PROPOSAL NO: RFP-HS-B01/2017/2018



Name of Company: ______

Contact Person: ______

CSD Registration No: ______

Contact Numbers: Cell ______Tel______

E-mail: ______Fax______

Project Description / CIDB Grading
Contact person:Mr L. Mofokeng
Tel: 051403 3648
Fax: 051403 3993
PO Box 211
CLOSING DATE: 19 September 2017 / Chief Director: PMU
Mr. F. Tokwe
Tel: 051403 3825
Number / Heading
Part T1: Tendering procedures
T1.1 / Tender notice and invitation to tender
T1.2 / Tender data
Part T2: Returnable documents
T2.1 / List of returnable documents
T2.2 / Returnable schedules
Part C1: Agreements and Contract data
C1.1 / Form of offer and acceptance
C1.2 / Contract data
Part C2: Pricing data
C2.1 / Pricing Assumptions
C2.2 / Pricing Data
Part C3: Scope of work
C3 / Scope of work

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Reference no ......






The development is located between the Harrismith CBD and Intabazwe 42nd Hill (existing township) and it is zoned for, residential (full title and high density), waste dump, sports centre, service industries, primary school, secondary school, court and medical centre

The project entails 1 458 land parcels/erven numbered 3 458-4 915 and Streets situated on Portion 186 of the Farm DorpsGroden van Harrismith 131:Owner of Land – Maluti A Phofung Local Municipality. The land availability of this parcel was handed over to the Department of Human Settlements.

All the 350 are fully serviced stands and partially vandalized

Bulk infrastructure available for all 1 458 stands but no reticulation on the 1 078 stands


Mixed use development must comprise of:

Low income

Middle income houses

Middle to High income

The proposed development should consist of social recreational facilities.

The Land Availability Agreement will entail the following provisions:

  1. The land ownership is not transferred from the Municipality, i.e. the Municipality remains the owner;
  2. As the developed units are sold, the Municipality obtains an agreed to rate per square meter rate, which is essentially the proceeds for disposal of land as the residential units are sold;
  3. The Municipality would enter into negotiations on making available incentives for such developments in lieu of the infrastructure that may be required for the development;

The company, consortium or joint-venture bidding should have capacity of a 7CEPE and 7GBPE minimum CIDB Grading with NHBRC


The development is located between the Harristmith CBD and Intabazwe 42nd Hill (existing township)


The motivation of this Request for Proposal is to develop the Intabazwe area and create affordable housing for the working class people in the area. The proposal will be at no cost to the state for the provision and delivery of housing and internal water and sewer reticulation on this land parcel.


All Enquiries regarding this proposal should be submitted in writing to


All documentation submitted in response to this RFP must be in English.


Respondents should check the numbers of the pages to satisfy themselves that none are missing or duplicated. No liability will be accepted by the Department in regard to anything arising from the fact that pages are missing or duplicated.

  1. A compulsory clarification meeting/ Site visit will take place at Cnr. Warden and Southey Streets, Harrismith Town Hall, Harrismithon31 August 2017 , starting at 11h00.
  2. Failure to attend this clarification meeting will lead to disqualification.

Proposals should be submitted at OR Tambo Building (in the tender box, Floor 7, on the foyer) at the address mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the prospective supplier to ensure that the proposal is deposited in the tender box before 11h00 on 19 September 2017.

O R Tambo House,

CnrMarkgraaff and St Andrews Streets,



If a courier service company is being used for delivery of the proposal document, the tender description must be endorsed on the delivery note/courier packaging to ensure that documents are delivered to the tender box, as mentioned above.

