Lady Lumley’s School MFL DEPARTMENT: Year 8 Medium term Scheme of Learning
KS3 FRENCH / TOPIC: 3-2-1 Partez ( Studio 1 Module 5)Autumn term – September-October 7 x 100 minutes / YEAR 8
Prior learning / Students should be familiar with structure ‘je vais’ from year 7
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resourcesand suggested Kagan structures
- Les vacances,moded’emploi
To be able to talk and write about where you go on holiday normally
Grammar – nous form of key verbs in the present tense
Au, en, aux with countries
Skills: Phonics: focus on phoneme ‘gn’ – montagne / campagne
Home learning: Write a paragraph on where you normally go on holiday
(Level this to check against end of Y7 level.) / 200 / Studio 1 p90 -91
Vacances – feuille de vocabulaire
Quiz, quiz, trade cards
Rally coach
Grammar support grid for en, au, aux
Writing frame for assessed paragraph
Extension sheet on improving written work
- Je me prépare
Grammar - To be able to use reflexive verbsin the I and **he/she forms
Home learning: reinforcement and extension work on reflexive verbs / prepare a vocab /spelling test for partner on reflexive verbs / 200 / Studio 1 p92 -93
Rally coach cards to say what you do / don’t do
Quiz quiz on what you do to get ready
Numbered heads together – multiple choice on reflexive verbs
HL reinforcement sheet
Extra grammar sheet for HL
Alternative reading sheet
Language deduction grid
Differentiated grammar sheet
- Je vaisencolo
Grammar – Using the near future tense
Skills – Use a range of structures to give your opinion. Group Talk on a range of fashions describing what you think of it
Home learning: Sentence translation practice / 100 / Studio 1 p 96 -97
-Rally robin – dice activity for speaking
-Rally coach translation activity
- Les vacances: passé et present
Grammar: Compare present and future tense
Skills: Recognise and apply patterns for different tenses
Home learning: / 100 / Reading based on p.97 ex4 Studio 1
Writing frame and checklist for written HL task
-QQT present and future sentence on holidays
-Categorising activity on tenses – rally coach
- Mesrêves
Grammar – je voudrais + infinitive
Skills: Ranking what you would most / least like to do
Home learning: WRITTEN ASSESSMENT: Write a paragraph to say what you normally do on holiday and what you are going to do on holiday this year. / 100 / Studio 1 p.98-99
-Rally Robin – categorising activities
-Rally Robin – dice activity for speaking
KS3 FRENCH / TOPIC: Un voyage à Paris
November - February / YEAR 8
Prior learning / Past tense is new but students will be familiar with some of the infinitive verbs
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1.Bienvenue à Paris: introduction / Give out topic overview and vocab sheet
Learn some key information about sights, geography and key facts about Paris
Skills: Using scanning strategies to read for information. Group work
Home learning: Produce a poster to show what you have learned, and add 3 more pieces of information / 100 / Introduction ppt on shared area
Champs Elysées song
-Fact finding information about Paris – (running dictation)
-Continuous round robin – what know about Paris
2. Une semaine à Paris / Be able to say what you did in Paris
Say what you didn’t do
Grammar: Past tense: regular verbs –er/-re/-ir AVOIR ‘je’ ‘il’ ‘elle’ form, use negatives with past tense
Skills: Apply patterns to create past participles and negatives
Home learning: Create a gap fill test for partner on sentences using past participles / 200 / Studio 2 p.28-29
PPts on shared area
-Continuous round table writing – consequences
-Quiz quiz on sentences in past
-Numbered heads – multiple choice answers on past forms
3. Mon album photos / Be able to say when you did things on your trip
Grammar: Use irregular past participles and time phrases. Avoir ‘je’, il/elle/on’
Skills: Memorising techniques for learning irregular verbs
Home learning: Write a paragraph about a trip to Paris (using key word prompts as cues) / 100 / Studio 2 p.30-31
-Rally coach – test partner on past participles
-Trapdoor speaking
4. C’était comment, les catacombes? / Be able to understand information about a tourist attraction and say what you thought of what you saw and did in Paris
Grammar: C’était / J’ai trouvé ça + adjectives
Skills: Giving opinions and ranking activities in terms of preference
Home learning: / 100 / Studio 2 p.32-33
-Round robin brainstorming adjectives
-Jot thoughts on adjectives
-Rally robin giving opinions
5. Past tense challenge ‘avoir’ verbs / Past tense Challenge
GRAMMAR ASSESSMENT: Passé composé (avoir and *être)
Be able to assess understanding of the passé composé with avoir verbs
Grammar: Passé composé with avoir: all forms
Skills: Group work
Home learning: Create a ‘crack the code’ test for your partner for next lesson / 200 / Past tense challenge cards on shared area
Grammar assessment on shared area (needs simplifying RWI)
-Past tense challenge group work
6. 24 heureschrono / Be able to say where you went in Paris and how you travelled
Grammar: Past tense using ‘être’ – with aller / partir / arriver /sortir / rentrer
Skills: Apply patterns to use ‘être verbs for masculine and feminine
Home learning: Write a diary entry of one day in Paris, saying what you did in the morning, afternoon and evening, and how you travelled to different places. / 100 / Studio 2 p.34-35
-Continuous round table – consequences activity
-Trapdoor speaking
-Jot thoughts – time phrases / activities / who with / how etc
- Preparation forspeakingassessment
Grammar: Contrast present tense with past tense
Skills: Using more than one tense in speaking
