Since 45 years



First Year First issue April to June 2017

Since 45 years


Healthiest Fruits Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts

It is no secret that eating fruit is good for you and has plenty of health benefits – but what are they ? Generally, people who eat more fruit as part of a healthy diet are less likely to develop diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer, and they provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to fight other infections and repair cells, too.

Most people want to be as healthy as possible. We want to be able to enjoy life without the constraints of illness and disease, and live a long, and active life. Eating fruit every day as part of a balanced diet is just one of the ways we can improve our health, and give our bodies a helping hand in living to a ripe old age.

Why Fruit ?

These days our bodies need more vitamins and minerals than ever before. This is because we work longer hours, are exposed to more toxic fumes from pollution and are under more stress than we used to be. Eating fruit every day is a simple way of providing your body with these nutrients to ensure you are well equipped to deal with the stresses of daily life, and possibly protect you from illness in the future.

A diet involving regular amounts of fruit will provide your body with antioxidants to help prevent free radicals from attacking the body.

Since 45 years


Nutrition Facts : Guava is a tropical fruit and the most common variety is called an Apple guava. Guava is high energy and high sugar fruit with an impressive proportion of dietary fiber. It has the highest amount of Vitamin C, more than oranges ! It also contains VitaminB3, B5, B6 and Folate. It also has a healthy combination of Magnesium, Manganese and Potassium.

Health Benefits : It is a very rich anti-oxidant, is good for teeth and gums, is good for digestion, helps in diabetes management, improves vision, nurtures pregnancy and balances electrolyte levels in the body.


Nutrition Facts : Jackfruit comes from Mulberry family and is a native of South and South East Asia particularly India . It contains high proportion of Sugar and dietary fiber . It is a rich source of Vitamin B1,B2 and vitamin C.Amongst the trace metals, it contains high quantities of Magnesium and Potassium.

Health Benefits : It optimizes immune functions, provides instant energy, maintenance blood pressure, ensures healthy cardiovascular system ,improves digestion is good for eyesight and slows down the process of ageing .


Nutrition facts : Bananas are typically a tropical fruits though they are widely grown across the world today. They are low fat and are made 22% of carbohydrates .Bananas are powerhouse of Vitamin B6, B5 and Vitamin C. they have a healthy composition of Manganese, Magnesium and Potassium .

Health Benefits : They lower blood pressure, are great for your heart, protect from diabetes, improves mood and helps in treating diarrhea.


Nutrition Facts : Lemon is native to Asia and is extremely sour fruit . Lemon has an impressive amount of Dietary fiber and almost equal amount of sugar content . It is a rich source of vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and has rest of the vitamins and minerals in moderate quantities.

Health Benefits : It strengths immunity ,protects from common diseases like cold and flu, aids weight loss,regulates ideal blood pressure , improves digestion ,alleviates fever ,brightens skin tone, restores electrolyte balance and application of skin removes scars and sports gradually .

Since 45 years


Nutrition Facts : It is the only member of genus Litchi in Soapberry family . This fragrant , juicy and very sweet fruit is healthy source of sugar ,dietary fiber and is rich in water content . It has high amount of vitamin C and has other vitamins and minerals in low but complete composition .

Health Benefits : It strengthens immunity , protects from free radical damage , boosts blood production and purification , optimizes metabolism , great for skin and takes care of your cardiovascular health .


Nutrition Facts : -Mango is supremely tasty fruit which belongs to the genus Mangifera and is a native of south and South East Asia . It is high on sugar and dietary fiber . Mango is a rich source of Vitamin A , Vitamin B6 , folate and Vitamin c . The nutrients in form of mineral and trace metals are present in strictly moderate quantities .

Health Benefits :-- Mango is rich in anti – oxidants, improves eye health , lowers cholesterol , improves digestion if taken in moderation and boots immunity.

Fast Foods

The Effects of Eating Fast Foods

As people spend more time working and less time cooking , fast food become an increasingly frequent option . Many people eat all three meals away from home every day , often at fast food establishments. While fast food can be a time and budget – friendly option , the effects of consuming standard burger and fries fare on a daily basis can result in unintended consequences to both your waistline and health . There are some nutritious fast food options available at many fast food chains , but you need to do some research to separate the healthful from the harmful .