  1. Where a proposal is not received by the Department in the tender box by the closing date and time, it will be regarded as a late proposal and thus it will not be considered.
  2. The Respondent shall not assume that information and/or documents supplied to the Department, at any time prior to this request, are still available to the Department, and shall
  3. Consequently not make any reference to such information document in its response to this request.
  4. The Respondent is responsible for all costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposal.
  5. A copy/ies of any affiliations, memberships and/or accreditations that support your submission must be included in the proposal.
  6. Kindly note that the Department is entitled to :
  7. Amend any RFP conditions, validity period, specifications, or extend the closing date and/or time of these RFP before the closing date. All Respondents to whom the RFP documents have been issued, will be advised through the appropriate media platform, e.g. eTender portal or through email those service providers who shall attended the compulsory briefing session, of any such amendments in good time;
  8. Verify any information contained in a proposal;
  9. Not to appoint any bidder;
  10. Vary, alter, and/ or amend the terms of this RFP, at any time prior to the finalisation of its adjudication hereof.
  11. An omission to disclose material information, a factual inaccuracy, and/ or a misrepresentation of fact may result in the disqualification of a proposal, or cancellation of any subsequent contract.
  12. The Department also reserves the right to award this RFP to:-
  13. An organisation that has strong B-BBEE credentials in terms of current BBBEE legislation
  14. An organisation that is a joint venture with a black empowered company.
  15. B-BBEE status will be considered as part of the evaluation criteria when evaluating the proposals.
  16. The Department also reserves the right to award this RFP as a whole or in part without furnishing reasons.
  17. The Department also reserves the right to cancel or withdraw from this RFP as a whole or in part without furnishing reasons and without attracting any liability
  1. The Respondent hereby offers to render all of the services described in the attached documents (if any) to the Department on the terms and conditions and in accordance with the specifications stipulated in this RFP documents (and which shall be taken as part of, and incorporated into, this proposal at the prices inserted therein).
  1. This proposal and its acceptance shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained in this RFP document.
  2. Proposals submitted by companies must be signed by a person or persons duly authorised thereto by a resolution of a Board of Directors.
  3. The Respondent shall prepare for a possible presentation should the Department require such and the Respondent shall be notified thereof no later than 4 (four) days before the actual presentation date.
  1. Standard Professional Services.
  2. The conditions applicable to this Contract are the Standard Professional Services Contract (July 2009 edition)published by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB).

A Service Level agreement will be entered into with the successful bidder. Skills transfer Plan will be part of the Service Level Agreement

  1. It is the expectation of the Department that the bidder is familiar with all legislations and standards applicable to this Bid, including the following:
  2. Cost Control measures for the construction of new primary and secondary schools and the provision of additional buildings at existing schools,
  3. The National Treasury’s Standard on Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management System (SIPDM),
  4. Public Finance Management Act, act no 1 of 1999,
  5. Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2017,
  6. The CIDB Act, act no 38 of 2000,
  7. All the relevant Legislations, Treasury Regulations, Circulars, and Instruction Notes.

Failure to adhere to any of the below mandatory requirements will lead to disqualification.

  1. A valid Tax Clearance Certificate, or a unique security Personal Identification number (PIN) issued by the South African Revenue Services (where Consortium / Joint Venture / Sub-
  2. Contractors are involved, each party to the association must submit a separate Valid Tax Clearance Certificate or a unique security personal Identification number).
  3. Central Supplier Database (CSD) registration report must accompany this bid.
  4. A Municipal services (water, sanitation, rates and electricity) clearance certificate or Lease Agreement with a Current Bill of Account not owing more than Ninety (90) days.
  5. Certified copy of BBBEE certificatemust accompany this bid
  6. A valid Attendance Certificate issued at the Compulsory Clarification Meeting must be attached to each Bid Document.
  7. Certified copy of company registration Certificate.
  8. Certified copy of ECSA certificate.
  9. Certified copy of NHBRC.
  10. Certified copy of valid CIDB grading of 7 CE PE and 7 GB PE.
  11. Company/ Business profile must accompany this bid.
  12. Joint venture agreement (if the tenderer is a joint venture), and Combined Certified copy of B-BBEE status level certificate all entity entered in to the agreement.
  13. Letter of intent for project funding from a credible financial institution.


Bidders must achieve a minimum of 75 points of the functionality points to be considered for further evaluation.

No / Activity / Maximum points
1 / Free State Based Suppliers:
Proof indicating that Municipality rates are up to date which is not in arrears than three months ( valid proof of residential address must be attached )
  1. Free State Based
  2. South African Based
  3. Non South African
/ 10
2 / Experience:
Demonstrated experience in infrastructure projects and built environment of development company or JV partner or consortium partner.
Development project to the value of:
  1. R 100 million or more
  2. R 50 and R 100 million
  3. R 25 and R 50 million
Attach completion certificates or running contracts / 20
3 / Key Staff: years of experience or more for professional proposed with CV, qualification and (professional registration) / 30
4 / Technical Proposal based on mixed developments
  • Business plan
  • Financial model
  • Project implementation plan
/ 40
Total / 100

The department has discretion to invite the bidders to the interview and the following criteria will be used:

