May 19, 2011
Environmental Code of Practice for Small Construction Works
Community led infrastructure Development Project for the Urban Poor in Ulaanbaatar Phase 2 (CLIPII)
1.The Contractor /Community group and his employees shall adhere to the mitigation measures set down in these specifications to prevent harm and nuisances on local communities, and to avoid, mitigate and minimize the impacts in construction and operation on the environment.
2.Remedial actions which cannot be effectively carried out during construction should be carried out on completion of the works (and before issuance of the acceptance of completion of works):
The various mitigation measures to be adopted during the various stages of the project is provided in the following sections.
- Pre-Construction Stage
During the pre-construction stage, the mitigation measures would include, the land and property acquisition and utility relocation, which might be impacted.
- Contractor Mobilization and Site Clearance
The activities will include site clearance, location of construction camps, water arrangement, identification of dumping sites and location of hot mix and batching plants.
- Construction Stage
This will be the most crucial and active stage for the environmental impact mitigation measures.
- Operation Stage
- During the operation only the operating agency, such as Municipality, district, khoroo, and community group will be in charge.
The measures adopted and /or to be adopted during the different stage of the project have been detailed in the following sections.
The Contractor/Community group herein means the agency hired for execution of the construction works for the respective contract packages. PMU would be the implementation agency and will hire Supervision Engineer for monitoring environmental management and impact mitigation matters.
Construction Activities and Environmental Rules for Contractors
The following information is intended solely as broad guidance to be used in conjunction with local and national regulations. Before initiation of construction activities, the Contractor/Community group shall present the PMU Supervision Engineer (SE) with a Construction Plan which explicitly states how he plans to abide by these specifications. After approval of such Plan by the SE, construction activities can proceed.
The following activities are prohibited on or near the project site:
- Cutting of trees for any reason outside the approved construction area;
- Use of unapproved toxic materials, including lead-based paints, asbestos, etc.;
- Disturbance to anything with architectural or historical value;
- Building of fires;
- Use of firearms (except authorized security guards);
- Use of alcohol by workers.
The Contractor/Community group shall use selected routes to the project site and appropriately sized vehicles suitable to the class of roads in the area, and shall restrict loads to prevent damage to local roads and bridges used for transportation purposes. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage caused to local roads and bridges due to the transportation of excessive loads, and shall be required to repair such damage.
The Contractor/Community group shall not use any vehicles, either on or off road with grossly excessive, exhaust or noise emissions.
Adequate traffic control measures shall be maintained by the Contractor/Community group throughout the duration of the Contract and such measures shall be subject to prior approval of the SE.
Mitigation measures to be taken by the Stakeholders
Pre-Construction Stage
Land and property acquisition
The PMU with support of MUB shall prepare project land in accordance with the entitlement framework for the project.
The PMU will be responsible for Resettlement activities (if any) be completed as far as possible before the construction activity starts if any.
Utility relocation
PMU shall coordinate with related agencies all issues related to the existing utilities such as electrical poles, water pipeline etc. be relocated with prior approval of the concerned agencies.
Relocation of the existing utilities will not be happened, however if happen this would be completed before construction starts, on any components of the project.
Mobilization and Site Clearance
The contractor/community groupshall take all the necessary care to ensure that public or private properties are not damaged during site clearance.
If any such damage is caused, the contractor/community group is held fully liable for the consequences of such damage.
Construction camps for laborers
The construction camps are located at least 500 m away from habitations.
The temporary campsand ancillary facilities for labor are erected and maintained to the standards and scales approved by the engineer.
Garbage bins are provided in the camps and regularly emptied and the garbage disposed off in a hygienic manner to the satisfaction of the engineer.
At all construction camps sufficient water supply is maintained to eliminate chances of waterborne / water-related / water-based diseases and to ensure the health and hygiene of the workers.
All construction laborers’ camps are provided with a VIP (including soak pits) designed, built and operated such that no pollution to ground or adjacent water bodies / watercourses take place.
Water arrangements
Independent arrangements are made for requirements for construction work in such a way that water availability and supply to nearby communities remains unaffected.
Construction Stage (Physical Environment)
Cleanliness and sanitation
The site be kept clean, tidy and in sanitary condition. All general rubbish and waste created are properly cleaned.
Use of hazardous materials or toxic chemicals is not permitted as these are injurious to human and animal health.
