Pre-AP Pre-Calculus Syllabus


Teacher: Coach Brazelton


School Phone: (256) 582-2046


Blitzer, (2010). Blitzer Precalculus. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ.


Pre-Calculus brings math to life with many real-life applications. This course will include lectures, hands-on explorations, projects, classwork, and homework that corresponds to the objectives mandated in the Common Core and Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards.


This class will require you to bring pencils, a notebook, notebook paper, and graph paper. Every student will also need a TI-84 graphing calculator. Calculators will only be allowed at the teacher’s discretion.


The Guntersville High School Mathematics Department uses the following percentage split for grades. This is consistent for all Pre-AP classes.

Tests/Projects: 75%

Classwork/Homework: 25%


It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed assignments within 5 days of the excused absence. Any work missed due to an unexcused absence may not be made up. If you are out, make sure to get the notes/assignments from fellow classmates before returning to class. Once again, it is your responsibility to get your missed notes/assignments. All missed assignments are entered as a “0” until made up. All work that is one day late will drop 50% of that grade. Any work more than a day late will not be accepted. Assignments are due on the due date.

Being absent the day before a test does not allow you to take the test late. Students will be given plenty of advanced notice about tests, so being the absent the day before is not an excuse to take the test late. This includes absences for school functions. If you miss the day before a test, you will miss the review. It is imperative you are present on these days.


This class has three rules: 1) Be Respectful, 2) Come Prepared, and 3) Follow School Handbook. Each of these rules encompasses many situations that may arise in the classroom. Failure to follow these rules will result in 1) verbal warning, 2) writing assignment, 3) parent contact, 4) office referral.

All classroom procedures will be discussed at the beginning of the year. These procedures will aid in the organization and overall flow of the classroom. Students will need to learn the procedures as they are discussed and put them into practice daily.

I have read and understand the course syllabus, and I will follow its guidelines throughout the 2016-2017 school year.


Student Name Parent/Guardian Name


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent Contact Information:



Desired method of contact (Circle one): Phone or E-mail