Higher Education and Research in

US, France and Switzerland


The Higher Education and Research Globalseminarsinvite doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers for critical reflection about topics of Global Higher Education and the challenges of its career trajectories. They provide overview and insights intoHigher Education landscapes in the US (Day 1), Switzerland (Day 2), and France (Day 3) and explore their mechanisms of career tutoring and career building..Participantsreceive first-hand information from leading Higher Education experts, comprehend in more detail the specificities of Switzerland’s Tertiary Education sector, and increase understanding of their own career standpoint within academe by exchanging with peers across disciplines and by developing comparative global views.


• To gain basic knowledge on the organization of US American academia and career trajectories and on the different types of Higher Education Institutions and employment schemes in Switzerland and France.

• To know the main differences between the US American, the Swiss and French Higher Education landscapes.

Methods / Tools

• Conceptual introduction

• Brief literature review

• Group work

• Discussion of open questions

• Written essay, …..

Target Group

Doctoral Candidates & Postdoctoral Researchers


1 ECTS / 30 h -> Preliminary work (self-study) 6 h; lessons 18 h (full attendance of the three seminar days required), achievement review (follow up: written essay) 6 h. 1 ECTS corresponds to appr. 25 - 30 h workload.

About the Trainers

Prof. Dr. Karen De Pauw (Virginia Tech) serves as Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education and holds academic appointments as tenured Professor in the Departments of Sociology (Sociology) and the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods & Exercise at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Since her arrival at Virginia Tech, her major accomplishments include success in building a strong diverse and inclusive graduate community, the establishment of the national awarding winning innovative Graduate Life Center (GLC), the signature academic initiative known as Transformative Graduate Education (TGE) including the global perspectives program and has been recognized nationally as a leader in innovative use of technology in graduate education.

Prof. Dr. Christian Imdorf (University of Bern,) holds an SNSF professorship at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Bern. He is co-directing the Swiss longitudinal study Transitions from Education to Employment (TREE). His research projects focus on educational systems from a comparative perspective, gender and education, pathways to higher education, new organizational forms of vocational upper secondary education (training networks, specialized middle schools), and job insecurities in the labour market.

Béatrice Meier-Muller, France (Université de Strasbourg), is the Director of the Direction of Research at University of Strasbourg.

Course Fees and Admission

This course is free of charge and open to applicants from the Universities of Basel, Zurich and Berne as well as from EUCOR – The European Campus Universities.

(min. 6, max. 15 participants).


Course Days 1 + 2:

University of Basel, Main Building (Kollegienhaus)

Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel

Room 206 (2nd Floor)

Course Day 3:

University of Strasbourg, Institut Le Bel,

4 rue Blaise Pascal, 67000 Strasbourg

(For Uni Basel participants, travel costs will be covered by EUCOR – European Campus funding)

Registration Start

31 January 2018 at 9 a.m.

Registration Deadline


Organized by

Transferable Skills

Graduate Center for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs

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