Completion of a high school culminating project is required for graduation in the state of Washington. The culminating project requirement for the Franklin Pierce School District is the completion and presentation of the portfolio. All items listed below are required and must be completed prior to the senior portfolio audit and/or senior presentation. Requirements should be placed within each section in the order listed below. Portfolios should be kept up to date and the use of plastic sheet protectors is recommended.

Name: / Advisor: / Date:
Requirement / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th
LEARNER: What am I working on to succeed?
Goals: Yearly– one for each year in attendance at Franklin Pierce Schools
Transcript: Current transcript – obtain from counseling office if needed
Credit Check: Current credit check
Four-Year Plan: One – completed in 9th grade, updated yearly if plan changes
Assessments: Multiple – copies of all available assessment results(HSPE, COMPASS, ASVAB, PSAT/SAT/ACT, MAP, AP, CBA etc.)
Evidence of Work: Yearly – minimum 3 per year in attendance at Franklin Pierce Schools that demonstrate best works preferably reflect the career path focus*distinguished has additional requirements
PLANNER: What do I want for my life?
Interest Assessment: Two – with reflection competed in 12th grade(if enrolled as a senior only one interest assessment is required and reflection can be waived)
Career Research: One – completed power point researching your career of interest
Employability Skills: Yearly – one for each year in attendance at Franklin Pierce Schools
Job Application: One – completed application in blue/black ink or printed from online
Resume: Two – one typed resumein 10th and one in 12th grade (if enrolled after 10th grade only one resume is required)
Job Shadow: 6 hrs– completed job shadow packet(s) observing and documenting a minimum of at least 2 job sites for a combined total of 6 or more hours
Post-Secondary Research: One – completed worksheet researching post-secondary options
High School and Beyond Plan: One– final typed plan in essay format
Post-Secondary Site Visits: Two – one may be completed at a back to school night /
Post-Secondary Application: One – college, apprenticeship or military application
Financial Plan / Budget: One – completed financial plan / budget worksheet
Letters of Recommendation: Two – one must be from a non-school source /
Conference: Yearly – completed for each year in attendance at Franklin Pierce Schools
CITIZEN: What do I have to offer myself and the world?
Volunteer Service: 30 hrs– completed worksheet(s) documenting a minimum of 30 hours community service (if enrolled as a senior 10 hours of documented volunteer service is required)*distinguished has additional requirements
Extracurricular Activities: Multiple – certificates of accomplishment, awards, photos, or other mementos documenting activity involvement in and/or outside of high school

Revised 9.19.14 KS