Presentation and Interviews
The evaluation criteria shall be scored independently by not less than three evaluators in accordance with the following schedules:
  • Evaluation Schedule 1: Business Plan
  • Evaluation Schedule 2: Financial Model
  • Evaluation Schedule 3: Experience of Key Staff
  • Evaluation Schedule 4: Tenderer’s Experience
  • Evaluation Schedule 5: Project Implementation Plan
The scores of each of the evaluators will be averaged, weighted and then totalled to obtain the final evaluation score.
The prompts for judgment and the associated scores used in the evaluation of quality shall be as follows:
Score / Prompt for judgement
0 / Failed to address the question / issue
2 / A detrimental response / answer / solution – limited or poor evidence of skill / experience sought or high risk that relevant skills will not be available
4 / Less than acceptable – response / answer / solution lacks convincing evidence of skill / experience sought or medium risk that relevant skills will not be available.
6 / Acceptable response / answer / solution to the particular aspect of the requirements and evidence given of skill / experience sought
8 / Above acceptable – response / answer / solution demonstrating real understanding of requirements and evidence of ability to meet it.
10 / Excellent – response / answer / solution gives real confidence that the Tenderer will add real value.
The scores of each of the evaluators will be averaged, weighted and then totalled to obtain the final score for quality.


The following documents must be included in the proposal:

(a)Company Profile

(b)Curriculum Vitae clearly showing all the relevant qualifications and applicable certificates of key personnel which will be allocated to this project/s.

(c)Completed and signed Annexure A, B, C and D as per the provisions of Standard for Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management.

(d)The above is in addition to specific information requested in the RFP document regarding skills, areas of competence, technical expertise, etc.


Failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions as set out above will invalidate the Proposal.

The Department’s decision on proposals received shall be final and binding
T1.1Tender Notice and Invitation
THE FREE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTSrequest Tender proposals for the appointment of a Developer on a Turnkey solution in HarrismithIntabazwe Corridor.
The physical address for collection of Tender documents is at Department of Human Settlements, O.R Tambo House, Corner Markgraaf and St. Andrew Streets Bloemfontein 9301 email:
Documents may be collected during working hours after 08:00 on 16:00.
A non-refundable document deposit of R1282-00payable in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque made out in favour of the Employer is required on collection of the documents. Please be advised that the bid documents can also be downloaded from the etender portal at at no cost.
Each tender must be submitted in a clearly marked sealed envelope, addressed to:
Supply Chain Management
O.R Tambo House
c/o Markgraaf and St Andrew Streets;
Floor 7, Foyer
Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to the following officials:
SCM related enquires:
Mr. L. Mofokeng on the email–: 051-403 3648
Technical related enquiries
Mr. F. Tokwe - 051403 3825
Tenders Proposals may only be submitted on the documentation that is issued out by the Department.
Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivery, opening and assessment of Tenders Proposals are stated in the Tender Data.

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Part T1: SubmissionProceduresTender Notice and Invitation

Reference no ......

