Youth Leadership and Transition Camp 2007

June 3-7, 2007, Peaceable Kingdom Retreat, Youngsport, Texas

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DARS – Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

The Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS), in collaboration with the Division for Rehabilitation Services and the Educational Service Center Region 4, presents its first Youth Leadership Transition Campfor students who are deaf or hard of hearing in Texas. This is a 5 day summer camp for high school students who must be at least 16 years old.

The retreat objective is to provide students with the opportunity to interact with their peers who are from a variety of different backgrounds. Students who are oral or signers are invited to this camp –preferred communication mode is not a factor. Participants will learn about leadership and independence through outdoor adventure activities that promote and encourage development of confidence through ropes courses and other team building experiences. Leadership skills will be enhanced as students learn how to apply the 5 principles of leadership to their lives so to enhance independence. Students will also learn how they can be involved in the transition process from high school to the world outside. Interpreters as well as real time captioning will be provided to ensure communication access for all who participate.

This camp will begin Sunday June 3, 2007 at 12 noon and end Thursday June 7 after dinner. Camp will be held at beautiful PeaceableKingdom in Youngsport, Texas, near Killeen. For more information about PeaceableKingdom go to

This camp program is free to all accepted participants. DHHS is inviting school administrators, teachers, staff support, and vocational rehabilitation counselors throughout Texas to nominate students to attend this camp. The number of participants is limited so nominations should be submitted as soon as possible. It is a goal of DHHS to achieve a good mix of students who are deaf or hard of hearing with diverse cultural backgrounds and from various parts of the state. To nominate a student please fill out the attached nomination form and return it to Randi Turner by email at as an attachment or fax the form to 512-407-3299.

Nomination forms are due by March 15, 2007. The person nominating the student should discuss the nomination with the student and family before submitting the form to ensure a verbal commitment that the student can attend. The nomination form should be completed by the student’s school administrator, teacher, support staff or a vocational rehabilitation counselor.

Students accepted for the camp will be contacted through the nominating source. Confirmation of selected students will be made by April 1, 2007.

DHHS staff, along with several experienced adult camp trainers and also a number of young adults will assist with the program. The main presenters are John Evans and Dan Brubaker from WashingtonState, and Heidi Zimmer from Colorado.

The criteria for selection of retreat participants include:

  • Potential for leadership. Students must be mature and indicate a desire to develop their leadership skills.
  • Must commit to attending the entire retreat.
  • After the camp, participants should be willing to write a short essay on their camp experience.
  • Students will be selected based on diversity, geographic locations, types of educational programs and communication modes.
  • Students must be in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade and age 16 as of the 1st day of camp.
  • Preference will be given to juniors and seniors.
  • Seniors who graduate in May can apply to attend the camp.
  • Any high school can nominate up to three students.

Please note that the TexasSchool for the DeafEducationalResourceCenter on Deafness (ERCOD) is planning a separate retreat also at PeaceableKingdom, March 30-April 2, 2007. ERCOD will focus on leadership development during the 2 day retreat. The DHHS camp program will also focus on leadership development but will not be repetitive, and will focus on the transition process during the 5 day camp.

We look forward to your nominations and appreciate your assistance.


David W. Myers


800.628.5115, 866.581.9328 TTY