CHS 101 Lesson 7-1

Fall 2002

SEC. 1 & 2


L7.1 / 11/26


Character p.83-87 / 11/27
L7.1 / (11/28-29)
Ganen-jie Kuaile


L7.1 / 12/3
Listening &
Grammar HW / 12/4
Review / 12/5
Oral Exam /


Presentation / P. 75
Sect. One: A
Sect. Two: A / P. 80, C: 2, 4
P. 81, F: 2, 4
P. 82,
G: 1, 4, 6, 8

SEC. 3


L7.1 / 11/26


Character p.83-87 / 11/27
L7.1 / (11/28)
Ganen-jie Kuaile


L7.1 / 12/3
Listening &
Grammar HW / 12/4
Oral Exam / 12/5
Presentation / P. 75
Sect. One: A
Sect. Two: A / P. 80, C: 2, 4
P. 81, F: 2, 4
P. 82,
G: 1, 4, 6, 8

四﹑Thursday (Wednesday for section 3) [学生汉语拼音卡 4套]

Preview (If time allows)

(15m) Divide the students into 4 groups.

Each group has 1 set of cards.

Have them figure out how to pronounce the pinyin correctly.

(If no time, jump to this step) Read over new words in the textbook.

一、Monday [生词卡、投影片]

§  New Materials

(5 m) Brainstorming all new words (things related to studying Chinese, how students feel about

learning Chinese) Teacher writes down the words and pinyin on the blackboard (better

beside the white projection screen) (According to the textbook, write words #1-14 on the left, #15-27 on the right).

(20 m) Introduce vocabularies (possibility: selectively use transparencies v1-v15) and how to use

these vocabularies to make short phrases. Pair work When finish introduce half of the new words (and all the new words) ask the students to read them to each other.

(25 m) Dialogue exercises, according to IC web Activity book – (see appendix)

(1)  (1 m) Listen to tape, guess meaning

(2)  (1 m) Listen to tape and see it on the transparency

(3)  (8 m) Imitate a dialogue based on the English hint

(4)  (2 m) Listen to tape again

Repeat twice for two dialogues

AT LAST, read the new words again with and without pinyin.

二、Tuesday [生词卡、 投影片]

§  Review

(2 m) Review Vocabulary (pinyin and tones)

(8 m) Vocabulary Quiz

§  New Materials

(30 m) Sentences patterns:

1.  第 (trans.: g1-3)

Speaking Exercise: everyone says the sentences: 我家有.…个孩子 我是第…..个孩子

2.  V + de +adjective

V + O +V + de +adjective (trans.: g4-g9)

Before introducing the grammar, brainstorm verbs and their relevant adjectives, e.g.

唱歌 --- 好听 写字 --- 漂亮

3.  有一点儿 adjective

(10 m) Pair work: pattern drill on textbook p.138 得, p. 139 太 adj 了, 有一点儿 adjective

三、Wednesday [生词卡、投影片]


(3-5 m) Review vocabulary: distribute the flashcards to students (1 or 2 per student), ask the student

to make sentences for the word he gets.

(5 m) Review grammar: V + de +adj, V + O +V + de +adj, 太 adj 了, 有一点儿 adj

(10-15 mins) Speaking & Listening Exercises: Interview 2-3 of your classmates and find out how

they are doing with and feel about learning Chinese.

New Materials

(5 m) Use of new words (trans.: g12-g15):教. 跟

(20 m) Study the text: dialogue-1

1.  First listen to the tape only

2.  Listen and repeat (read the textbook). Ask them the meaning of each sentences and emphasize the grammar we learned

3.  Listen

4.  Answer questions (workbook p.76 II Speaking Exercise, Dialogue I.)

5.  Pair up to act out the dialogue, and the teacher will go around to help. (If time allows, ask students to perform in class.)

一、Monday [生词卡、红黄绿纸、三个盒子]


(10 m) Vocabulary: using flashcards.

(20-25 m) Game: Do these phrases fit together?

Each student first write on three paper strips, each with a certain kind of phrase on it.

(Subj + Verb + Obj + Verb + de + adv +modifier). For example, is "Ni3 xie3zi4 xie3 de hen3 hao3kan4" acceptable? The class will decide together.

Step 1: Teachers cut color papers into strips:

White strip: student's own name

Green strip: Verb + Obj + Verb + de (a verb of the student's choice)

Pink strip: adv + adj (e.g., bu4 hao3, hen3kuai4 etc.)

(Brainstorm for verbs and adjs, eg. eat, drink, good-looking, delicious)

Step 2: Strips with the same colors are put in a box.

Step 3: Each student is asked to pick one strip from each box; then, each shows / tells the

class the resulting sentence. Teacher asks everyone for each sentence, "你们觉得这个句子行/好/可以吗?"

(15 m) Do reading exercise: workbook p.77-78 Section one: A, B

If time allows, p. 83 Section Two: B (you can review some old vocabularies, e.g. eating,


二、Tuesday [生词卡、投影片]


(15 m) Go over grammar homework in class: ask students to write on the blackboard.

(10 m) Listening/Writing(literacy) Exercise: choose the right answers.

(Information for Teacher: Little Bai is taking first-year Chinese. He can write Chinese characters well, but speaks very slowly. He thinks that Chinese grammar is not hard, but learning Chinese isn't easy. He likes to study Chinese and studies every day. He often listens to audio tapes. He does very well on exams. He has many Chinese friends. He usually goes to Chinese class early.)

(25 m) Radical Review Sheet:

Possible activity: (before giving them the sheet)

-- Use Radical Flashcards, ask students for words with specific radicals.

-- Or divide the students into several teams and give them a radical and a few minutes

the team who writes down most words for the radical wins!

三、Wednesday [Grammar Review sheet, Radical Review sheet]

Semester Review

(25 m) Writing/Speaking Review

Give them one sheet at a time.

Review/write one page and do the speaking exercise.

(25 m) Radical Review Sheet: (continued)

