Consent form for standing as candidate for Trustee of The Food Chain (UK) Ltdin 2013

My full name is: / (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)
My full home address is: / (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)
My phone number is: / Home:
My email address is:

Declaration (these are requirements of Company and Charity Law, and of the Company’s own constitution):

I declare that:

  • I am aged 18 or over.
  • I am not bankrupt.
  • I have not been disqualified under the Companies Acts from serving as a Company Director and there is no reason under those Acts or under the Charities Acts why I am not allowed to be a Trustee.
  • I am not an employee of The Food Chain or being paid for work done for The Food Chain.
  • I am not the partner, spouse or business partner of an employee of The Food Chain.
  • I have not been employed by The Food Chain on a permanent basis at any time since 17 October 2012.
  • I am not employed by, or directly associated with, any agency or body which provides funding to, or purchases services from, The Food Chain; or, if I am, then I am not in a position to influence the agency or body’s decisions about the funding or purchasing.
  • I am not the partner or spouse or business partner of any person who (a) is employed by, or directly associated with, any agency or body which provides funding to, or purchases services from, The Food Chain and (b) is in a position to influence the agency or body’s decisions about the funding or purchasing.
  • I am not otherwise disqualified under Article 62 of The Food Chain (UK) Ltd.’s Articles from serving as a Trustee. [A copy of Article 62 is overleaf.]

I agree to stand in the forthcoming election for trustees for the management committee of TheFood Chain (UK) Ltd.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please return this form and your personal statement, and a passport photo if possible, to The Food Chain, Acorn House, 314-320 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DP, to arrive there on or before Wednesday 11 September 2013.

Extracts from food chain memorandum and articles

Article 62

Disqualification and removal of trustees

62.A Trustee shall cease to hold office if he or she:

62.1ceases to be a Trustee by virtue of any provision in the Act or is disqualified from acting as a Trustee by virtue of Section 45 of the Charities Act 1992 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision);

62.2becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing and administering his or her own affairs;

62.3fails to attend three duly convened meetings of the Management Committee and/or any sub-committee on which he or she serves in accordance with Article 88 in the period from one Annual General Meeting to the next without giving good reason. The trustees decide in each case what constitutes “good reason”;

62.4takes a position remunerated by the Company or enters into a contract with the Company, unless such remuneration or contractual arrangement is permitted under Clause 5 of the Memorandum;

62.5resigns as a trustee by notice to the Company (but only if at least five Trustees will remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect);

62.6is a person to whom any of Articles 45.1 to 45.5 applies or comes to apply.

Article 45

45.A person is not eligible for nomination as a trustee if he or she:

45.1is an employee of the Company or is being paid for work done for the Company; or

45.2is the partner or spouse or business partner of an employee of the Company; or

45.3has been employed by the Company on a permanent basis at any time in the year before the date of the Annual General Meeting; or

45.4is employed by, or directly associated with, any agency or body which provides funding to or purchases services from the Company and is in a position to influence decisions about such funding or purchasing; or

45.5is the partner or spouse or business partner of any person who is employed by, or directly associated with, any agency or body which provides funding to or purchases services from the Company and is in a position to influence decisions about such funding or purchasing.

But if there are two Trustees continuing on the Management Committee who are in receipt of meals or other benefits from the Company, no nominations can be taken for people who are receiving meals or other benefits from the Company. For the purposes of the first Annual General Meeting to be held after implementation of these procedures, the three months membership is not required.