2 Washington Square – Union StationJanet A. Pierce Executive Director

Worcester, MA 01604Chris J. Ryan Community Development

Ellen Blunt Transportation

Dianna Provencher Business Manager

Trish Settles Municipal Collaboration

Howard N. Drobner Commission Chair

ApprovedbyavoteoftheCommittee– ______

CMRPCLegislative AffairsCommittee


April 26, 2016

Present:Adam Gaudette, Jim Bates, Leon Gaumond, Tim McInerney, Tom Klebart(Quorum - YES)

Staff:Trish Settles

Absent:Robin Craver


  1. Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 2:48

  1. Minutes of October 28, 2015

A motion was made by Jim Bates to accept the minutes of October 29, 2015. The motion was seconded by Leon Gaumond. Tom Klebart abstained. Four voted in favor and the motion passed.

  1. Legislative Updates, Discussion, Requests for action

There was a brief discussion about the Commonwealth Community Compact Commitments by the Towns of Sturbridge, Spencer and Grafton. Trish shared a brief update on the house budget as it pertains to funding for DLTA and Community Compacts.

A motion was made by Leon Gaumond and seconded by Jim Bates to recommend to the CMRPC Exec Committee at its meeting Thursday night that a letter be send to our legislators urging them to support funding DLTA at $3.4 million. All present voted in favor. The motion passed.

Adam shared with us that discussion of the MMA Fiscal Policy committee regarding the House No. 4094. The bill would establish Supplemental Infrastructure Financing for Transportation (SIFT). Adam was concerned that MARPA was supporting the bill but that the MMA Managers and TMs and TAs were very opposed to it because they were concerned that MassDOT would use it to defer responsibility for transportation funding. Trish will ask Janet to inquire about why MARPA is in support. The text of the bill was distributed and will be discussed if needed at the next meeting. Trish will also ask the Transportation staff for their comments.

Tim also shared a challenge he was facing in Grafton trying to provide a property tax abatement to a resident who was mistakenly assessed and paid for 10,000 sf of residential property. But state law prevented the town from issuing an abatement because it was late and over a specific limit. Suggestions were made on how to address it.

  1. Discuss May Event

Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito has been invited to provide an overview of the Municipal Modernization Bill. She initially indicated that she could, but we have not had further confirmation since. Trish has asked John Robertson from MMA to come as a backup resource.

The Draft agenda is

8:00 Registration, Networking, Hearty Breakfast

8:30 Welcome

8:40Municipal Modernization Bill Overview, Karyn Polito, Lt. Governor (invited)

8:55Legislator Response, Questions, and Comment and other Updates

9:40 Audience Response, Questions, and Comment

9:55 Legislative Affairs Committee Progress Report

10:00 Closing remarks

This provides more time for legislators than usual, because they often leave before they get a chance to speak. Trish will send out another invitation to the Legislators and emphasize that detail. She shared the current RSVP list which is at 28.

  1. Next meeting

Immediately following the Leg Affairs Breakfast at 10:15 in the Grant Conference Room.

6. Adjournment.

A motion to adjourn was made by Leon at 3:40pm. The motion was seconded by Jim. All voted in favor and the motion passed.