/ / MD Training Room is open 7:00AM-7:30 PM weekdays and 7:00AM-5:30 PM on weekends and holidays.
Call extension 8938 to set up a training appointment or speak with a coach.
PowerChart Updates for Physicians
July 22, 2011

Physician Resource Icon : Information about PowerChart, links to training aids, a blog. In the future this site will have information about Clinical Initiatives, Medication Reconciliation information and dashboard and Sepsis resources.

NEW: Planned PowerPlans not initiated within 6 months will automatically expire.

ED Summary mPage (Cerner ED Summary) NEW in PowerChart Menu
This new mPage will eventually replace the Trinity Health ED Summary (date TBD) New features available now:
  • Ability to customize (for your own logon) the order of sections and which sections default open/closed
  • Quick add buttons to enter allergies, favorite orders and diagnosis and problems.

  • In the future, this page will display Sepsis information as well as textual versions of nursing documentation.

In place on

July 13, 2011

For assistance contact the Physician Coaches at x8938

Sepsis Initiative (Second Phase)
Within the Sepsis Initial Evaluation PowerPlan there are 2 new orderables - see red box below

July 27, 2011

Checking one of these orders takes you to the sepsis documentation form

This is the physician documentation form. The “Reason Sepsis Treatment Not Indicated” box becomes required with a hard stop if the user selects the “Sepsis Treatment Not Indicated”. You must check one of the three options to turn off the alert.
/ Considering alternate diagnosis:
In IP: turns off the SIRs open chart alert for 36 hrs. No effect on the organ involvement open chart alert.
In ED: turns off the SIRs open chart alert for 24 hrs with no effect on the organ involvement open chart alert in the ED. It doesn’t turn off any alerts on the IP side.
Patient family request: turns off both alerts forever
Comfort care: turns off both alerts forever

Physician open chart alert

This alert includes information describing what triggers the alert.

New Order: “Initiate Planned Orders”
A new physician order “Initiate planned orders” will be added to notify the nurse that orders are planned and to indicate when they can be initiated.
This is a separate order, outside the power plan. If the nurse initiates the planned orders and alerts fire, or there are other questions, expect a call from the nurse. /

July 27, 2011

To learn how to “Plan” Orders in advance contact the Physician Coaches at x8938.

PowerNote Changes

PowerNote Templates
The following PowerNote templates are updated to pull data from the Past Medical History component into a new Past Medical History Sentence: This will be more robust after Aug 22 when the Nursing Bundle III is activated.
Anesthesia Preoperative Assessment Exam Note General
Antibiotics Pharmacy to DoseH & P General Admission
Complaint NoteH & P Preoperative
Consultation H & P Ped General Adm
Consultation Cardiovascular Initial Psych Assessment
Consultation Palliative Care OB Triage Note /

Already in PowerChart