24& 25Jan 2015 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Moy How



  1. Testimonies Through Reflections


i)Get hold of the Bible Reading Plan from:

and begin an exciting journey in the discovery of the Lord’s personal word to you.

ii)Request one of your members to share journal entry.

iii)Pair up members to share with, and pray for one another.

iv)If there are any good testimonies, ask your members to write out their testimonies and submit to the church:.

  1. Looking Ahead

b)DUMC: Essential - All WomenConference, 20-21 March (1.5 days)

i)Essential is one of the avenues used by the “Women2Women” movement in DUMC to reach out to the women. Its purpose is to provide a large platform for women to come together to learn and connect with other women.

ii)This year's theme is "Ready? Get set. Go!" and on top of the plenary sessions, there will be 9 workshops on a variety of topics.

(e.g.From nutrition to spiritual discipline, with 7 others in between. For more details, visit dumc.my/essential15)

iii)Super Special Promotion of RM50ending this weekend, 1 Feb.

Note, note, Super Special Promotion ending this weekend. Next week onward, it will be early bird RM100 person.

Online registration at dumc.my/essential15

Follow us on “W2W” FB.

c)Missions Candidate’s Preparation Programme, 14 & 15Mar

i)At MCPP-1, you will find out what are “people groups” and the 10/40 window, besides learning about the biblical basis for world missions, spiritual warfare, personal evangelism, short-term missions and the call to missions. You will also get to do practical sessions like water baptism, conduct the Lord’s Supper, prayerwalking, spiritual mapping and intercession.

ii)After the MCPP-1 weekend, you can now sign-up for a short-term cross-cultural mission trip to Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Nepal or the interiors of Malaysia.

iii)Register online, dumc.my/ministries/missions/


i)Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit.

ii)Pause to release words for the person next to you within the boundaries with words of comfort, encouragement and strengthening. See 1 Cor. 14:3.

e)Prayer Focus

MINISTRIES & EVENTS: NextGen Leaders’ Retreat

The Leaders’ of NextGen will be away on January 31 until February 1 for their Leaders’ Retreat.


  • For the pastors and leaders who will be heading and imparting to our NextGen Leaders.
  • The NextGen leaders will have a refreshing time with God and be drawn closer to Him.
  • God will speak to all at the retreat and deposit a special word to each and every one present.

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:8)

MALAYSIA MY NATION: Flood Relief - rebuilding

As floodwater recedes, the government and NGOs make plans to help the flood victims rebuild their lives. The government has the task to rebuild infrastructures that have been damaged or destroyed by the flood. Many people have loss everything they owned and do not even have a roof over their head.


  • Funds for assisting and rebuilding will be channelled and used wisely by all parties.
  • Wisdom for the government as they take action to rebuild the damaged and destroyed infrastructure.
  • Aid will reach to everyone affected by the flood.
  • Able bodied volunteers to make themselves available to help in the cleaning and rebuilding process.
  • God’s people will bring hope to the victims of the flood and help them to rebuild their lives.

For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’ (Deut. 15:11)

f)Equipping Schedule

i)Have a thorough look at the weekend’s Celebration bulletin of courses running.

ii)Track your members’ log and sign them up.

*For all sign-up events and Equipping courses, we do encourage members to cultivate a habit to sign-up early as to help the task force in expediting their planning and preparation. The other plus point in registering early is the non occurrence for late charges.

Thank you for your understanding!


Sermon Topic:Unlock a Limitless Life:

The Honour Key

(Matthew 6:9-13)

By Pastor Russell Evans

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting KEY POINTS – you do not preach the whole sermon again, as the majority of your cell members would have heard the sermon over the previous weekend. In this way, we want to allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Transcript of the sermon at:

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Imagine what heaven in like in the church or in your Cell. How have you releasedheaven on Earth in your Cell? Heaven would have freedom, love, joy, praise, unity and worship.
  1. When you do what Jesus requires, you allow His supernatural power to work in and through you. This is your way of honouring him. To honour is to give weight. In what way(s) have you given weight to the Lord?

Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1