Home learning: Revise for speaking test next lesson / 100 / Speaking assessment in assessment folder on shared area
- Speaking assessments and Review
Complete self and peer review (‘bilan’)
Create a teaching resource to help the next year 8 group learn / practise the past tense
Grammar: Using present and past tense
Skills: Using more complex sentences with opinion phrases and connectives
Home learning:
Review in book ‘bilan’
KS3 FRENCH / TOPIC: Mon identité (March – end May) / YEAR 8
Prior learning / Students should be familiar with some adjectives and principle of adjective agreement from Year 7
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1.Mon caractère / Be able to describe yours and other people’s personality
Say what you / other people spend time doing in their free time
Grammar: Using adjectives in the correct form
Skills: Describing others
Home learning: Sell a sibling on E-bay – write a description of a sibling / family member / 200 / Studio 2 p.48-49
-Rally coach – identifying adjectives in sentences
-QQ – describing people
-Categorising positive / negative adjectives
-Jot thoughts on adjectives
-Trapdoor speaking
2. On se dittout / Be able to say how you get on with people in your family
SPEAKING ASSESSMENT – task set in class using reference materials: Write a script about 2 people in your family and say how you get on with them – prepare in class (20 mins) then read from script – level this
Grammar: Using reflexive verbs in the ‘je’ and ‘on’ form
Skills: Giving reasons and using connectives
Home learning: / 200 / Studio 2 p.50-51
Thinking skills task on table plan
PPt on shared area
-Rally robin – say who get on with in family
-Rally coach – thinking skills activity on family dinner table setting
3. Quellemusiqueécoutes-tu? / Be able to say what music you like and give your opinions on different types of music and musicians
Grammar: ça me donne envie de + infinitive (pleurer / danser / chanter / vomir / dormir)
Skills: Agreeing, disagreeing and giving reasons. Group talk task on music
Home learning: Write a paragraph giving your opinions about music / 100 / Studio 2 p.52-53
-Rally robin – dice activity to give basic opinions on music types
-Timed pair share – opinions on different singers / groups
-Trapdoor speaking – opinions on music
4. Mon style / Be able to say what you normally wear / like to wear to go out
Be able to say what you are going to wear next weekend
Grammar: Present tense and near future tense
Skills: Categorising vocabulary
Home learning: Learn clothes vocab for a test in second lesson (put on Fronter) / Write a dialogue between two celebrities asking and answering what they are doing at the weekend and what they are going to wear
READING ASSESSMENT (Studio assessment pack) / 200 / Studio 2 p.54-55
Reading assessment (Stdio)
-Jot thoughts – clothes and categorise if top / bottom / feet
-Rally robin – categorise vocabulary
-Numbered heads together: adjective rules
-Numbered pairs – multiple choice quiz on clothes
-Rally robin – dice activity speaking
5. De quoi es-tu fan? / Be able to say what you are a fan of and understand extended descriptions of people’s hobbies
Grammar: Understand and use present / past / future tenses
Skills: Recognise patterns to identify tenses
Home learning: prepare mind map to use in writing assessment / 100 / Studio 2 p.56-57
-Rally coach – identifying past present future tenses
-Quiz quiz on above
6. Prepare speakingassessment / WRITING ASSESSMENT
Task set in lesson – reference materials given / prepared mind map/ A* mats – possible level 6
Grammar: Use present, future and past tenses
Skills: Improve your work and add more complexity / detail
Home learning: / 100 / Assessment task sheet on shared area
KS3 FRENCH / TOPIC: Làouj’habite (mid-June – July) / YEAR 8
Prior learning / Students have done some work on places in town at end of Year 7
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1.Là oùj’habite / Give out topic overview and vocab sheet for this topic
Be able to describe the house and the town where you live.
Grammar:Use regular and irregular adjectives both after and before nouns / use comparative phrases
Skills: Applying grammar patterns to new vocabulary
Home learning: Revise for grammar test next lesson / 200 / Studio 2 p.68-69
-Rally coach on adjective positions in a sentence
-QQT – write a sentence to describe your house/ town
2. Dansmonappart / Be able to say what rooms there are in your house ** use prepositions to say where the rooms are
Grammar: Using Il y a + noun / Il n’y a pas de + noun
Skills: Using sequencing words and connectives to make descriptions more complex
Home learning: Create a description of your house and local area to sell it / 100 / Studio 2 p.70-71
-Rally coach – sentence translations
-QQ – 3 sentences about your house – partner identifies the false one
3. Ma maisonidéale / Create a description of your dream house with a partner – sell this to other people in your class (use HL piece as a starting point for pair work) **Use extended sentences to say what you can do there
Grammar: Using adjectives / Il y a un jardin où on peut jouer au foot
Skills: Persuading others and creating detailed descriptions / Peer assess each other’s work
Home learning: Complete any plans / descriptions to present in second lesson
RECORD LEVELS IN PROGRESS TRACKERS / 200 / Book computers to do this as a brochure / sugar paper with plans and description
4. Review / Quiz / Be able to assess your learning on this topic: complete self assessment using ‘bilan’ in books and peer check / Quiz on topic
Skills: Self and peer assessment
Home learning: / 100