Russell’s BBQ Restaurant, Rolling Meadows, Illinois


Carl Lankenau, President

Brian Zirves, Vice President

Darrell Sitarz, Secretary

Dave Evans

Scott Henry

Ross Kasner


Bill Schatz

Mike Lapke, Treasurer


Ryan Lankenau

Jim Perry

Rich Voss

Ryan Petty

Brian Sheppard

Christina Sheppard

Glenn Branstead


The meeting was called to order by Carl Lankenau at 7:22 PM


The September 2011 minutes were read by Darrell

Motion to accept by Brian without changes or corrections; seconded by Scott.

The Minutes were accepted for posting on the club website.


Treasurer Mike Lapke was absent therefore no report was given.

One thing was known for sure – The GingerMan weekend was not a loss.


Darrell again mentioned the Naperville project and passed out a revised copy of a proposal he put together from all the notes and previous outlines. There was a short discussion. Scott made a DVD of the KIC karting tape which we may use for our presentation which describes concisely the sport. Darrell will send him a copy of the tape. Scott also said he was working on a PowerPoint presentation as well. Carl will try to find out when the Naperville City Council meets and perhaps how to get on the agenda or even meet with the mayor?


There was a lengthy discussion that covered a myriad of subjects regarding the series. Suggestions included:

To try to increase Sunday participation, increase the Saturday entry fees and lower the

Sunday fees, a second day discount so to speak.

Need to raise entry fees.

Charge a different amount for “non-members” to race.

All racers must be a member.

That we charge for premium pit space

The discussion sometimes got off track because of audience participation.

Scott motioned that: “We entertain specific proposals for race fees for 2012 at the next

board meeting.” Motion was seconded by Brian. The vote was unanimous.

It was agreed upon that two (at the most) of the BoD members meet with Dave Larson to

discuss the future of the series, his ideas, etc.

Guest Jim Perry wanted to know: What do the races cost per weekend?He commented that

The club somehow we need to cut costs. A verylengthy discussion ensued. It was felt that

we need to start thinking “out of the box” when looking at costs, the future and what can be

done to secure the club’s future. The BoD mentioned to Jim that we have gone through

most of the costs and feel that there are few areas where costs could be cut. A lengthy

discussion followed.

Additional topics: The future of the club. The club’s relationship with CES.

Brian suggested that we rent Blackhawk Farms in early April for a test day.

A survey was taken at the final race weekend of the year. The results are as follows:

1. Do you prefer the new two day format?: 9-Yes, 4-No

2. Do you plan on running the whole CES/RVKC series in2012?: 9-Yes, 3-No

2a. Both days?: 9-Yes, 1-No

2b. If not both days, what is it that prevents you? Personal priorities, finances, etc? No one

answered this.

3. How many race weekends would you like for 2012? 2-3weekends. 0-4 weekends,

6-5 weekends, 7-6weekends

4. Obviously we want the entry fee as low as possible. That said, if entry fees increase for 2012, how might that impact your participation?

4a. 8-No impact

4b. 3-some impact-I’ddo a weekend or two less,

4c.2-I am very sensitive of entry fees

5. Are you willing to volunteer at events to keep costs down: 10-Yes, 2-No.

6. Would you support a sprint track in the Chicagoland area? 2-Yes, 4-No, 6-Maybe,


6a. If yes, would you race weekly (on other than CES weekends) 0-Yes, 2-No, 2-Maybe,


6B. If no, why not?: No one answered this.

6c. If Maybe, how often?: NO one answered this.

6d. Would you be willing to assist the club at a sprint track? 3-Yes, 2-No, 2-Maybe

7. Does traveling to tracks outside of our beaten path (IllinoisMichigan) impact your

participation due to time?:6-Yes, 5-No

7a. Due to additional cost?: 4-Yes, 5-No

8. Which tracks do you enjoy most?: No one answered this.

9. Who do you know who you could ask to participate in 2012 that is either new to karting

or has stopped due to finances?: No one answered this.

10. What, in general, would you like to see new/different for 2012?: No one commented.


Final Points for the 2011 season are online.

10 to qualify for awards.


It was suggested that we give RVKC jackets to the 10 qualified racers as opposed to any type of trophy.

ProMaxx Workspace System Award: The winning entry was selected by Christina Sheppard, a guest at the meeting, with Scott Henry officiating. The winner: Peter Zambos


The BoD was in agreement that we should do an awards presentation at the first event in 2012.


Nothing to discuss


Nothing to discuss.


We should send a “Thank You” to Jim McMahon as well as a $50 gift certificate for keeping the website up to date.


Next month, nominating petitions will be mailed to all current members.

Next meeting will be November 1.


Motion to adjourn by Dave, seconded by Brian

Carl adjourned the meeting at 9:35PM

Submitted by Darrell Sitarz, Secretary