The First Artists and their Work

From about 18,000 years BC to about ______, when saber-tooth cats still roamed the earth, humankind began making art. These first artworks were made inside ______. The ______culture was the first group to make art. ______, France is home to the world’s largest collection of cave art. These works of art were found accidentally in the year ______CE by four children and their dog. It is believed that the caves were ______spaces and that the paintings had some sort of religious meaning. Archeologist and anthropologists also believe that the paintings were planned murals created by ______who lived in a very ______and ______society. The paintings are depictions of ______, ______, and ______. Considering that humanity began first in Africa three ______years ago, we have not been making art for very long. In fact, creating images is relatively new to humankind.

Lascaux Paris Verona 1940 CE 18,000 BCE

10,000 BCE 20,000 cliffs caves huts

complex primitive Paleolithic man simple horses

Neanderthals caves advanced Magdalenian people

oxen deer horses billion million

sacred chiefs artists

Early Cave Paintings: Prehistoric Europeans: People Who Invented Art

The first discoveries of cave painting and the artworks of early humans were found in ______Spain in a place called ______by a nine year old girl. In the fall of ______, she and her father were exploring a cave when she discovered paintings of ______on the walls and ceilings of the cave. At first, people thought that such sophisticated work could not possibly have been made by ______man and that these works were fake. However, over the next ten years, many similar discoveries were made throughout Europe. When experts began dating these pictures, they realized that humankind did not actually start making art until late in our evolution. Homo-sapiens, people like us, came into being about ______years ago. However, we did not start creating images until about ______years ago, when we began to change. This was when we became creative and started making images of the world around us.

Western Southern Northern Altamira 1753

1879 1889 oxen horses bulls

150,000 60,000 30,000 Lascaux 200,000