Full Gospel Fellowship – Bible Study

Reality of Redemption Series: 2

Galatians 3.13-14

What Does It Mean To Be Redeemed?

The word redeemed literally means – to buy back or purchase; to pay a ransom (in order to liberate or deliver something or someone).

Our text verse for this series tells us that Christ has redeemed us – it is already done (has is past tense).

How are we Redeemed?

1 Corinthians 6.19-20

How did Christ redeem us?

·  He paid the ransom. You were bought with a price – blood of Jesus.

You are not your own – your life does not belong to you.

You belong to Jesus (1) by right of creation, and (2) price of redemption

1 Peter 1.18-20

The blood of Christ is precious.

·  How precious? – it is more valuable than silver or gold, which are corruptible.

How much are you worth that Jesus would give His life-blood for you?

·  Quit saying “I’m not worthy” (effectively mean I’m not worth it) – false humility, spirit of pride

Why Did We Need to be Bought?

Isaiah 50.1-2

He had to buy us back because we had been sold / taken into captivity. He did not sell us – we sold ourselves. But He redeems and delivers

We sold ourselves through sin to the enemy

Isaiah 52.1-3

‘We shall be redeemed’ – at a price but not with money, with the blood of Jesus.

2 Peter 2.18-19

We sold ourselves into bondage – satan promised freedom but brought us into bondage. (see Genesis 3.4-5)

Romans 7.14

Sold under sin – sold into slavery through sin, which produces death.

Those who commit sin are slaves to sin (John 8.34; Romans 6.6, 16-18)

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6.23) – wages is money paid for something done. The price due for sin is death. Jesus paid that ransom and redeemed us from sin and death.

Being Sold We Needed a Redeemer

Leviticus 25.47-48

[This whole chapter deals with the issues concerning redemption and the Jubilee.]

The poorer man sells himself to the rich man as a slave (vs47)

After he is sold he can be bought again (vs48)

He can be redeemed by one of his brothers.

Redeemer = kinsman, next of kin (nearest living male relation)

It was the responsibility of the kinsman-redeemer to:

·  Redeem from slavery (vs48)

·  Redeem from debt and poverty (Leviticus 25.25)

·  Redeem the life of one murdered (Numbers 35.21)

·  Continue the family line (Deuteronomy 25.5-6; Matthew 22.24)

We sold ourselves under sin to the enemy but Jesus our kinsman-redeemer paid the redemption price to free us

We Are Not Our Own

1 Corinthians 7.22-23

We were bought at a price and now belong to God – we are the Lord’s freedman.

We live to serve the Lord.

Galatians 5.1

Do not go back into that from which you were redeemed.