Fairtrade Assembly

All: Welcome to Class 3’s assembly!

[9 children holding letters, turned towards them).

ChildA: Give me an F

All: F

ChildA turns letter around.

[4 cheerleaders with poms-poms do star jumps—ChildB, ChildC, ChildD and ChildE]

ChildF: Give me an A

All: A

ChildF turns letter around.

[Star jumps]

ChildD: Give me an I

All: I

ChildD turns letter around.

[Star jumps]

ChildE: Give me an R

All: R

ChildE turns letter around.

[Star jumps]

ChildG: Give me a T

All: T

ChildG turns letter around.

[Star jumps}

ChildH: Give me an R

All: R

ChildH turns letter around

ChildI: Give me an A

All: A

ChildI turns letter around

[Star jumps]

ChildJ: Give me a D

All: D

ChildJ turns letter around

[Star jumps]

ChildK: Give me an E

All: E

ChildK turns letter around.

[Star jumps]

ChildA: What does it spell?

All: (crescendo) F-A-I-R-TRADE! (Pom-poms raised from floor to above heads).

ChildF: We have been learning about Fair trade.

ChildD: You might have seen some of these fair trade products in the shops.

ChildL: They have the fair trade logo on them ( holds up logo).

ChildB: Honey!

CHILDM: Pineapples!

ChildN: Bananas!

ChildO: Tea!

ChildP: Coffee!

ChildQ: Grapes!

ChildL: Cocoa!

ChildC: Sugar!

ChildE and ChildD: Chocolate!

All: Mmmmmm! CHOCOLATE!!

ChildI: But why do some things have the fair trade logo? What does it mean?

ChildJ: How did fair trade begin?

ChildP: Well, a long time ago, this happened…

A scene on a cocoa farm. 3 children ChildH, CHILDM, ChildE are hacking at ‘cocoa pods’ (papier mache)

Using cardboard machetes.

ChildH: Opening these cocoa pods is hard work!

ChildE: And dangerous too. These knives are sharp!

The supervisor (ChildA) walks over.

ChildA: Come on, come on, work faster! There are still lots of cocoa pods to open!

ChildH: We’re working as fast as we can!

CHILDM: It’s hot!

ChildE: I’m thirsty!

ChildH: What will you do with the cocoa beans?

ChildA: We’ll roast them in the sun, then they will be sold and used to make chocolate.

CHILDM: What’s chocolate? Is it nice?

ChildA: Never you mind, just keep on working!

ChildE: I’m tired. I wish I could go to school!

ChildA: Well you can’t, you have to work!

ChildD: Stop! Stop! This is all wrong!

ChildA: Who are you?

ChildD: We work for the fair trade cooperative.

ChildF: We think these children should go to school and that their families should get more money for the coco beans,

ChildD: Then they can buy food and medicine too.

All: (except ChildA, scratching his head)

Fair is when you share

Fair is when you care

Fair means you help those in need

Fair does not mean greed

Working hard in the hot sun

Then getting next to nothing

That isn’t FAIR!

ChildC: Not sharing chocolate with your sister, that’s not fair!

ChildB: Not sharing toys with your friends, that’s not fair!

ChildA: Not letting your brother play in your bedroom, that’s not fair!

ChildE: Not taking turns on the scooter: that’s not fair!

Mitchell: Taking turns to talk in class, that’s fair!

ChildG: Sharing the duplo with other people, that’s fair!

ChildD: Letting your sister play in your room, that’s fair!

All: Fair is when you share...etc

ChildA: But how can I pay the workers more? Where will we GET the extra money from?

ChildD : We’ll ask the people who buy the chocolate to pay a little bit more for it.

ChildF: And we’ll call it fair trade chocolate!

ChildD: It can have the fair trade logo on it to show the farmers got paid more.

ChildA and workers: That sounds like a fair deal for everyone!

ChildI: Now the farmers can use the extra money to buy the things they need. Things like...

CHILDM: Medicine!

ChildN: Healthy food!

ChildO: Schools!

ChildP: Clean water!

ChildQ: Clothes!

ChildL: Houses!

ChildK: A better future!

All: That sounds FAIR! HOORAY!!!

All: Fair trade song ‘7 days of Fair trade’ to the tune of the twelve days of Christmas. (Available from The Cooperative Fair Trade website)

ChildI: Do you think Jesus would have bought fair trade products if they had been around then?

ChildJ: Oh yes, because the Bible tells us to love our neighbours and to share what we have with others,

ChildD: The Bible tells us to help the poor and the needy, like the poor farmers.

ChildF: Jesus said,” Where someone has been given much, much will be expected of him”.

ChildP: Let us pray:

ChildD and ChildR: Dear God, help us to be fair and honest in everything we do.

ChildP and ChildJ: May our first thought not be about ourselves

Lucy Cu and ChildF: But let us think more about helping others.

ChildA and ChildE: We pray that companies around the world treat their workers well.

ChildK and ChildH: We pray that more people buy fair trade goods.

ChildD and ChildR: May this help to make your world a fairer place.

All: AMEN.

ChildK: Please join us in our hymn: (Let us work today to build ourselves a better world).

ChildJ: We hope you enjoyed our fair trade assembly.

ChildI: Please look out for fair trade products in the shops!

ChildL.: They might be a bit more expensive...

ChildA: But if you DON’T buy fair-trade you have to ask yourself…


ChildF: We hope that all our Mums, Dads and other special visitors are able to stay behind for some refreshments. Fair trade of course!