- Swifttemplate for an OTC transaction free of payment between own accounts (MT 542 and MT 540 both have to be sent to KBC Securities)
:20C::SEME//XXXXXunique reference
:98A::PREP//YYYYMMDDpreparation date swift
:98A::SETT//YYYYMMDDsettlement date
:98A::TRAD//YYYYMMDDtrade date
:35B:ISIN XXXXXXXXXXXXISIN code (12 characters)
XXXXsecurity name
:36B::SETT//UNIT or FAMT/XXXX,quantity
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount 10 digits
(last 3 digits = 0)
:22F::SETR//OWNIown trade
:95P::PSET//TVSBTRISBIC code place of settlement
:95P::DEAG or REAG//KBSEBE22BIC code KBCSecurities
:95P::SELL or BUYR//XXXXXXXXclient BIC code
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount with KBC Sec, 10 digits (last 3 digits = 0)
Security name is optional, all other fields are mandatory !
- Swift template for an OTC transaction with matching (free and against payment), counterparty has a custody account with KBC Securities.
Option 1 : Two-layer swift (preferred).
:20C::SEME//XXXXXunique reference
:98A::PREP//YYYYMMDDpreparation date swift
:98A::SETT//YYYYMMDDsettlement date
:98A::TRAD//YYYYMMDDtrade date
:35B:ISIN XXXXXXXXXXXXISIN code (12 characters)
XXXXsecurity name
:36B::SETT//UNIT or FAMT/XXXX,quantity
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount 10 digits
(last 3 digits = 0)
:22F::SETR//TRADnormal trade
:95P::PSET//TVSBTRISBIC code place of settlement
:95P::DEAG or REAG//KBSEBE22BIC code KBCSecurities
:95P::SELL or BUYR//XXXXXXXXBIC code counterparty
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount with KBC Sec, 10 digits (last 3 digits = 0)
:16R:AMTonly for MT 541 / 543
:19A::SETT//TRYxxxx,xxISO currency (TRY) + cash amount
Security name is optional, all other fields are mandatory !
Option 2 : Three-layer swift.
:20C::SEME//XXXXXunique reference
:98A::PREP//YYYYMMDDpreparation date swift
:98A::SETT//YYYYMMDDsettlement date
:98A::TRAD//YYYYMMDDtrade date
:35B:ISIN XXXXXXXXXXXXISIN code (12 characters)
XXXXsecurity name
:36B::SETT//UNIT or FAMT/XXXX,quantity
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount 10 digits
(last 3 digits = 0)
:22F::SETR//TRADregular trade
:95P::PSET//TVSBTRISBIC code place of settlement
:95P::DEAG or REAG//HSBCTRIX113BIC code custodian
KBC Securities (HSBC Istanbul)
:95P::SELL or BUYR//XXXXXXXXBIC code counterparty
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustody account with KBC Sec, 10 digits (last 3 digits = 0)
:95P::DECU or RECU//KBSEBE22BIC code KBC Securities
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustody account KBC Securities
with custodian HSBC Istanbul
:16R:AMTonly for MT 541 / 543
:19A::SETT//TRYxxxx,xxISO currency (TRY) + cash amount
Security name is optional. Safekeeping account under buyr/sell OR under recu/decu is optional. All other fields are mandatory !
- Swifttemplate for an OTC transaction with matching (free or against payment), counterparty has a global custodian who has a custody account with KBC Securities
Option 1 : Three-layer swift with information of the counterparty (preferred).
:20C::SEME//XXXXXunique reference
:98A::PREP//YYYYMMDDpreparation date swift
:98A::SETT//YYYYMMDDsettlement date
:98A::TRAD//YYYYMMDDtrade date
:35B:ISIN XXXXXXXXXXXXISIN code (12 characters)
XXXXsecurity name
:36B::SETT//UNIT or FAMT/XXXX,quantity
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount 10 digits
(last 3 digits = 0)
:22F::SETR//TRADregular trade
:95P::PSET//TVSBTRISBIC code place of settlement
:95P::DEAG or REAG//KBSEBE22BIC code KBC Securities
:95P::SELL or BUYR//XXXXXXXXBIC code counterparty
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXaccount with global custodian
:95P::DECU or RECU//XXXXXXXXBIC code global custodian
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustody account with KBC Sec, 10 digits (last 3 digits = 0)
:16R:AMTonly for MT 541 / 543
:19A::SETT//TRYxxxx,xxISO currency (TRY) + cash amount
Security name is optional. Safekeeping account under buyr/sell is optional. All other fields are mandatory !
Option 2 : Three-layer swift without information of the counterparty
:20C::SEME//XXXXXunique reference
:98A::PREP//YYYYMMDDpreparation date swift
:98A::SETT//YYYYMMDDsettlement date
:98A::TRAD//YYYYMMDDtrade date
:35B:ISIN XXXXXXXXXXXXISIN code (12 characters)
XXXXsecurity name
:36B::SETT//UNIT or FAMT/XXXX,quantity
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount 10 digits
(last 3 digits = 0)
:22F::SETR//TRADregular trade
:95P::PSET//TVSBTRISBIC code place of settlement
:95P::DEAG or REAG//HSBCTRIX113BIC code custodian KBC Securities (HSBC Istanbul)
:95P::SELL or BUYR//XXXXXXXXBIC code global custodian
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustody account with KBC Sec, 10 digits (last 3 digits = 0)
:95P::DECU or RECU//KBSEBE22BIC code KBC Securities
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustody account of KBC Securities with HSBC Istanbul
:16R:AMTonly for MT 541 / 543
:19A::SETT//TRYxxxx,xxISO currency (TRY) + cash amount
Security name is optional. Safekeeping account under buyr/sell OR under recu/decu is optional. All other fields are mandatory !
Option 3 : Two-layer swift without information of the counterparty.
:20C::SEME//XXXXXunique reference
:98A::PREP//YYYYMMDDpreparation date swift
:98A::SETT//YYYYMMDDsettlement date
:98A::TRAD//YYYYMMDDtrade date
:35B:ISIN XXXXXXXXXXXXISIN code (12 characters)
XXXXsecurity name
:36B::SETT//UNIT or FAMT/XXXX,quantity
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustodyaccount 10 digits
(last 3 digits = 0)
:22F::SETR//TRADregular trade
:95P::PSET//TVSBTRISBIC code place of settlement
:95P::DEAG or REAG//KBSEBE22BIC code KBC Securities
:95P::SELL or BUYR//XXXXXXXXBIC code global custodian
:97A::SAFE//XXXXXXXXXXcustody account with KBC Sec, 10 digits (last 3 digits = 0)
:16R:AMTonly for MT 541 / 543
:19A::SETT//TRYxxxx,xxISO currency (TRY) + cash amount
Security name is optional. All other fields are mandatory !