Design a front cover for your sports project. Make sure you include the following information on your front cover:

·  Name

·  Form

·  Your chosen sport or activity.

You could also include a photo of yourself performing in your chosen sport or activity and/or a photo or picture of your favourite performer playing in your chosen activity.

You need to assess the physical fitness strengths and weaknesses of yourself using tests for 3 different components of fitness.

Complete a test of fitness for cardiovascular fitness/endurance, strength and muscular endurance. Record your results accurately in a table and give yourself a rating for your performance in each test.

Appendix 1 has information on how to complete the tests along with rating scores.


Based on your performances in the tests, discuss your fitness strengths and weaknesses. This could be done in the form of a table or an open written passage.

Complete a wider range of fitness tests and record your results.

Define each of the elements of fitness that you have completed tests for, give an example of their use within your chosen sport and then explain the importance of each of the elements of fitness to your chosen sport.


You could make reference to the different positions of your chosen activity within your response.

You could rank the elements of fitness in their order or importance to a performer in your chosen sport.

Select a skill from your chosen sport/activity and identify the following:

·  The major muscles used and the role that each muscle plays when performing the skill

·  The major bones used and the role that each bone plays when performing the skill

·  The joints used to perform the skill and how each joint allows for the skill to occur.


Identify the types of joints used when performing your selected skill. What are the names of the actions which occur at those joints when performing your chosen skill?

Demonstrate your strong knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology by repeating the above tasks for more than one skill from your chosen sport.

Select an element of fitness which you would like to improve your fitness test score in. Based on your fitness test results from task 1, set a new performance goal for this element of fitness for if you were going to repeat the fitness test after several weeks of training.

For instance, if you wanted to improve your muscular endurance and you completed 23 good press ups when you performed the fitness test in task 1 you could set a goal of achieving 28 press ups after performing some fitness training.

Discuss why you selected the element of fitness that you did and how an improvement in this area will impact on your overall performance in your chosen sport.


Research SMART goals. Discuss how the goal which you set above is SMART.

Identify the method of training which you will use in order to make try to achieve your fitness goal. This will likely be continuous training, interval training, weight training or circuit training.

Produce a plan for a training session using that method of training which explains exactly what you will be doing during your training session. Make sure that you consider:

·  the equipment you need

·  timings during training sessions

·  the intensity / work-rate

·  where it will take place

·  instructions of how you will perform each action in your MOT

·  a warm up and cool down.

If you add some pictures and diagrams to your plan it could help to make your plan easier to follow.


Produce a plan for a 2nd training session using your method of training. The 2nd training session should be physically harder than the 1st one in order to push your fitness during the final weeks of your training programme.

Produce a plan to target your fitness goal using an alternative method of training to your original one.

Define what each of the principles of training are. Explain how you could apply each of the principles of training to your training programme to ensure that it is effective.

The principles of training are:

·  Specificity

·  Overload

·  Progression

·  Reversibility

·  FITT.

Explain the importance of a balanced diet to a sportsperson.

Identify the 7 different nutrients that contribute to a balanced diet and for each of them describe their functional value to a sportsperson and provide examples of the foods that each of the 7 nutrients are found in.

Complete a diet diary for a period of 3 days or a whole week by recording everything that you consume in that time. Analyse how healthy your diet is and what you could change in order to ensure that your diet helps to prepare you for your training programme.

Cardiovascular endurance / stamina


1.  Set out a measured running course.

2.  You have 12 minutes to travel as many times as you

can around the course.

Record your score in meters.

Muscular endurance

This tests the muscular endurance of 2 specific muscle groups.

1.  Perform as many press ups as you can in a minute. You can use easier press ups with your knees on the floor if you need to.
2.  Record the number of good repetitions you do.
3.  Perform as many sit ups as you can do in a minute. Each rep should end with your fingers going beyond your knees.
4.  Record the repetitions you do.
This tests maximal strength of your shoulder muscles

1.  Stand up straight holding the weight in both hands.
2.  Raise the weights in one smooth action, keeping your arms straight, until your hands are as high as your shoulders. You must then hold this position for 2 seconds.
3.  You must keep the rest of your body still at all times, only your arms may move.
4.  You have 2 attempts at each weight. If you fail in 2 attempts you should select a lighter weight.
Record the heaviest weight you can successfully complete the lateral raise.


Poor / Below Average / Average / Good / Excellent / Poor / Below Average / Average / Good / Excellent
Points / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Cardiovascular Endurance / Cooper’s 12 minute run / <1400 / 1400 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 / <1900 / 1900 / 2200 / 2400 / 2700
Cardiovascular Endurance / Multi-stage fitness test / L4S7 / L5S1 / L6S7 / L9S1 / L10S9 / L6S6 / L7S1 / L8S9 / L11S2 / L12S7
Muscular Endurance / 1 minute sit up test / <9 / 9-14 / 15-20 / 21-25 / >25 / <17 / 17-19 / 20-25 / 26-30 / >30
Muscular Endurance / 1 minute press up test / <5 / 6-9 / 9-14 / 15-21 / >21 / <7 / 8-11 / 11-19 / 20-30 / >30
Speed / 30m sprint / >5.1 / 5.1 / 5.0 / 4.9 / 4.8 / >4.8 / 4.8 / 4.6 / 4.4 / 4.3
Strength / Handgrip Dynamometer / <15 / 16-20 / 21-26 / 27-32 / >32 / <28 / 29-36 / 37-43 / 43-48 / >48
Strength / Lateral raise test / <2 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 8 / <3 / 3 / 5 / 8 / 10
Power / Standing broad jump / <1.35 / 1.35 / 1.46 / 1.56 / 1.66 / <1.65 / 1.65 / 1.76 / 1.86 / 2.01
Power / Vertical jump test / <22 / 23-31 / 32-40 / 41-51 / >51 / <25 / 26-35 / 36-47 / 48-59 / >60
Flexibility / Sit and Reach test / >0 / 0 / 7 / 15 / 22 / >-5 / -5 / 0 / 7 / 18
Agility / Illinois agility run / >23.4 / 23.4 / 22.4 / 18.6 / 17.5 / >18.8 / 18.8 / 17.6 / 16.7 / 15.9
Balance / Standing stalk test / <11 / 11 / 26 / 40 / 50 / <11 / 11 / 26 / 40 / 50
Coordination / Alternate hand wall catching test / <18 / 18 / 23 / 26 / 28 / <18 / 18 / 23 / 26 / 28
Reaction Time / Ruler drop test / >28 / 28 / 20.4 / 15.9 / 7.5 / >28 / 28 / 20.4 / 15.9 / 7.5