T1.2Submission Data
The conditions applicable to this call for expressions of interest are the Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest as contained in AnnexH of the CIDB Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement (January 2009) as published in Government Gazette No 31823, Board Notice 12 of 2009 of 30 January 2009. (See
The Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest make several references to the Submission Data for details that apply specifically to this submission. The Submission Data shall have precedence in the interpretation of any ambiguity or inconsistency between it and the Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest.
Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the clause in the Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest.
Clause number / Submission Data
H.1.1 / The employer is:
Department of Human Settlements
H.1.2 / The documents associated with the calling for expressions of interest issued by the employer comprise:
Part T1: Tendering procedures
T1.1Tender notice and invitation to tender
T1.2Tender data
Part T2: Returnable documents
T2.1List of returnable documents
T2.2Returnable schedules
Part C1: Agreements and Contract data
C1.1 Form of offer and acceptance
C1.2Contract data
Part C2: Pricing data
C2.1Pricing Assumptions
C2.2Pricing Data
Part C3: Scope of work
C3 Scope of work
H.2.1 / Only those Tenderers who satisfy the following eligibility criteria are eligible to submit expressions of interest:
1)Mandatory Requirements:
a)A valid Tax Clearance / Compliance Certificate, or a unique security Personal Identification number (PIN) issued by the South African Revenue Services (where Consortium / Joint Venture / Sub-contractors are involved, each party to the association must submit a separate Valid Tax Clearance / Compliance Certificate or a unique security personal Identification number).
b)Submit a valid proof of registration of the National Treasury`s Central Supplier`s Database;
c)Supply municipal services (water, sanitation, rates and electricity) clearance certificate or Lease Agreement with a Current Bill of Account not owing more than ninety (90) days, (Preference will be given to service providers based in the Free State);
d)Proof that the managing member(s) with relevant experience of the business/practice are fully involved in the operations of the consultancy business (supporting documents must be provided);
e)Have completed the Compulsory Enterprise Questionnaire and who are considered by the Employer not to have any conflicts of interest which may impact on their ability to perform the proposed contract in the best interests of the Employer or potentially compromise the tender process and are free of persons in the state who are not permitted to submit tenders or to participate in the contract;
f)Service provider who are registered and in good standing with the compensation fund or with a licensed compensation insurer;
g)Service Providers who do not have any of their directors/shareholders is not listed on the Register of Tender Defaulters in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act of 2004 as a person prohibited from doing business with the public sector;
h)Service Providers who have not abused the Employer’s Supply Chain Management System or have failed to perform on any previous contract and have been given a written notice to this effect;
i)Attendance of the compulsory clarification meeting
2)Other Requirements
j)Joint Venture or Consortium submissions are eligible
k)Entities Registered with the Companies & Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
l)BBBEE Verification Certificate obtained from an entity registered with SANAS or ABVA preferable Level Four Contributor and above.
m)Not appearing on the National Treasury's list of black listed entities
n)CV’s of key personnel in the company including the managing member
o)5 year Management of Small Medium Micro Enterprise Empowerment Programme
p)Director of company must be registered with Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
H.2.5 / Compulsory clarification meeting will be held for this bid.
H.2.5 / The arrangements for a compulsory clarification meeting are as stated in the Notice and Invitation to Submit a Tender.
Tenderers must sign the attendance list in the name of the responding entity. Addenda will be issued to and submissions will be received only from those responding entities appearing on the attendance list.
H.2.7 / The employer’s address for delivery of submissions and identification details to be shown on each submission package are:
Department of Human Settlements
Location of Tender box: [O.R Tambo House, Floor 7, Foyer
Physical address: O.R Tambo House, Corner Markgraaf and St. Andrew Streets, Bloemfontein 9301
Identification details: ...... Tender reference number, RFP – HS-B01/2017/2018 and the closing date and time of the Tender : 19 September 2017 at 11h00.
H.2.9 / The closing time for submissions is as stated in the Notice and Invitation to Submit a Tender.
H.2.9 / Telephonic, telegraphic, telex, facsimile or e-mailed submissions offers will not be accepted.
H.3.3 / Late submissions will be disqualified
H.3.9 / 1) Bid Evaluation Stage 1
All Tenderers who submit responsive submissions and:
1)Mandatory Requirements:
a)A valid Tax Clearance / Compliance Certificate, or a unique security Personal Identification number (PIN) issued by the South African Revenue Services (where Consortium / Joint Venture / Sub-contractors are involved, each party to the association must submit a separate Valid Tax Clearance / Compliance Certificate or a unique security personal Identification number).
b)Submit a valid proof of registration of the National Treasury`s Central Supplier`s Database;
c)Supply municipal services (water, sanitation, rates and electricity) clearance certificate or Lease Agreement with a Current Bill of Account not owing more than ninety (90) days, (Preference will be given to service providers based in the Free State);
d)Have completed the Compulsory Enterprise Questionnaire and who are considered by the Employer not to have any conflicts of interest which may impact on their ability to perform the proposed contract in the best interests of the Employer or potentially compromise the tender process and are free of persons in the state who are not permitted to submit tenders or to participate in the contract;
e)Service provider who are registered and in good standing with the compensation fund or with a licensed compensation insurer;
f)Service Providers who do not have any of their directors/shareholders is not listed on the Register of Tender Defaulters in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act of 2004 as a person prohibited from doing business with the public sector;
g)Service Providers who have not abused the Employer’s Supply Chain Management System or have failed to perform on any previous contract and have been given a written notice to this effect;
h)Attendance of the compulsory clarification meeting
2)Other Requirements
a)Joint Venture or Consortium submissions are eligible
b)Entities Registered with the Companies & Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
c)BBBEE Verification Certificate obtained from an entity registered with SANAS or ABVA preferable Level Four Contributor and above.
d)Not appearing on the National Treasury's list of black listed entities
e)CV’s of key personnel in the company including the managing member
f)Director of company must be registered with Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)

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