

Minnesota History

Chapter 3 & 4 Study Guide

Vocabulary Words

1.  Oral tradition: the custom of telling stories about the histories and legends of a group in order to teach about that culture.

2.  Tipi: a cone shaped house made by stretching animal skins over a frame of wooden poles

3.  Sugar camp: village location during spring, when Dakota made sugar from maple sap

4.  Bark house: a rectangular house made with poles and covered with large overlapping strips of bark

5.  Wigwam: a round dwelling made out of poles and saplings and covered with sheets of birch bark or woven mats

6.  Pelts: animal skins that have been cleaned, stretched, and dried

7.  Alliance: an agreement made between two or more different groups to join forces to achieve a common goal

Put the events in the correct order

8.  Dakota sap collection

  Collect the sap in small birch bark dishes = #3

  Boil the sap until it becomes syrup and sugar = #5

  Pound wood chips into the tree cuts = #2

  Test the trees to see if the sap is running = #1

  Pour the sap into troughs or clay pots = #4

9.  Ojibwe migration story stops

  place where a river connects two large bodies of water = #3

  where there is a turtle shaped island = #1

  where water rushes over rocks and fishing is good = #5

  where there is a turtle shaped island = #7

  where thunder and water meet = #2

  where the foods grows on the water = #6

  where a series of stones lead westward = #4

10. Fill in the missing information

Dakota life

Spring Summer

House: bark houses House: bark house

Location: maple sugar camp Location: villages along rivers

Food: maple sugar, muskrats, beaver, duck Food: corn, berried, fish, wild rice

Winter Fall

House: Tipi House: Tipi

Location: Deep in woods near river or lake Location: hunting grounds

Food: stored meat, rice and fish Food: Large deer, bison, bear

True or False

11. __True__ The Dakota remember their history through a practice called oral tradition

12. __False__ The Dakota once lived in permanent houses deep in the woods

13. __False__ The Dakota believe that time runs in a straight line

14. __False__ The Ojibwe lived in tipis

15. __False__ The Ojibwe learned from the Dakota how to make birch bark canoes

16. __True__ There were periods of peace and war between the Dakota and the Ojibwe

Peace Agreement

What did each group gain?

17. Dakota: gained access to European tools, cloth, and weapons to make life easier

18. Ojibwe: allowed to hunt/trap farther west into Dakota territory

19. Frenchmen: secured a reliable source of furs to send back to Europe and make $$$$

Ojibwe Fishing methods

20. List four or more details about the Ojibwe fishing methods

·  Women hung weighted nets at night to be checked in the morning

·  Used different tools like spears

·  Men would cut holes in the ice and use a decoy to attract fish

·  Would often set fish traps in shallow water

·  Would use string and hooks much like today

21. Write 2 things in each circle – Dakota, Ojibwe, Both

Dakota =

·  lived in bark houses and tipis

·  made canoes out of hollowed out logs

·  spoke the Dakota language

Ojibwe =

·  lived in wigwams

·  made canoes from birch bark

·  spoke Ojibwe language

Both =

·  lived in forests

·  migrated with the seasons

·  hunted game

·  made sugar from maple trees

·  collected wild rice