MINUTES of NEO Chapter

Meeting date: 2/16/2013

Call to order:The meeting of the NEO Chapter was held in La Grande, Oregon on February 16, 2013. The meeting convened at 1:05 pm, President Becky Hamann presiding..

Members in attendance:Karen Hasel,Kim Hilton, Elaine Case, Shelly Cimon, Mike Weinkauf and Barbara Weinkauf

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Karen Haseland seconded by Elaine Caseto approve the minutes of the October 20, 2012 meeting.

Motion carried.

Officers' reports:

Treasurer: Current Balance - $1,980. Payments: $68.25 for NEO Chapter Annual State Insurance, $200 donation to Sound Equine Options (of 10 registered members there were 8 votes yes and 2 no responses)

Unfinished business:

Program Director: At the next scheduled meeting 4/27/13 there will be a body work demonstration by Emily Sharratt held at Kim Hilton’s barn. Time yet to be announced and will be open invitation.

Tracie Wick and Amber Johnson discussed the first schooling show – Dressage at Elaine’s - to be held on June 28, 2013 at the barn of Allen and Elaine Case. Discussion on possible classes to offer ranged from command class, trail class, equitation class and dressage suitability. Will give further update at the 4/27 meeting.

The July 12-14 camp/clinic was discussed again with the possible selection of clinicians: Jillian Santi, Heather Olsen, Deb Dougherty and Marian Woodhead. Further discussion will be needed as far as location and whether any meals will be catered.

Farm Tour: Discussed possible sites to visit including carpooling to a farm in Washington. Will revisit at future meetings.

New business:

Awards: Karen Hasel gave the group another company that very nice ribbons can be obtained – Hodges Badges.

Next meeting will be held at the barn of Kim Hilton on April 27, 2013

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Karen Hasel and seconded by Mike Weinkauf

Motion carried - Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Weinkauf, Secretary

NEO Chapter