Minutes of meeting of Belton Parish Council held on Tuesday 8th November at 7.00pm at Belton Village Hall,School Lane, Belton

Present: Cllr L wainwright, Cllr N Burbidge-Mullen, Cllr D Branford, Cllr D Lindley, Cllr N Timms

Clerk; Sarah Codd

4 Members of the public present

161/2011 Public Questions

A repeat request was received from Belton Parochial Church Council (BPCC) for a donation towards to cost of mowing the Church Yard. It was agreed that this request would need to be discussed under item 168/2011.

Concern was raised about the danger of people playing golf on the recreation ground.

Resolved: ‘Golf prohibited’ ready to be put up on Recreation Ground along with other health and safety signs.

A representative from Belton Villa Football Club presented a cheque of £110 as a half of their contribution for mowing costs. The rest of the money will be presented before the end of the financial year.

162/2011 Declarations of Interest both Personal and Prejudicial on items of the agenda

Cllr N Timms declared an interest a personal interest in minute 168/2011 as a member of Belton Community Action Group( BCAG).

Cllr N Burbidge-Mullen declared a personal interest in minute 168/2011 as a member of BCAG Both of these declarations were made in relation to fundraising and the Precept. Cllr N Burbidge-Mullen also declared a personal interest in minute 168/2011 as a member of Belton Juniors football club in relations to discussion regarding costs recouped from clubs using the recreation ground.

163/2011 Apologies for absence

Apologies were given and accepted from PCSO Stanhope.

164/2011 Minutes of the meeting of 13 September 2011

The minutes were agreed pending the following alterations being made:

(1)  147/2011 (6) to read ‘Shepshed Town Cricket Club are sending their payment for 2011 in full.

(2)  147/2011 (9) to include specific road names (Mill Lane and Rempstone Road)

Resolved To accept and sign minutes as true record once the agreed alteration has been made.

165/2011 Police Report

A report from the clerk was read out. 2X thefts had been reported for October. A warning was given to ensure sheds and out buildings are secure now that the evenings are darker. The Police team also have a security marker set available to mark belongings.

166/2011 Clerks Report - Appx A

Clerk waiting for feed back from Chris Elston at Planning regarding the concreting over of the drains at the front of the building.

Clerk explained that Belton is on the list of funding for traffic calming but that any measures are not likely to be installed in the near future. The cheaper ‘car battery type flashing speed signs are easy to remove/stolen and are a lot of money for what they are so may not be worth investing in.

There had been no suggestions from members of the public for positioning of the grit bins. The Clerk would therefore go ahead with the 6 locations suggested and agreed by the Council previously (34/2011).

167/2011 Account scheduled for payment since previous meeting

The following cheques were raised and agreed:

1023 LRALC 25

1024 Charnwood Signs 177.6

1025 The Poppy Appeal 30

1026 Incorrectly written Cheque 0

1027 Countryside Gardens 550

1028 Les Robey 465.31

1029 S L Lockwood 91.2

Total out 1339.11

The clerk confirmed that Countryside Gardens said that they had been every week despite claims made by the groundsman that they had missed the last two weeks. It was agreed that the mowing contract for 2012/13, including a procedure for checking mowing dates would need to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Resolved Clerk to send out cheques and include mowing contract/tender as item on the next agenda.

168/2011 To agree next year’s Precept

The Council agreed that there was a need to increase resident’s awareness about what a precept is and what it is used for. The important of a village Plan in regards to forward planning was also raised.

The predicted spend at the year-end for 2011/12 was compared to the actual budget. Based on this and allowing for any price increases/inflation, the draft figures for each item in the precept for 2012/13 were agreed. Any amendments were noted by the clerk. These included the provision of funds for legal costs in relation to the Pavilion Lease and possible costs for providing a flashing speed sign in the village. The predicated VAT return and carry over from 2010/11 – 2011/12 were discussed and factored in, as was the need to ensure that the precept would not rise this year. A draft precept of £17,000 was proposed. The draft precept allowed for a donation towards the churchyard mowing as requested in 161/2011.

Resolved Clerk to make all amendments, update the predicated spend for 2011/12 and investigate costs of specific items before the next meeting in January when the final precept would be agreed.

Cllr Burbidge-Mullen to write a piece for the next issue of the Maypole explaining what a precept is, how it is decided upon and what it is spent on.

