

Action Items:

·  Provide a list of streets for chip seal for next Council packets

·  Request a LED test light for the turn of the century light pole outside City Hall

·  Establish a draft policy for addition to our street lights and citizen requests

Round Table:

Meeting Adjourn:

Councilmember Drennen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.


Secretary Laura Hinds Chairperson Scott Drennen

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