Week 21 - Semester Exam Week

·  Mon 1/19:No School - MLK Jr Day

·  Tues 1/20:Speeches."Harrison Bergeron" Discussion. Sign up to bring food for Class Party. Semester Feedback.

o  OPTIONAL: Bring food to share for Class Party during Exam Period.

o  OPTIONAL: Buy copy ofFahrenheit 451. Bring to class starting Monday 1/27

·  Wed 1/21:Semester Exams 2nd and 4th periods

·  Thurs 1/22:Semester Exams 1st, 5th, and 7th periods.Prep for Fahrenheit 451, Wall-E: How does technology affect your life?

·  Fri 1/23:Semester Exams 3rd and 6th periods.Prep for Fahrenheit 451, Wall-E: How does technology affect your life?

Week 20

·  Mon 1/12:Expanding Vocab Challenge #7: Replace "Have," "Has," "Had."What makes a good speech? Videoexamplesof strong and weak speeches. Student Practice. ***You are not required to read text evidence that makes you uncomfortable. Just provide a brief summary of what is in the evidence so there are no gaps in your speech.***

o  HW:Banned Book Final Letter and Speech due Thurs 1/15, 150 points

·  Block Tues 1/13 & Wed 1/14:Speech examples and practice Day 2."Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut

o  HW: 1.Banned Book Final Letter and Speech due Thurs 1/15, 150 points

2.Finish reading "Harrison Bergeron" andQuestions, due Tues 1/20.

·  Thurs 1/15:Banned Book Letter and Speech due, 150 points.Speeches begin.Banned Book Extra Credit

·  Fri 1/16:Speeches

o  HW:Finish reading "Harrison Bergeron" and answer questions, due Tues 1/20.

Week 19

·  Mon 1/5:Expanding Vocab Challenge #6: Replace "Get" and "Got."Parts of a Strong Argument Graphic.Counterargument and Rebuttal Practice.Banned Book Project Time.

·  Block Tues 1/6 & Wed 1/7:"To A Mouse"Day 1. Counterargument and Rebuttal Practice #2.Banned Book Project Time: Outline.

·  Thurs 1/8:Banned Book Letter Outline due, 35 points."To A Mouse" Day 2.

o  HW:Banned Book Final Letter and Speech due Thurs 1/15, 150 points.

·  Fri 1/9:Banned Book Project Time: Draft Letter.Example Letter Format

o  HW:Banned Book Final Letter and Speech due Thurs 1/15, 150 points.

Mon 12/22 - Fri Jan 2: No School - WinterHoliday Break

Week 16

·  Mon 12/15:Discuss Ch 5-6.TestReview.Banned Book Project Time.

o  HW: Character and Thematic Ideas Charts due on block day, 50 pts. Study for OMAM test, 100 points: No notes, No book, Use specific details for evidence and support

·  Block Tues 12/16 & Wed 12/17:OMAM Test, 100 points.Character and Thematic Ideas Charts due: 25 points each, 50points together.Banned Book Project Time.

·  Thurs 12/18:OMAM Text to Film Comparison / Banned Book Project Time

·  Fri 12/19:OMAM Text to Film Comparison/ Banned Book Project Time

Week 15

·  Mon 12/8:Expanding Vocab Challenge #5.Characterization.Chatper 2Discussion Groups.

o  HW: Finish Ch 3

·  Block Tues 12/9 & Wed 12/10:Banned Book Project time and discussion.Ch 3 Questions.

o  HW: Finish Ch 4 for Friday. Write 1 Connection (Text to Text, Text to Self, or Text to World)

·  Thurs 12/11:Counselor Visit

·  Fri 12/12:Discuss Chapter 4 and connections.

o  HW: Finish Ch 5 and 6. Character and Thematic Ideas Charts due on block day, 50 points.

Week 14

·  Mon 12/1:BeginOf Mice and Men(OMAM) Unit. 1.Anticipation Guide. 2.Intro Notes

o  HW: OMAMMini Researchdue block day, 10 points.

·  Block Tues 12/2 & Wed 12/3:1.Library to check out OMAM. 2. Critical Reading Assessment Part 2.3. OMAM Theme Posters. 4.Banned Book Project time (15 mins)6th Period Agenda

o  HW: Response to Steinbeck on Discussion Page due Thursday.

·  Thurs 12/4:Why are books banned? Review Literary Devices. Chapter 1.

o  HW: Finish Ch 1.Imagery Studydue Friday,10 points.