One major consequence of eating fast food every day is excess calorie consumption . Most ‘Value’ meals served with fries and soda provide well over 1000 calories per meal , which is more than half the average person’s calorie needs , according to the USDA . So if you eat fast food three meals aday , you may be eating 150 percent of you daily caloric needs . Long term excess calorie consumption results in weight gained obesity . in fact the CARDIA study concluded consuming fast food more than two days per week was strongly associated with weight gain and increased risk of obesity . Diseases associated with obesity include metabolic syndrome , heart disease , diabetes and cancer .

High Blood Pressure

One common feature of many fast foods , even low calorie fast foods , is high salt or sodium , content . Currently all but one of the low fat , foot long sandwiches at popularchain has at least 60 percent of the average recommended daily intake of sodium of 2400 mg . Many low calorie and low fat foods are often loaded with salt to make them taste better . But high levels of salt intake can lead to high blood pressure , particularly in those who have sodium sensitivities and are overweight of obese , according to American Heart Association .

Since 45 years

Cardiovascular Disease:--

Fast food is often also packed with sources of excess added fats such as mayonnaise , cheese and soda . While this translates into excess calories and weight gain , it can also become an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases . Saturated fat has been shown to raise total cholesterol levels , while high sugar intake can lead to symptoms of metabolic syndrome , which include increased triglycerides . Elevated triglycerides and cholesterol levels are indicators of cardiovascular disease and are associated with increased risk of heart attack and strokes .

Diabetes :--

Many of the previously mentioned health conditioned are related to each other , and diabetes is no different . Excess sugar intake , obesity and metabolic syndrome related insulin resistance are all significant risk factors for developing diabetes . The CARDIA study also demonstrated eating fast food more than twice per week was strongly associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of type 2 diabetes . And diabetes greatly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease , so when you develop one of these conditions , you are likely facing a higher risk of all of them .


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, refers to the pressure of blood against your artery walls. Over time, high blood pressure can cause blood vessel damage that leads to heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and other problems. Hypertension is sometimes called the silent killer because it produces no symptoms and can go unnoticed – and untreated – for years.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 75 million Americans have high blood pressure. Many risk factors for high blood pressure are out of your control, such as age, family history, gender, and race. But there are also factors you can control, such as exercise and diet. A diet that can help control blood pressure is rich in potassium, magnesium, and fiber and lower in sodium.

This view has led the American Heart Association (AHA), for example, to define the following ranges of blood pressure :

-Normal blood pressure is below 120 systolic and below 80 diastolic

-Prehypertension is 120 – 139 systolic or 80 – 89 diastolic

-Stage 1 high blood pressure (hypertension) is 140 – 159 systolic or 90 – 99 diastolic

-Stage 2 high blood pressure (hypertension) is 160 or higher systolic or 100 or higher diastolic

- Hypertension crisis (a medical emergency) is when blood pressure is above 180 systolic or above 110 diastolic.

Since 45 years

Causes of Hypertension

  • An acute stress, intense exercise and other factors can briefly elevate blood pressure even in people whose blood pressure is normal, a diagnosis of hypertension requires several readings showing high blood pressure over time
  • Having high blood pressure for a short amount of time is a normal physiological response to many situations. However, a systolic reading of 180 mmHg or higher diastolic reading of 110 mmHg or higher could be a sign of a hypertensive crisis that warrants immediate medical attention.
  • Anyone who gets such a reading when testing their own blood pressure should wait a couple of minutes and repeat the test. If the reading remains at that level or increases, seek emergency medical treatment.
  • Blood pressure does vary throughout the day, lowering during sleep and rising on awakening. It also rises in response to excitement, anxiety and physical activity
  • Blood pressure also increases steadily with age as arteries become stiffer and narrower due to plaque build-up. Vascular and heart disease also contribute to rising blood pressure in older adults, and a high systolic reading is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease in adults over 50 years old.
  • The disease burden of high blood pressure is a growing problem worldwide, in part because of a rapidly aging population. Other key contributors include lifestyle factors, such as :
  • Physical inactivity
  • A salt-rich diet associated with processed and fatty foods
  • Alcohol and tobacco use

Obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions

 Age – everyone is at greater risk of high blood pressure as they get older. Prevalence of hypertension is higher in people over 60 years of age

 Race - African-American adults are at higher risk than white or Hispanic American adults

 Size – being overweight or obese is a key risk factor for hypertension

 Sex – males and females have different risk profiles. While lifetime risk is the same for everybody, men are more prone to hypertension at a younger age and women have a higher rate of hypertension at older ages

 Lifestyle – greater intake of dietary salt, excessive alcohol, low dietary potassium, and physical inactivity all contribute to an increased risk of hypertension.

