18th– 22nd April2016

Holland House

Cropthorne, Pershore, Worcestershire

Training and Development

The Dioceses of

Londonand Chelmsford


To assist clergy approaching their next phase of stipendiary ministry to assess their skills, experience and strengths, in order to set renewed vision for their ministry.


The Residential is for Stipendiary Clergy who are around the age of 50 years and who have considerable experience in ministry.


  • To provide space to stand back from the ministry situation to reflect;
  • To offer professional expertise in helping clergy to identify skills, strengths and preferences;
  • To offer some tools to assist leaders in mission and ministry;
  • To help clergy consider options and possibilities for future ministry;
  • To provide an environment of support and shared experience.


By the end of the residential, participants should

  • be clearer in articulating their vision in their current ministry situation;
  • have started a process of identifying options and preferencesfor future ministry;
  • have gained insights and learning of practical tools to assist them in setting vision and goals for present and future ministry;
  • have developed new and renewed insights of the place of support and development in ministry.


The Residential takes seriously the high levels of experience, wisdom and insight that clergy will have gain over a number of years of ministry. In giving a space aside the aim of this residential is to assist in enabling clergy to think positively and constructively about the next phase of stipendiary ministry, at a reasonable and un-pressured distance from this phase.

The Residential takes seriously the findings of the Church of England report From Frustration to Fulfilment(please email Neil Evans for a copy – address below) which explored issues associated with the next phase of stipendiary ministry and aims to offer a positive response.


The Residential is led by Training and Development staff from the London and Chelmsford Diocese,with 3D Coaching ( a professional coaching company with considerable experience in working with Church of England Clergy and Dioceses. Learning takes place in the context of prayer and theological reflection, with individual work, and plenary and small group input and discussion.

There will be a modest amount of preparatory work to assist participants in getting the most out of the Residential, along with the possibility of follow up for those who would like to pursue themes from the Residential.


The Residential takes place from lunch-time on Monday 18thApril to lunch-time on Friday 22nd April 2016 inclusive. There is no cost to participants or their parish aside from travelling expenses.

Once participants have been accepted on the Residential they will be expected to commit themselves to the whole five days. The nature of the Programme means that participants should not expect to arrive late, leave early, or take time out of the Residential. Late withdrawal from the Residential may incur significant costs which is a real waste of precious resources (the full cost of the residential is around £800 per person).


To discuss this further please speak with your Bishop, Archdeacon,Director of Training and Developmentor CMD Officer.

Full details and booking:

London Diocese:

The Revd Dr Neil Evans

Director of Ministry

020 8987 7332

020 7932 1275 (Judy Barrett, Ministry Administrator)

Chelmsford Diocese:

The Revd Jill Mowbray

CMD Adviser

020 8520 9740 /07590 929953