Concepts of Algebra 1

Mrs. Wisniewski email:

I expect you to come to class EVERY day prepared, organized, and ready to learn this will impact your grade. Class time is for MATH I expect you to focus 100%, contribute positively, and work to the BEST of your ability.

Materials to bring EVERY day

·  Pen or Pencil (preferred) NO light colors or RED

·  Daily Log Sheet (recommend you place in front of binder or staple to inside of notebook)

o  Fill out daily and turn in 2 times per marking period 100pts total

·  Notebook or filler paper in binder

o  Notes: Neat and complete ALL Examples, Vocabulary, and Samples

o  Assignments

·  Binder or folder

o  Keep ALL notes, worksheets, handouts, tests and quizzes in order by date / topic

§  You may be asked to refer to these for binder / folder checks or quizzes

§  You will also need to refer to notes and examples when completing assignments

Assignments: For each assignment online, iPads, worksheets, textbook, etc. in your notebook include

·  Top of Page

o  Full Name

o  Date Started

o  Title or Page number of assignment

·  Problems shown with written work / explanation

o  If no work is shown write a short explanation of why not

o  Corrected mistakes

·  At the end of the assignment

o  Score if given

o  Date Completed

o  Rating of how well you understand the material: Not at all, Somewhat, Little, Well, Very Well

Online and iPad assignments will be given frequently.

·  Allows me to quickly access your progress & instant feedback so you know if you are doing the problems right

·  Most will have unlimited attempts with an expectation that you will redo any below 75%

·  Some will have 1 or limited attempts and count as “quizzes”

·  Modifications will be made on an individual basis

·  Accountability so that you get credit for achieving and showing mastery of content

·  Part of the grade will be working problems out on paper & documenting in your notebook (see above)

·  Assignments NOT complete in the given class time MUST be completed outside of class

·  Retakes of QUIA assignments may also be completed outside of class

·  iPads cannot be borrowed you may come during study hall, enrichment, or 8th period

·  Depending on teacher meetings, etc. Mon & Wed 8th period will be set aside for students to come for extra help

Textbooks: Keep books in good condition

o  In class: Textbooks will be kept in the classroom at the tables.

§  Textbooks are assigned to table by number so do not exchange books from table to table

o  At home: Textbook online

§  Instructions for accessing the online version are on my webpage. (Will setup in class)

§  No computer or internet access: Sign out a book which must be returned by the end of the year.

Grading: typical point values (may vary based on length, depth, etc)

·  Assignments 25 to 50pts each (3+ per week)

·  Quizzes 50-100pts each (3+ per marking period) + 5pts if signed by parent & returned

·  Tests 100-200pts each (2+ per marking period) +10pts if signed by parent & returned

·  You may retake quiz or test within 2weeks during study hall, enrichment, or 8th period

·  Points will be deducted for late assignments

·  Plagiarism or cheating will result in a zero for the assignment and possible further action

·  Grades will be updated in Skyward regularly. Late assignments may take longer to record than if done on time


Before entering room

·  ALL personal electronic devices (cell phone, mp3, etc.) must be off and out of sight

o  Devices will be confiscated and may be returned at the end of class or sent to the office

·  Dispose of all food and beverages

Arrive on time with all materials do not wait to get materials until class has started

Check front table for daily handouts

Take a calculator (MOST of the time, a few days / topics you will NOT be allowed to use them)

Check the Front Board: Information for log sheet: Topic, assignments, what we will be doing

Check the Back Board: May have startup problem, notes, or other information regarding the class for the day

If we are using the computers

·  Sign the computer log book then sign into computer

·  Computer numbers are assigned, stay at your computer

·  Take care of the equipment as you are responsible for damage to computers / iPads

·  Work only on assigned activity QUIA, Applets, Other and Keep volume low

If we are working on iPads

·  Sign the iPad log sheet

·  One of the teachers or an assigned student will hand you your iPad from the cart KNOW your NUMBER

·  While using iPads you are NOT allowed to be in any other Apps other than the one assigned

·  You are not allowed to change any settings including backgrounds, security features, etc.

·  Respect other students’ files / work in the iPad

·  Do not leave your iPad unattended when leaving your seat for ANY reason

·  iPads will either be collected by a teacher or assigned student and placed back in the cart by number

·  Keep volume low

If we are doing whole group instruction

·  Sit at tables be sure you have any materials you need

·  Stay silent when others are speaking & raise your hand to participate and ask questions

·  Take notes, complete practice problems, etc.

If we are working in small groups

·  Arrange yourself as instructed

·  Work / stay on task assigned and keep volume low

During class

·  Stay in your seat unless given permission

·  Be respectful to others

·  Keep volume low

·  Ask questions!!! Make sure you understand!!! Work on math!! Pay attention!! Stay on task!!

Leaving the room

·  Except in extreme emergencies request should not be made during instruction

·  Ask before we begin or while we are doing independent work

·  You must take a PASS and sign out CORRECTLY as well as mark on your LOG sheet

·  Leave the room for the minimum time possible <5minute and limit the number of times per week <2

·  Leave and return quietly without causing disruption

·  Do not abuse the privilege

·  If you have any medical conditions that require more frequent restroom visits please let me know

Consequences include but are not limited to parental notification, additional assignments, disciplinary referrals, restricted hall movement, change of seat, grade deductions…….

YOU are responsible for your education and if you set out to do well you can!! Math can be frustrating for some and may require you to work really hard to understand it. Some find math easy and can be a valuable resource to others. You are expected to independently use ALL resources available including notes, textbook, examples, etc. to learn the material as well as with teacher assistance or guidance. I expect you to learn from your mistakes & do the best you can to master and become proficient in algebra. I am sure I will be proud of all of you throughout the year for your efforts and together we will work towards getting you ready to succeed on the Keystone Exams but more importantly we will work together so that you learn because learning is VERY important for your future.

Please detach this page, sign it and return it by Tuesday, September 10th.

All school rules as stipulated in the student handbook will be strictly followed. Parents or guardians can contact me at with any questions or concerns.

Student Pledge (10 points):

I have read the guidelines for this course, and my signature indicates my knowledge of the requirements and expectations for this course as well as my intention to meet them.

Student Name (Please print):______

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Pledge (10 points):

I have read the guidelines for this course, and my signature indicates my knowledge of the requirements and expectations for this course as well as my intention to help my student meet them.

Parent/Guardian Name (Please print):______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Daytime Phone Number: ______

E-Mail Address: ______