Mrs. Pentecost 2018-2019

Literature & Language ArtsClassroom Agreement

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.Aristotle


  1. Line up promptly outside of the classroom. Walk quietly into the classroom taking your assigned seat.
  2. Place books under your desk and begin ‘Bell Work’ task immediately.
  3. Come prepared with homework and materials.

Student planner, sharpened pencils, erasers, pens, markers, colored pencils, paper, 3-ring binder with tabs, textbooks, AR book, flash drive

  1. Raise your hand to ask a question.
  2. Work cooperatively with a partner or in a team.


  1. Papers are passed up each row and placed in each section’s work bin.
  2. Bathroom sign-outs accepted after completion of ‘Bell Work’ and student planner.
  3. Students are dismissed from class by rows.
  4. During transitions, teacher response signal means stop talking. Bells during group work indicate ‘freezing’ for further instruction.

Personal Code of Conduct

I am here to learn.

Therefore I will:

*Respect myself, others, and the environment.

*Cooperate with all school personnel.

*Do nothing to keep the teacher from teaching or

Keep anyone, including myself, from learning.


  • Alternate seating Conference/detention Office referral

Daily class time is PRECIOUS!

Come prepared to make the best use of your time.

Eighth Grade ELA

Literature / Non-fiction Resources

Collections Anthology, Close Reader, Common Lit, Newsela,

The New York Times Upfront

Independent Reading AR Test Monthly Average

(Daily) NewselaQuizzes Monthly Average

Independent Writing Quick-writes - rubric

(Daily) Article of the Week (AOW) -rubric Double-Entry Journal – rubric

Summary Frames for targeted skills

Quarterly Composition

Literary Analysis (Argument) Persuasive Argument

Informative Essay Multimedia Argumentative Research

Analytic Reading - Class NovelsDouble-Entry Journal Annotations

Don’t You Dare Read This Characterization, Point of View

Mrs. Dunphrey (Q1)

To Kill A Mockingbird (Q2) Universal Truths

We Beat The Streets (Q3) Author’s Purpose/Perspective

The Cage

Night Tone/Mood

Anne Frank Synthesis/Symbolism

Out of the Dust (Q4) Author’s Style

**Computer access is necessary to word process papers and projects. Please initial which option will work best to complete this expectation.

______home access ______public library access ______after school appointment

Word Study Vocabulary, Roots, Affixes

Grammar Speaking & Listening Skills

Parts of Speech Collaborative discussions / Presentations

Materials: Textbooks, AR book, 3-ring binder, tab dividers for ELA Binder, flash drive

1) Close Reading 2) Vocabulary 3)Writing 4)Grammar

Assignments follow school policy of due dates. Makeup Work - It is the student’s responsibility to secure all make-up work from the class absence folder before class as well as checking the daily assignment calendar. You may contact or email assignments to me at

Student Signature ______Parent/Guardian Signature ______

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
