Cardiovascular Biology,5credits

PhD level

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course the students will be able to

-Critically evaluate the recent literature in basic and clinical cardiovascular biology

-Apply knowledge and integrate results from current cardiovascular research to discuss new hypotheses and therapeutical avenues

-Develop their practical and laboratory capacity to manage and treat tissue samples from cardiac and vascular tissue.

-Present in writing and orally how a selected concept in cardiovascular biology can be applied to the PhD student’s own research project.

-Critically evaluate the possibility of performing the planned project and the resources required for it


-Vascular tone and vascular biology associated with hypertension

-Endothelial cell dysfunction and nitric oxide

-Aortic aneurysms

-Atherosclerosis - underlying biology and therapeutical challenges

-Plaque rupture , myocardial infarction and stroke

-Pharmacological treatment of myocardial infarction

-Angiogenesis - molecular mechanisms and clinical implications

-Pathophysiology of arrhythmias

-Sudden death , long QT syndrome and HERG channels

-Writing and critically reviewing reports of how novel concepts in cardiovascular biology can be applied in research projects

Educational methods

Lectures, laboratory exercises, experimental demonstrations, seminars, individual written reports and oral presentations.

The course is given in parallel to the course Cardiovascular Biology at the Master level. Some course activities like lectures, labs and demonstrations will be joined for both courses but if the number of graduate students is sufficient, seminars and paper discussions will be kept separate to achieve a deeper consideration of the discussed topics.If a graduate student has previously completed the course at the Master level course only the written report and the oral presentation will be required (examination items 2-3 below).

The educational method and philosophy used is student-based learning. Students seek knowledge, apply it and critically evaluate it. Being able to seek and evaluate new knowledge and review previous knowledge is crucial at this educational level. The course is given in such a way that both men and women's experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.


1. Ability to answer theoretical questions at the seminars within the range of the course’s learning objectives

2. Written report on how a selected concept in cardiovascular biology can be applied to own research projects

3. Oral presentation of the report at seminars and critical review of other students' reports and presentations

General Admission Requirements

Admission to education at research level (PhD studies).

Specific Admission Requirements

Prior to the course, the students should be familiar with the cardiovascular physiology described in text books such as “An introduction to vascular biology” by Hunt, Poston , Schachter and Halliday and “An introduction to cardiovascular physiology” by Levick .

The student should be familiar with basic concepts in cardiovascular biology as the cardiac cycle, the action potential in cardiac cells, regulation of cardiac output, reflex regulation of blood pressure, blood vessels and peripheral resistance, endothelial cells and vascular tone.

PhD students will be admitted according to the following priority order:

1. PhD students registered at the Faculty of Health Sciences or PhD students strongly associated with the Faculty of Health Sciences registered at other faculties within Linköping University

2. PhD students registered at other faculties within Linköping University

3. PhD students registered at other universities

Participation by other students than above is only possible if there are fewer applicants from the above groups than the number of available places.


Pass or Fail.

Course Evaluation

Planning and implementation of the course shall be carried out on the basis of the wording in this course plan. The evaluation of the course should therefore consider the question how wellthe course agrees with the course plan. Written evaluation will be arranged at a scheduled time at the end of the course.


A course certificate may be issued by the course organizer.

Course literature

The course organizer will provide a list of relevant literature before the start of the course.

Additional information

If the course is withdrawn, or is subject to major changes, examinations according to this course planare normally offered on a total of at least three occasions within one year, one of themin close connection with the first examination.

The course is normally given in English.

Course coordinators

Associate Professor Jordi Altimiras, Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Division of . Phone: 013 285824

Course co-coordinators

Professor Ebo de Muinck, Dept. of Medical and Health Sciences

Associate Professor John Brask, Dept. of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Examiner: Jordi Altimiras

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