Construction Stage (Impact on Environmental Quality)
Water Quality
The surface and ground water quality in the project area shall be maintained by adopting following mitigation measures:
Prevention of surface water pollution shall be carried out by the Contractor/Community Group: Measures have been planned to capture and clean up the run-off during construction from road, drainage, bathhouses etc. by providing temporary pits in each construction site. All the pits should be covered and surrounded by thin plastic paper to reduce the seepage. When the pit is filled with the run-off materials, it will be cleaned up by disposing off all the materials in pre-identified places, or wastes from the pit will have to be trucked to the city system. After the completion of the civil works all the pits will be filled with soil, which will bring back original shape of the land plot.
Discharge of oil and grease is likely from construction vehicle parking area, vehicle repair area and workshops. An oil interceptor should be provided to ensure that all wastewater flows into the interceptor prior to its discharge.
Air Quality
The Contractor/Community Groupshall ensure that the pollution emission level of the construction equipments comply with the prescribed standards.
Machinery causing excessive pollution (e.g. visible clouds of smoke) is banned from construction sites.
Generation of Dust
The Contractor/Community Groupmake sure that all vehicles delivering materials to the site be covered to avoid spillage of materials.
All existing roads/paths used by vehicles of the contractor, or any of his sub-contractor or suppliers of materials or plant and similarly roads/paths which are part of the works are kept clean or clear of all dust / mud or other extraneous materials dropped by such vehicles.
Plants, machinery and equipment are so handled (including dismantling) as to minimize generation of dust.
Maintain all construction-related traffic at or below 15 mph on streets within 200 m of the site.
- Maintain all on-site vehicle speeds at or below 10 mph.
- Place dust screens around construction areas, paying particular attention to areas close to housing, commercial areas, and recreational areas.
Spray water as needed to reduce the dust when the weather is dry.
Emission from construction vehicles, equipment and machinery
All vehicles, equipments and machinery used for construction should be regularly maintained to ensure that pollution emission levels comply with the standards.
Noise quality
The Contractor/Community Groupshall take care of construction machinery be located away from settlements.
Careful planning of machinery operation and scheduling of operations can reduce the noise levels. Use of equipment, emitting noise not greater than 90dB (A) for the eight-hour operations shift and locating of construction yards at a distance of at least 1 km from any residential areas can be adhered to.
Use of noise shields to construction machinery and provision of earplugs to the heavy machine operators are some of the mitigation measures, which could be followed by the contractors during the civil works.
All construction equipment, plants, machinery and vehicles shall follow prescribed noise standards. All construction equipment used for an eight hour shift to conform to a standard of less than 90 dB (A);
At construction sites within 150m of human settlements, noisy construction to be stopped between 10.00 PM and 6.00 AM;
Vehicles and construction machinery be monitored regularly with particular attention to silencers and mufflers to maintain noise levels to minimum;
Workers in the vicinity of high noise levels must wear ear plugs, helmets and should be engaged in diversified activities to prevent prolonged exposure to noise levels of more than 90 dB (A) per 8 hour shift;
Noise from construction equipments
The plants and equipment used in construction to conform to the noise standards.
All vehicles and equipment used in construction be fitted with exhaust silencers.
During routine servicing operations, the effectiveness of exhaust silencers be checked and if found to be defective be replaced.
Non-compliant plant is removed from site.
Maintenance of vehicles, equipment and machinery be regular and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to keep noise from these at a minimum.
Workers in vicinity of loud noise, and workers working with or in crushing, compaction, concrete mixing operation to wear earplugs.
- In sensitive areas (including residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, etc.) more strict measures may need to be implemented to prevent undesirable noise levels.
Construction Stage (Impact on Ecological Resources)
The Contractor/Community Groupis prohibited that of plants and trees as fuel wood, as scaffolding for formwork during construction.
The Contractor/Community Groupcould use alternative fuels such as coal and electricity,
Providing environmental education /awareness training by contractor to the construction
Construction Stage (disposal of construction wastes)
The Contractor shall establish and enforce daily site clean-up procedures, including maintenance of adequate disposal facilities for construction debris
Debris generated due to the dismantling of the existing structures, or excavated earth shall be suitably reused, to the extent feasible, in the proposed construction (e.g. as fill materials). The disposal of remaining debris shall be carried out only at sites identified and approved by the Project Engineer. The contractor should ensure that these sites (a) are not located within designated forest areas; (b) do not impact natural drainage courses; and (c) do not impact endangered/rare flora. Under no circumstances shall the contractor dispose of any material in environmentally sensitive areas.
In the event any debris or silt from the sites is deposited on adjacent land, the Contractor shall immediately remove such, debris or silt and restore the affected area to its original state to the satisfaction of the Project Engineer.
Contractor will reduce waste generation whenever feasible. Contractor should separate recyclable wastes from non-recyclable ones. All wastes should be properly handled. Any illegal waste dumping or burning will be prohibited.
