BNL Family Camping Club
Minutes of Meeting Held on April 8, 2008
Attendees:Allan Corby
Charles Gardner
Jim Giacalone
George Gottschalk (VP)
Chris Herbst
Bob Kiss
Anna Seda (Secretary)
Mike Stangel (Web Master)
Ed Stein (President)
Vincent Susinno
Diana Teich
Sue Wells
Joyce Wund (Treasurer)
Meeting was brought to order by George Gottschalk (Ed arrived late)
- Old News
- Chris Carter will not entertain discussions of the future campground area.
- Fire pits have not yet been purchased, Mike Stangel will purchase from Camping World. Ed to provide models to be purchased based on previous vote by club.
- Bulletin article still not completed and submitted.
- Indian Island is confirmed for Memorial Day, 5/23-26 and Father’s Day, 6/13-15, Group Site 1. There are three remaining sites for Memorial Day weekend and one remaining for Father’s Day weekend.
- April campout will be held 4/25-26 with hamburgers and hot dogs provided by the club.
- Shakedown took place with Mike Stangel and Charles Gardner in attendance over 4/4-6.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Savings = $146.04; Checking = $770.02
- 20 members in good standing; 6 un-paid members as of this meeting
- BNL Family Camping Club Kickoff and Membership Drive, April 25-27
- Club will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, sodas, utensils for late afternoon meal on Saturday.
- Diana Teich and Sue Wells volunteered to do the shopping.
- Ed Stein will be Wagon Master.
- Club members will bring potluck dish to share.
- Members will be charged the $5 fee for the weekend, non-members will not be charged to camp.
- Saturday (4/26) will be advertised in Bulletin with an article to invite fellow employees/guests to visit and camp if they wish.
- RSVP needs to be included in the article.
- Email must be sent to members to confirm attendance.
- Camping Area
- Metal ash bins are in need of emptying.
- Sink and black hose are missing.
- Area needs to have seed put down for grass to reduce mud/dust.
- General Business
- Trailers or any other camping units cannot be kept onsite for any length of time anywhere other than the camping area, which is open from April 1 until October 31. This does not include having a trailer attached to a vehicle that is driven on and off site each day.
- Members may camp for up to 4 weeks then must leave for 2 weeks for a maximum of 8 weeks of “long-term” camping.
- George volunteered to create and maintain a calendar viewable on the BNL Family Camping Club website.
Meeting was adjourned.