Other risk factors include a family history of the disease, and chronic, poorly managed stress.

Since 45 years

Who Want to Stay Healthy When They Are Older

Many of the health problems of middle and old age, including highly blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, heart disease, and stroke, result from the way a person has lived and what he ate, drank, and whether he smoked when he was younger.

The chances that you will live and stay healthy for a long time are greater if you:

  1. Eat well – enough nutritious foods, but not too much oily or greasy food. Avoid getting overweight or fat.
  2. Do not drink a lot of alcoholic drinks.
  3. Do not smoke.
  4. Keep physically and mentally active.
  5. Try to get enough rest and sleep.
  6. Learn how to relax and deal positively with things that worry or upset you.

High Blood Pressure and hardening of the arteries, which are the main causes of heart disease and stroke, can usually be prevented or reduces by doing the things recommended above. The lowering of high blood pressure is important in the prevention of heart disease and stroke. Persons who have high blood pressure should have it checked from time to time and take measures to lower it. If the above mentioned measures fail to lower the blood pressure, taking medicines may help.



22ND Asian Athletics Championships from July 6 to 9 at Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneshwar

Olly, the Olive Ridley sea turtle was unveiled on Monday dated 3.7.2017 as the official mascot for the 22nd edition of the Asian Athletics Championships to be held from 6 to 9 July, 2017.

Since 45 years

Speaking on the occasion, Odisha Chief Minister Patnaik said: "The 22nd Asian Athletics Championships will be the largest ever sporting event in Bhubaneshwar with participation of 44 countries from July 6 to 9 at Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneshwar has emerged as a sought-after destination for international sports competitions, as it will also host the Hockey World League Final in December 2017 and the prestigious men's Hockey World Cup in December 2018." This is for the third time that the Asian Athletics Championship will be held in India after New Delhi (1989) and Pune (2013).

Participants to take part from different countries :

Country / Male / Female / Total
Afganistan / 5 / 2 / 7
Baharin / 8 / 5 / 13
Bangladesh / 13 / 3 / 16
Bhutan / 0 / 1 / 1
Brunei / 4 / 0 / 5
Kabodia / 1 / 1 / 2
China / 30 / 27 / 57
Chinease Taipe / 11 / 6 / 17
Korea / 0 / 4 / 4
East Timar / 2 / 1 / 3
Honkong / 9 / 3 / 12
India / 39 / 40 / 79
Indonesia / 3 / 1 / 4
Iran / 14 / 1 / 15
Iraq / 18 / 5 / 23
Japan / 27 / 31 / 58
Jordan / 4 / 2 / 6
Kajaqstan / 14 / 14 / 28
South Korea / 16 / 6 / 22
Quet / 13 / 4 / 17
Kirgistan / 3 / 3 / 6
Laous / 2 / 0 / 2
Lebanan / 6 / 2 / 8
Makao / 4 / 1 / 5
Malayasia / 11 / 8 / 19
Maldeep / 7 / 3 / 10
Mangolia / 5 / 0 / 5
Miamar / 3 / 0 / 3
Nepal / 2 / 3 / 5
Oman / 6 / 0 / 6
Pakistan / 5 / 0 / 5
Palestain / 2 / 0 / 2
Phillipines / 7 / 1 / 8
Katar / 10 / 0 / 10
Soudi Arab / 17 / 0 / 17
Singapur / 2 / 3 / 5
Srilanka / 8 / 9 / 17
Siria / 1 / 1 / 2
Tajikisthan / 8 / 1 / 9
Thailand / 10 / 12 / 22
Uae / 7 / 1 / 8
Ujbekistan / 3 / 5 / 8
Vietnam / 1 / 4 / 5
Yemen / 6 / 0 / 6


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