Conserve topsoil with its leaf litter and organic matter, and reapply this material to local disturbed areas to promote the growth of local native vegetation.
Construction Stage (Impact on Human Use Values)
Loss of Monuments / Historical Areas
- The project territory is not of interest from the archeological point of view and there are no archaeological monuments except monasteries.
- All necessary and adequate measures shall be taken by PMU to minimize impact on places of worship.
- All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity and structures and other remains or things of geological or archaeological interest discovered on the site will be the property of the Government, and should be dealt with as per provisions of the relevant legislation.Physical Cultural Resources Chance finding Procedure to be followed during construction.
Health, Safety and Hygiene
Construction of roads/paths, drainage line and water bores will inevitably result in generation of wastes. However, the amount of waste in normal situations is relatively small. The amount of waste created in constructing roads/paths may be greater than usual due to substandard subsoil materials, which will need to be replaced.
The Contractor/Community Group will be required to control the construction site, keep it clean and provide appropriate facilities for the temporary storage of all waste until it is disposed.
Construction waste to be stored in special waste storage areas. The waste to be stored appropriately to avoid pollution of water supplies and sources as well as to avoid dust formation during dry seasons.
The Contractor/Community Group to be responsible for the safe transportation and storage of all waste in order to prevent any kind of environmental pollution or harmful effect to people or animals.
All necessary safeguards be taken to ensure safety, welfare and good health of all persons entitled to be on site and that works are carried out in a safe and efficient manner.
The personnel working at vulnerable locations at site to wear safety helmets and strong footwear. It is to be ensured that all workmen and staff employed at the site use safety equipment such as eye protectors, hearing protectors, safety helmet, and safety equipment.
Fire extinguishers and first-aid equipment to be kept at the site.
Injuries may occur during the construction period. It is therefore pertinent to provide first aid facilities for all the construction workers. At construction camps and at all workplaces first aid equipment and nursing staff to be provided.
The contractor shall fence of the site for general safety measures; traffic re-routing (if required) should be appropriately managed and planned for; carefully and clearly mark pedestrian-safe access routes.
Conduct safety training for construction workers prior to beginning work.
Construction Stage (Other Impacts)
Localized disturbance of surroundingareas
The Contractor/Community Group ensure proper construction management and reshape the site condition to its original.
Off-site disposal locations for materials and debris to be determined to be acceptable.
Proper plans for disposal of construction waste to be included in the contract documents,
Proper and safe handling, transporting and dumping of waste material including fencing and public awareness signs to be properly done
Contractor shall inform the project affected people about construction and work schedules, interruption of services, traffic detour routes and provisional bus routes, and demolition, as appropriate.
● Contractor shall limit construction activities at night. When necessary ensure that night work is carefully scheduled and the community is properly informed so they can take necessary measures.
● At least five days in advance of any service interruption (including water, electricity, telephone, bus routes) the community must be advised through postings at the project site, at community center, and in affected homes/businesses.
Traffic Control and Safety
- The Contractor/Community Group to take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, marking flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the Engineer for the information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the Roads/Paths, drainage, water supply pipe line etc. under improvement.
- Before taking up any construction, an agreed phased program for the diversion of traffic or closer of traffic on the Roads/Paths to be drawn up.
Risk from Operations
- The Contractor/Community Group to supply all necessary safety appliances such as safety goggles, helmets, masks, etc. to the workers and staff.
- The Contractor/Community Group to comply with all regulation regarding safe scaffolding, ladders, working platforms, gangway, stairwells, excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and egress.
- No child labor shall be utilized in the project.
Risks associated with Construction Activity
- All workers employed on mixing asphaltic material, cement, lime mortars, concrete etc., to be provided with protective footwear and protective goggles.
- Workers, who are engaged in welding works to be provided with welder’s protective eye-shields. Stonebreakers to be provided with protective goggles and clothing and to be located at sufficiently safe intervals.
First Aid
- At every workplace, a readily available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing material and appliances to be provided.
- Suitable transport to be provided to take injured or ill person(s) to the nearest hospital.
- At every workplace and construction camp, nursing staff to be provided.
- All these measures should be included in bidding document and contractor’s workplan as part of the specifications for construction that will be followed to address any potential environmental safeguard concerns.
Operational Stage
Contamination of soil and water resources from poor drainage management
MUB to ensure that all the drain lines should periodically cleaned, so that the congestion of wastewater in the drain lines will be avoided. This activity will also discourage the breeding of vectors.
Environmental Safeguard Guidelines for Civil Works for CLIDII