·  Fri 12/5:DiscussChapter 1.Character ChartandThematic Ideas Chart, 25 points each, due Tuesday 12/16 and Wednesday 12/17.

o  HW: Finish Ch 2. Write 2 Discussion Questions (Interpretive or Beyond the Textor both).

Week 13: 7-period Schedule --UPDATED! Monday 11/24

·  Mon 11/24:Return R+J books to library.Work time on Special Assignment.Student Conferences.

o  HW:What Do Teachers Do...? Special Assignment,15 points due Wednesday. Bring a physical copy.

·  Tues 11/25:Review Critical Reading Assessment.Film to Text Comparison. Student Conferences.

·  Wed 11/26:Presentation of Special Assignment, 15 points. Student Conferences.

·  HW: Check out Banned Book from MIHS or public library or buy book. Let me know ASAP you have trouble getting a book.Bring to class everyday starting in December.

OPTIONAL: Buy copy ofOf Mice and Men

·  Thurs 11/27 - Fri 11/28:No School.Happy Thanksgiving!

Week 12:

·  Mon 11/17:Counselor Visit

·  Block - Tues 11/18 & Wed 11/19:Act 5. Introduce Banned Book Project (see page to the left for details)

o  HW: Banned Book Selection form due Thursday

·  Thurs 11/20:Banned Book Selection form due, 15 points.Review andPrepare for in-class write. Critical Reading Assessment.

o  HW: REMEMBER to go to Library on Friday and PRINT any notes you want to use.

·  Fri 11/21:In class write, 100 pointsGoto Library!!

o  HW: Check out Banned Book from MIHS or public library or buy book. Let me know ASAP you have trouble getting a book. Bring to class everyday starting in December.

Week 11

·  Mon 11/10:LOTF Essay Rewrites due. Banishment Handout due.Review Banishment handout. 3.4-3.5Family vs. Individual.Romeo and Juliet's wedding night.

·  Tues 11/11:No School - Veteran's Day

·  Block - Wed 11/12 & Thurs 11/13:ExpandingVocab Challenge #4.Act 4. Review Group Writing Quiz.

o  HW: Write down a Text to Self or Text to World Connection from any part of the play so far and bring to class Friday.

·  Fri 11/14:Info on in-class write. Act 5.

o  HW: Brainstorm and prepare for in-class write on Friday 11/21.

Week 10

·  Mon 11/3:2.3: Friar Lawrence. Paradox: Death and Life, Good and Evil.

o  HW: Read 2.4-2.5 (use No Fear Shakespeare for help!) and complete packet through 2.5.

·  Block - Tues 11/4 and Wed 11/5:2.6 Friar Lawrence's opinions. Writing practice.3.1 Mercutio and Tybalt. Mood, Characterization. Fate vs. Free Will.

o  HW: Act 2 Packet due Thursday.Who is most responsible for the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt? Writing Quiz Thursday, 25 points.

·  Thurs 11/6:Act 2 Packet due, 25 points. WritingQuiz, 25 points

·  Fri 11/7:Banishment Handout3.2 Juliet's reaction and 3.3 Romeo's reaction.

o  HW: Finish Banishment Handout

Week 9

·  Mon 10/27:2-hour Late Start.1.1: Characterization of Benvolio, Tybalt, and Romeo.

o  HW: Complete packet through 1.1.

·  Block - Tues 10/28 & Wed 10/29:1.2: Characterization of Lord Capulet.1.3: Characterization of Lady Capulet, The Nurse, Juliet.1.4: Characterization of Mercutio. Character development of Romeo. Fate vs. Free Will Discussion.

o  HW: Complete packet through 1.4.

·  Thurs 10/30:1.5: Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet Party.Return LOTF Essays.Editing Marks.RW=Required Rewrite. You must make an appointment for a writing conference to rewrite and raise your score from 50. Score will drop to 25 if you do not rewrite. Re-writes due Monday 11/10.

o  HW: Act 1 Packet due Friday.

·  Fri 10/31:Happy Halloween!Act 1 Packet due, 25 points.End of 1st Quarter.2.1-2: "The Balcony Scene" Guided Reading Packet:Act 2.Family vs. Individual. Love vs. Lust.

o  HW: Act 2 Packet through 2.2.

