TTCA Tai Tapu Community Association MINUTES 6TH APRIL 2016 7.30 – 9.25 Tai Tapu Library.


Attending: Grant Miller GM, Jon Ward JW, Thea Hewitt TH, Maggie Senior MS, Gerald Carter GC, Rose Spinkerman RS, Allen Richards AR, Sebastian Wilberforce SW, Hugh Macloud HM


Previous minutes accepted / Moved: JW
Financial report (SW) / Moved: SW 2nd: MS moved $160 SW be spent on flag's 2nd MS
New discretionary fund of $3084, Slightly more that $700 left over from 2015/16 discretionary fund.
Meeting at Kiwibank to amend bank account signatories: SW, MW (Megan Wood), MS, JW, GC : existing signatories who wish to remove their names from Kiwi bank account and new signatories will be SW, JW, MS. Minited that committee agree's to the change in account signatories.
Health and Safety act update from SW ( regarding new community noticeboard) / TTCA Projects may need to be signed off by SDC property and commercial dept. for H & S. GM said this won't apply as we're buying noticeboard as a normal product. GM will check problem and contact sebastian. Vote on design: all in favour. SW moved to accept the design and if needed SW will contact the property and commercial group at SDC and is the contact person for this project. AR 2nd no absentations
Matters Arising / TH: SDC/Tai Tapu business sign update ; still waiting on council to send draft
Budget for 2016/7
Out: / Letter of support for anglican church from JW, letter to Rob of thanks.
Correspondence / Constitution: GC update, waiting for further information. (thea to print)
Audit from SDC: Incorporated soc in Wellington asked us to audit, 2 meetings prior to AGM need to change constitution regarding removing the auditing and General amendment review. Draft amended constitution to be sent out GC.
E-mail from local resident. (GM will ask Peter Graham if access is allowed on a paper road)
Item / Discussion/Description / Action / Due by
Core Objective 1 / To support the efforts of individuals, groups or enterprises that are working for the benefit of the Tai Tapu community. Environmental, Infrastructure, Social, Educational, Commercial / Economic, Recreation
TT Walkway / 3 parts: domain/golf course/main road. Health and Safety is a problem. Needs a survey to plot a course and perameters of what will be requried. Who can pay for that survey? GM has asked SDC to support this. GM to hold a meeting with golf course regarding potential route. Land might be part of Rhodes park, needs confirmation. Lincon Uni landscape architecture course do community project designs. / GC
TT Fair update / Raffel raised $180 Moved HM to donate raffel money be given to TT play centre. 2nd MS. Deposit internet banking rather than cash: Letter to Tai Tapu school to accommpany transfer.
Minuted TTCA Thank MS for her work leading up to and during the fair.
Create a lead time plan for TTCA helpers to commit too. JW and MS to create a list. Moved TH: to reimburse MS for phone calls for running the fair with buying a 'top up' voucher of $25 for her phone 2nd SW no absentations / TH
Key for library for TTCA meetings / Hugh to be main key holder for meetings this year.
Core Objective 2: / To promote, improve and protect the natural and built environment of the Tai Tapu district
Community Hall and future facility / GC. Soon to be going to public to get consultation. Form of this is still to be considered. Final plan might be finished in next 4 wks. Approach to different trusts to raise $4m costing. Meetings regarding management of the facility in progress. / GM
Street Light Flags / Orien will only let us put flag tracks up poles without power lines. $650 each plus costs of flags. Committee to decide on which lamps (without power lines) could be used for flag track and what funds to be assigned.
Update on TT church / GC can suggest a company to check foundations for church as a community project. / GC
Lights purple for Eplepsy group for Centopath / Changed by GM. Worked well.
Core Objective 3: / Act as an interface between the interests of the Tai Tapu community, local government and / or territorial authorities
Update on noticeboard / Ian came and spoke to the committee about his quote, $1000 for a new community noticeboard to go outside Mower hire. / JW/TH
New Signatories for bank account / Old signatories and new signatories to meet at Kiwibank to change names on account.
Core Objective 4: / Identify and / or facilitate existing and future interactions and requirements of the community and visitors.
Facebook page / GC: many new members and better usage. 301 friends.
AOB / Any Other Business
Millenium Bridge cleaning / Coucil could be chased as approached last year for this / MS
Subdivision in Tai Tapu / School road affected due to compactors working early in the morning.
E-mail regarding public access from Gerkins road upto Summit road. / GM will check this potential access with local land owner / GM
Anzac day / Applied for road closure same as last year. School for coffee after. 8.30 at school, procession from school, 9am start of service. Formal rendition of national anthum. Coffee after. Red the colour on Centopath. Info on Facebook page. / GM
Heritage fund opening: / $40000 pa allocated to heritage buildings, library committee might support lighting the library providing a quote is provided. Minited that TTCA will support the library committee if they agree on library being lit and apply to heritage fund to develop external illumination to the library 2nd TH / GM
TT to lincoln cycle way and Annual plan: submissions
minutes on webpage
AGM minutes committee need to be amended for full names rather than as a block
AR trimmed up area by memorial gardens but council really needs to work on it. himself.
Halswell river weeds / Cycleway from TT to Lincoln. Perrymans road end then to Lincoln. Get TT Cycle way into programe for next year. GC will right submission to SDC
Rates rise for TT is 3.2%
one footpath being created in TT this year.
Secretary to put minutes up on webpage
JW suggested using the last of the discretionary fund to hire Green Acres to maintain the picnic area TH moved to committ $300 for improvement and beautification of Memorial gardens 2nd MS no absentations Allen will be in charge of this and incoice
Weeds growing quite well. Ecan to be contacted by GC. / TH
NEXT MEETING: June 1st 7.30