Integris G2 Instructions

Early Years Foundation Stage

Teacher Assessments 2013

There are currently two methods of inputting Key Stage data into Integris G2. The quickest way (Method 1) is to input directly into the Key Stage Template in Assessment, and the other option (Method 2) is to enter assessment scores directly into the Student Details area (Key Stage tab)

Please note Section A must be completed before starting Section B (Method 1 or 2)

Section A - Setting up Integris for the EYFSP/FSP 2013 Data

· Select Administration and Speed Edit

· From the Area click the drop down arrow and select Current Key Stage;

· Click Find

· For the Year Group field select the correct year group from the drop down box

· Click Find and the pupils are displayed

· Click Select and then choose Yes

· Click Select All to highlight all the pupils

· From the New Value drop down box select EYF

· Click on the Apply Changes button

· Click Save and click Yes to any warning messages

· From the Area click the drop down arrow and select Key Stage EYF Year

· Click Select All to highlight the pupils

· From the New Value drop down box select 2013

· Click on the Apply Changes button

· Click Save and click Yes to any warning messages

·  From the Area click the drop down arrow and select Key Stage EYF End of Statutory Assessment

·  Click Select All button to highlight all the pupils

·  From the New Value enter a tick into the box

·  Click on the Apply Changes button

·  ‘Yes’ will appear in the value column

·  Click Save and click Yes to any warning messages

·  From the Area click the drop down arrow and select Key Stage EYF Tests Taken at Another School.

·  In the New Value Column any pupils that have taken the test at another school should have a value of Yes against them.

·  Highlight the remaining pupils either by clicking Select All and deselect the pupils with the Yes value (Control + Click to deselect) or cherry picking

·  Leave the New Value box blank

·  Click on the Apply Changes button

·  ‘No’ will appear in the value column

· Click Save and click Yes to any warning messages

· Your records will now be updated

· Ensure that you save any changes you have made.

· When the update is complete the screen will change from blue to white, click Cancel to exit the speed edit window

Section B – Entering the EYFS Assessment Scores

Method 1 – Input using Key Stage Templates (information filters through to individual pupil records in student details)

Copying the Template

·  In Modules, select Assessment and Assessment Planning

· The Assessment Plans window will be displayed

· Expand the Templates Folder by clicking on the Plus Symbol

· Click on the Plus Symbol to expand the Key Stage Folder

· Click the Plus Symbol to expand the 2013 Folder

· Highlight the NC Early Years Foundation 2013 template

· Click Copy on the right hand side;

· Highlight My Assessment Plans (as shown below)

· In Save As field the copy template will be renamed as NC Early Years Foundation 2013(1). Please delete the (1) so that the template is saved as below;

· Click OK

Assigning Groups and Markbook Users

·  Expand My Assessment Plans by clicking on the Plus Symbol

·  Highlight the NC Early Years Foundation 2013 and click the Edit an Assessment Plan icon

·  Select the Enrolled Groups Tab

·  Click the Add an Enrolled Group icon;

·  In Enrolled Group Type drop the arrow down and select Year Group

·  Highlight Correct Year Group and click the Add button.

·  Click Close

Once you have enrolled the group, you will need to assign Markbook users

·  Highlight the enrolled group and click the Add Markbook Users icon

·  Select a single user by clicking to highlight their name


·  Select several users by Holding ctrl down and clicking with the mouse

·  Click OK and Save

·  The template is now ready to use

To Enter the Scores in the Markbook

Method 1 – Input levels into the Markbook

·  Go to Assessment and Markbook

·  Expand My Markbooks and highlight the NC Early Years Foundation 2013: Year markbook

·  Click the Open a Markbook icon

·  Expand the unit for Communication

·  Enter the scores in the first 3 columns for all pupils listed and then click Save

·  Collapse the Communication unit

·  You will then need to expand each unit and enter the necessary data for all pupils and click Save

·  Click Back to exit

Method 2 – Input into Individual Pupil Records in Student Details (scores entered directly into the Key Stage tab)

· Select General and Student Details

· Click Find

· For the Year Group field select from the drop down box

· Click Find and the pupils are displayed

· Click Select and then choose Yes

· Click on the Orange Arrow (top tab - right hand side) and select Key Stage

· Click Edit

· For each eligible pupil Early Years Foundation Stage should be selected for the Current Key Stage, 2013 for the Year of Assessment, a tick in End of Statutory Assessment and Assessed at Another School left blank (a tick should only appear if the pupil has been assessed at another school).

·  Enter the Teacher Assessment levels as appropriate.

·  Click Save when all the levels have been entered.

·  You will now be back in the Student screen and you can move through the Year 2 pupils by clicking on the Next or Previous arrows. Use the Edit to open the Key Stage data tab for editing and Save each record

·  Teacher Assessment results need to be added for all eligible pupils entered for the end of Key Stage Early Years Foundation Stage statutory assessments.

Section C - Creating the EYS Assessments Export File

·  Select Administration and Import & Export

·  Select Key Stage Exports

·  Choose the Early Years Foundation Export (2013) option

·  Click Next

·  Select the students you wish to include on this import by clicking on the Plus Icon and selecting the current roll with the correct year group.

·  All the EYF pupils will appear in the export window

·  Click Next

·  In the Export Summary window scroll down to check there are no pupils with validation issues. These issues must be reviewed, and corrected if necessary, before generating the file for submission

·  If there are validation issues click Finish, Yes to the warning message and Close - you will need to return to Section B to look at the individual pupil records and add any missing information. Once this is done continue with the instructions from Section C onwards.

·  If there are no validation issues click the Download Now button

·  In the File Download window click Save

·  Navigate to your desktop or a folder you have created for the EYF Return.

·  In the file name box the structure will read: 931XXXX_FSP_931LLLL_001.ZIP

·  If you are required to change the file name please do so.

·  Click Save and Close

·  Click Finish and Close

·  Exit or minimise Integris G2

You will then need to send this file to the relevant parties. Please note that this is not something that the RM Integris Support Team is able to assist with.

If you do have any issues with the above process please contact the RM Integris Support Team on;

TEL: 0845 130 2214


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