Week 8

·  Mon 10/20:Essay Final Draft due (printed copy) Monday 10/20, 100 points.New Seats. Library: return LOTF and check outRomeo and Juliet. LOTF:Text to Film Evaluation.

·  Block - Tues 10/21 & Wed 10/22:BeginRomeo and JulietUnit. See the new page on the left menu for R+J resources. Activate prior knowledge: What do you alreadyknow? Thinking Notes:Synopsis. IdentifyRomeo and Julietallusionsin pop culture. Finish LOTF film and Evaluation on Discussion Page.

o  HW: LOTF Text to Film Evaluation on Discussion Page

o  HW:Literary Devices Handout

·  Thurs 10/23:Essential Question: IsRomeo and Julietrelevant today? Understanding the language:Matching Practice.ParaphraseSonnets 18, 116, 130.

o  HW:WatchJohn Green's Crash Course on Romeo and Juliet(2 videos)

·  Fri 10/24:Guided Reading Packet:Act 1Prologue and Setup: Dramatic Irony.

o  HW: Complete packet through Act 1, Scene 1, Question 3.

Week 7

·  Monday 10/13:Writing Workshop:ReviewWriting Notes.Revise and correct your own essays.

o  HW: Bring aprinted copyof your Essay Draft to Block.

·  Block: Tuesday 10/14 & Wednesday 10/15:First Half: Counselor Visit.Fix the Mistakespractice. Peer Editing Rounds.

·  Thursday 10/16:Peer Writing Critique

o  HW: Printed copy ofEssay Final Draft due Monday 10/20, 100 points.

·  Friday 10/17:Literary to Visual Connection: Interpret the thematic ideas of LOTF into a visual representation. See some pastLOTF Book Coversfor inspiration.

o  HW: Printed copy of Essay Final Draft due Monday 10/20, 100 points. Bring library copy of LOTF to return on Monday.

o  Optional: Purchase your own copy of Romeo and Juliet (we will readthe Folger edition)

Week 6 - Homecoming Week

·  Monday 10/6:Lit Circle work due to Dropbox for 20 points before class.Review Irony.Lit Circles for Ch 10.

o  HW: Ch 11 + Discussion Page Response to"Those Invisible Beasties"by Simini Blocker.

·  Block: Tuesday 10/7 & Wednesday 10/8:Expanding Vocabulary Challenge #2. Discuss Ch 10-11 Questions.
1.Introduction to Argument Notes
2. LOTF Essay Assignment and Rubric (see new page on left menu)
3.Good and Evilquestions

o  HW: Ch 12 + Finish Good and Evil questions for discussion Thursday.STEAL charts (printed copy) due Thursday.

·  Thursday 10/9:STEAL charts (printed copy) due for 20 points.Discuss Ch 12. Philosophical Discussion: Good and Evil.

o  HW: Essay Draftprinted copydue Monday,

·  Friday 10/10:No School

Week 5

·  Monday 9/29:School Closed

·  Block: Tuesday 9/30 & Wednesday 10/1:Expanding Vocabulary Challenge #1. Symbolism and Thematic Ideas. Literary Connection:The Chocolate War.

o  HW: Ch 8, Write down questions as you read. FinishThe Chocolate Warchapter and think about the thematic connections to LOTF.

·  Thursday 10/2:Reading Quiz: Ch 5-7.(Cancelled).Discuss thematic connections between TCW and LOTF. Discuss Chapters 7-8. What is the Lord of the Flies?Discussion Sentence Starters.

o  HW: Ch 9

·  Friday 10/3:Continue discussion of Ch 8 and move to Ch 9.Irony and Allusion.

o  HW: Ch 10 +Updated Lit Circle Roles, uploaded to Dropbox by the beginning of class. Please carefully read the updatedinformationfor eachrole that defines theexpectations of the quantity of work.20 points.

Week 4

·  Monday 9/22:Library Orientation.Curriculum Night is Tuesday - Invite your parents and guardians to comemeet your teachers!

o  HW: Study for Quiz Ch 1-4 on Block Day.