169/2011 To agree action for the benches on the Recreation Ground

It was agreed that independent advice be sought from a colleague of Cllr Timms as soon as possible. Depending on this the Parish Council would either go ahead with the free repair work offered by The Gardeners Bothy or look at an alternative option. The Parish Council agreed not to go ahead with the second order and would like the back of the British Legion bench to be corrected.

Resolved Await independent advice. Cancel second order.

170/2011 To agree on the quote for the bus shelter in Market Place

Resolved Clerk to carry out necessary consultation and order 4 m toughened glass, cantilever bus shelter with end panel and large timetable case. No maintenance service is offered but the shelter would be guaranteed for 1 year from installation (faulty workmanship not vandalism). Once installed work needs to be checked asap so any faults can be reported.

171/2011 Update from Clerk on Pavilion/Recreation Ground, including costs so far

The Clerk reported that the Parish Council’s contribution towards the pavilion was now complete and that since March 2010 £2649.69 had been spent. The allocated budget was £2000 with a further £600 received as donations from the football Clubs. The overspend was therefore £49.69. Some of the work had been paid by Belton Villa Football Club so a cheque for £465.31 was presented to them to cover their outstanding costs. The only outstanding issues were the fire extinguishers, kitchen draws, problems with the toilet flush and the leak in the ceiling. It was agreed by both the council and Belton Villa Football Club that the cost of these would be split 70-30% (Football Club/Parish Council). It was also agreed that Belton Villa could charge Belton Juniors for the hire of the pavilion for May to August.

The Clerk confirmed that in regards to the electrical works Unwins had stated that an Earth Rod was not required as the system already had a neutral conductor bonded to the Earth from a box in the road and that the Earth Readings were all within the limits.

The quote regarding the mole holes has been accepted and work due to go ahead soon. The junior football club will cone of problem areas as necessary. It was also requested that the Junior Football Club move their goal areas to allow grass to recover.

In regards to the coning off of the cricket square, the clerk reported that aon had advised that the fenced off area needs to be put up by a professional so that if it falls on someone the Council and Cricket club are covered by insurance. If the area is clearly marked out and someone runs into the barriers the Council would not be liable as it is something that could not be helped.

Resolved Belton Villa to find 3 quotes for toilet and plumbing problems and go ahead with best quote. Cllr Burbidge-Mullen to go ahead and get the kitchen draws fixed and Clerk to arrange installation of fire extinguishers as per quote from initial fire services. Clerk to contact Cricket Club regarding the marking off of the Cricket square.

172/2011 Planning:

(a)  Planning Applications: Consider and respond to the following

11/00850/TPO - Works to three Oak Trees and Two Lime Trees (Trees Protected by Tree Preservation Order T197) 29 Church Street, Belton, Loughborough.

Resolved To not object to this application

AMELLO/11/00357/FUL – Two-storey extension following removal of single storey rear projections - 7 Market Place, Belton, Loughborough.

The wrong plans has been sent through in regards to this application. Clerk to investigate and request more time to consider the correct plans once received.

(b)  Planning Decisions notified since the previous meeting: 11/00527/FUL – Installation of door to south porch and levelling/regarding of footpath to form disabled access approved under planning permission reference APP/G2435/A/aa/2147283 without complying with condition 2 so as to enable the installation of an amended timber and glazed door at St John The Baptist Church, Church Street, Belton, Loughborough. - Permission Given.

Decision noted.

11/00643/FUL – Erection of a rear extension to doctors surgery to provide additional consulting rooms, kitchen and conservatory at The Surgery, Mill Lane, Belton, Loughborough. – Permission Given

Decision noted.


173/2011 A brief report on the outcome of the Doctors Surgery Application – by Cllr Burbidge – Mullen and to discuss a response to the letter sent from the Surgery.

The planning application for the surgery has been passed but little has been altered on the plans following the Parish Council’s objection. The surgery confirmed in writing however that they have put up signs asking patients to park responsibly and provided lines over the residential access. It was agreed that further investigation with Highways regarding improved parking in Market Place, including protecting the maypole was required.

Resolved Clerk to chase Wayne at Leicestershire County Council Highways and respond to surgery letter, thanking them for their support .

174/2011 An update from the clerk on traffic calming and Community Speed Watch.

Discussed as part of item 166/2011

175/2011 Date of next meeting

Confirmed as 10th January 2012 to be held at 7.00pm in Belton Village Hall.

This was later altered to 17th January 2012.

The meeting finished at 10.00pm

Signed: Date:

Belton Parish Council Minutes 8th November 2011 Page 2 of 4