Hudson Volunteer Fire Department

Regular Business Meeting

April 5, 2004

Members Present:

Mike Arrowood, Gowland Bass, Devin Coker, Jerry Coker, Jason Freeman,

Verne Goodenough, Larry Goodwin, Norman Hellwig, Ricky Hellwig, Reese Little

Mark Loose, Matt Marshall, Kelli Provow, Chris Smith, Robert Smith, Coleman


  1. Meeting called to order by President Robert Smith @ 7:06 pm
  2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Motion by Gowland Bass to accept minutes from March 04. Second by Larry Goodwin. MCU
  4. Motion by Chris Smith to accept Treasurer’s report. Second by Mike Arrowood. MCU

Old Business:

  1. Rick reported that the roof work should start this week. The cost will be about 700.00. Motion by Larry Goodwin to fix the roof and flash the lean-to into the building. Second by Matt Marshall. MCU
  2. Larry reported that we are getting some 5” hose with the Homeland Security money.
  3. Larry asked about the cabinets in the kitchen. Rick will check with B&B again. We need to finish the work and paint the walls before the cabinet work starts.
  4. Robert reported that Tuesday of next week will be the run-off elections. The meeting room will be used for this.
  5. The racetrack is open but we will not take any trucks out there on a regular bases and then only 723 will go.
  6. The FEMA grant will not come through this year. We did not know we had to have a Department Identification Number.
  7. The Texas Forest Service grant is still open. We applied for about 950.00 for a fire school tuition. Discussion about applying for grant money against a new tanker but we will apply for the training money.
  8. Rick has not had a chance to talk to Craig @ Metro about the set of JAW’s.
  9. No report on the fish fry since Brian is in Austin this week. Jason thinks he got some more stuff donated.
  10. Norman reported that we never sent Dean’s father any flowers. We will take up a collection from the firemen tonight.

New Business:

  1. Norman made a motion to buy 10 new tables, a file cabinet and a couple of good office chairs. The 8’ tables are about 45.00 each at Sam’s. The chairs are about 50.00 each and the file cabinet is 200.00. Second by Chris Smith. MCU
  2. Robert reported on the trash-off. We were one person short of second place. We took 3rd place and a check for 100.00.
  3. Gowland reported he inspected the place next door. It is going to be a new church.
  4. Robert reported that Don Deal called about an elderly couple next door to him that needs their house painted. We could make four to five hundred dollars plus the PR. It will take a couple of Saturday’s. Consensus was to do it.
  5. Matt said Sherry needed help with “Tire Reclamation” for Hudson. We will have some help for her.
  6. Robert reported that a vaccination clinic will be held April 17th at City Hall.
  7. Jason has someone lined up to do the finish work on our cabinets @ no charge.
  8. Norman said he wants to put the old kitchen cabinet up in the hallway for our books and truck manuals.
  9. Mike Arrowood asked about new hats for our 30th anniversary. We will look into having some made.
  10. Robert read a letter of resignation from Marc Foise dated 4-4-04. He is having to move out of town.
  11. Rick reported that Kris Nelson has also resigned since he had to move to Etoile.
  12. Gowland Bass made a motion to adjourn. Second by Matt. MCU (7:56pm)


Mark Loose, Secretary Robert Smith, President