·  Block: Tuesday 9/23 & Wednesday 9/24:Reading Quiz Ch 1-4.Types of Reading Questions:Students write and answer each others' Interpretive or Beyond the Text Questions.Reflection on Discussion Page.

o  HW: Ch 5

·  Thursday 9/25:Literary Connection: "We Wear The Mask" by Paul Laurence Dunbar.Lit Circles for Ch 5.

o  HW: Complete work for yourLiterary Circle Rolesfor chapter 5. Read Ch 6

·  Friday 9/26:Upload your Lit Circle work to Dropbox.Lit Circle Discussions + Report back to class. Discuss Ch 6.
Return TMDG Paragraphs (Key:Editing Marks)If no score and “Re-write” in top left. You must re-write again to earn a score.If 21 or below (before late points), you can rewrite to earn back points.

o  HW: Ch 7

Week 3 - Regular Block Schedule

·  Monday 9/15:BeginLord of the Flies(LOTF) unit. Characterization and STEAL Chart (see handouts and notes). See LOTF Guided Reading Questions page.

o  HW: Finish Chapter 1. Start your STEAL chart for Ralph or Jack.

o  HW: TMDG Re-write, printed copy due Thursday.

·  Block: Tuesday 9/16 and Wednesday 9/17:Back up guided reading questions with text evidence. Review STEAL characterization.Lost at SeaActivity.

o  HW:Ch 2

o  HW: TMDG Re-write, printed copy due Thursday

·  Thursday 9/18:TMDG Re-writes due.4-part summary for Chapter 2. What makes a good leader? Compare characteristics of Jack, Ralph, and Piggy. Personal response on Discussion Page.

o  HW:Ch 3

o  Late essays for a loss of 10% each day

·  Friday 9/19: Curriculum Night is Tuesday - Invite your parents and guardians to comemeet your teachers!Discuss classmates' responses on discussion page.Which is more important: rescue or survival?Discuss chapters 2 and 3.

o  HW:Ch 4, Study for Quiz Ch 1-4 on Block Day.

Week 2 - No Block Schedule

·  Monday 9/8:Review main points of How and Why We Read video.Review Active Reading and Literary Devices (All documents in Handouts and Notes).Begin reading and annotating (highlighting and writing notes and ideas) "The Most Dangerous Game" Reading focus: characterization and theme.

o  HW: Finish reading and annotating "TMDG"

o  HW: You MUST set up your Dropbox Shared folder andlearn how to upload documents from the iPad by Thursday. Ask your classmates or me outside of class for help!

·  Tuesday 9/9:Class discussion of "TMDG." Take notes for in-class writing assignment on Thursday.

·  Wednesday 9/10:Paragraphing Outline, Thesis Statements,and FreshmanHit List (see Handouts and Notes)

o  HW: Review handouts and discussion notes for in-class write tomorrow. You will write a paragraph with two pieces of evidence (a 2-chunk paragraph).

o  HW: Bring your charged iPad and be able to type and upload the document to your Shared Dropbox folder!

·  Thursday 9/11:In-class writingassignment.

·  Friday 9/12:Writing workshop day.TMDG Paragraph Prompt. Teacher marks: "HL" = Hit List, "QB" = Quote Bomb"

o  HW: Re-write TMDG paragraph analysis dueThursday 9/18. Bring a printed copy to class.

o  Optional: Buy a paper or digital copy ofLord of the FliesforMonday.

Week 1 - No Block Schedule

·  Tuesday 9/2:Welcome! Whoare you and who am I? Introduction to Ms. Kitamorn's class.

o  HW: Download these apps on your iPad: Socrative Student, Nearpod, Notability, Kokuban, Paper. Bring your iPad everyday.

·  Wednesday 9/3:Student Questionnaire. Video intros to English 9 from last year's students. Cover the2014-2015 English 9 Course Description.

o  HW:

o  1)Signed Contract Agreement:Review the Course Description with your parent/guardian. Print and sign the contract agreement (last page) with your parent/guardian.Due Friday 9/5 for 5 points.

o  2)Personal Essay-Using your best writing skills, write a one-page essay on this topic: What is something that (almost) no one here knows about you? I want to see your writing skills. Review therubric.Have fun with it! Essay should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font. Turn in to a Shared Folder Dropbox (SeeFAQfor instructions).Due Friday 9/5 for 20 points.

·  Thursday 9/4:True Colors Quiz.True Colors Characteristics.Review Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

o  HW: Personal Essay due tomorrow for 20 points. Signed Course Description due tomorrow for 5 points.

·  Friday 9/5:Signed Contract Agreement due. Personal Essay due to a Shared Folder in Dropbox. Watch, take notes, and discuss the video:How and Why We Read.

o  HW: LATE essays and signed contracts for a loss of 10% each school day.