
Albany Area Chamber of Commerce

General Membership Meeting

September17, 2014

Hillcrest Family Restaurant

Members present: Susan Iverson, Tim Jopp, Lisa Groetsch, Aaron Smith, Mary Sauerer, Ben Dalsing, Jason Wesenberg, Judy Becker, Lynn Pennie, Cassie Nentl, Paul Tomczik, Laurie Dingmann, Tim Vos, and Mike Kosic.

Meeting called to order by Chamber President, Laurie Dingmann @ 12:14 p.m.

Introductions by all chamber members present were made.

The general membership reviewed the minutes from the October meeting. No changes or corrections. Motion to approve the minutes made by Paul Tomzcikand seconded byLynn Pennie.

Aaron Smith, Treasurer,presented the treasurer’s report. There were only a couple items in September. Some dues are still coming in. Heritage Day booth shows profit. The business insurance was paid. YTP is looking good and on budget. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Lynn Pennie and seconded by Paul Tomczik.

There was no buck report available for this month.


2015 Tri Cap Bus Contract—Linda Elfstrand from Tri-CAP Transit has requested $742 for 2015. This is a 3% increase. Total riders in 2011-758, 2012-647, 2013-479 and to-date in 2014-266. They are in Albany 3.5 hours per week from 9:30-1:00PM. We still need to do more research. Why do other towns succeed with this and we don’t’? It was mentioned that there should definitely be more advertising. We will wait and see if the Lions Club sponsors ½.

LED Sign update—Susan updated the members present about the progress of the upcoming sign. So far Susan has raised $10,000 (from Albany Mutual Telephone.) She has also asked both the Lions Club as well as the Jaycees for the same amount. It is looking promising, but no guarantees have been made yet. She is still taking bids on the sign. We are hoping to get this put up in spring.

Telephone Issues—Jason Wesenberg—Jason handed out rough drafts of a letter to be signed by the Chamber members. He is working with the FCC, Albany Mutual and others to solve these issues. It has been brought up that other businesses are having the same issues. Currently he is working with the MN Public Utilities Commission. He explains that these are unacceptable issues. Some regulations have been changed and there are new ones being made. Federal and State are not the same. Jason is looking for some feedback. Lisa Groetsch, Albany Telephone, mentioned that businesses should be keeping track of bad calls and contacting their legislature about it. A template of the final letter will be sent out to all businesses.

Santa Day—The planning of Santa Day is underway. Any business interested in donating to the treat bags, or becoming a vendor and showcasing their business, contact Susan at the Chamber office.


Albany Heritage Day 2015—Albany will be celebrating 125 years in 2015 and the Heritage Day Planning Committee (made up of Chamber members, Albany Lions, and Albany Jaycees) has made some spectacular decisions. Meetings have stopped for this year and will resume again in February. If you would like to be on the committee, contact Susan and the Chamber office.

Pay It Forward Banquet—February 7, 2015. If you are involved with any other organizations in town, be sure to start thinking about who you want ot nominate this year. Anybody interested in joining the Annual Banquet Committee is welcome to do so. Meetings will be over the lunch hour at random businesses.


Announcement of November meeting: Noon, Wednesday, November 19, 2014at City Hall. Twin Pines will cater.

Prize Drawing

Meeting adjourned at 12:40pm