This information is presented with the understanding that it may be used as a basis for the acceptance of a contract by the seller. The undersigned hereby authorizes the agents to disclose to the seller, seller’s agents and any lender, all or any portion of the information sheet. Any misrepresentations, fraudulent entries and/or omissions on this form, which may adversely affect the Buyer’s ability to qualify for a loan, may be used as a basis for legal action.

Buyer ______Soc. Sec. # ______

email ______email 2 ______

Home Phone ______Bus. Phone ______Cell ______

Address______City, State, Zip ______

Years at present address ______Own or rent ______PITI or Rent ______email address ______

Previous Address ______City, State, Zip ______

Occupation Position and/or title ______Years in this job ______

Place of Employment ______

Address ______

Previous Employment ______

Co-Buyer ______Soc. Sec. # ______

email ______email 2 ______

Home Phone ______Bus. Phone ______Cell ______

Address ______City, State, Zip ______

Years at present address ______Own or rent ______PITI or Rent ______email address ______

Previous Address______City, State, Zip ______

Occupation: Position and/or title ______Years in this job ______

Place of Employment ______

Address ______

Previous Employment ______

Gross Annual Income:BuyerCo-Buyer

Self-employed______Both buyers First-Time

Base salary$ ______$ ______MD Home Buyers? ______Overtime $ ______$ ______Will both buyers occupy

Bonuses$ ______$ ______this property? ______

Commissions$ ______$ ______Number of dependents? ___

Dividends$ ______$ ______Notes: ______

Net Rental Income$ ______$ ______

Other: ______

Has either buyer ever declared bankruptcy? ______

Any outstanding judgments, lawsuits or tax liens? ______

Are there any factors that could affect your ability to obtain a mortgage? ______

Is any part of the down payment or settlement costs being obtained from a source other that from assets listed above? ______


Present Residence: Mkt. Value ______Mtg. Bal. ______Lender ______

Checking $ ______Bank ______

$ ______Bank ______

Savings$ ______Bank ______

$ ______Bank ______

Other$ ______in ______

$ ______in ______

Liabilities: (Outstanding obligations including auto, mortgage(s), credit cards, personal loan(s), and/or cosigned loans.)

TypeCreditor’s NameUnpaid BalancePayments remainingMonthly Payment

______$ ______$ ______

______$ ______$ ______

______$ ______$ ______

______$ ______$ ______

I (we) certify that I (we) are over the age of majority and that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and by my (our) signature(s) acknowledge receipt of this financial information sheet.





The Buyer’s Best, LLC

301-874-5100, 1-866-631-0525

Fax 301-607-4524