October 13, 2016
News for geographers / SIGN UP⋅FORWARD
Geography in Action
Isit time for a new hurricane scale?
Hurricane Matthew (Handout/Getty Images)
The floodingcaused by Hurricane Matthew in North Carolina highlights the need for a new method of measuringhurricanesthat accounts for factorsotherthanwindintensity, writes Andrew Freedman. "Everyhurricaneisdifferent in terms of the types of hazardsassociated with landfall and we are doing a POOR job of communicating ALL hazards," notes geography professor Jason Senkbeil, who co-wrote a 2006 paperthatproposed a new scale.
Mashable (10/10)
Studylinksclimatechange to worsening western US wildfires
Climatechangehasalreadyaffectedwildfireconditions in the western US for the last threedecades, according to findingspublished in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "It'sthissort of compoundingeffect of naturalclimatevariabilityaligning with climatechangethathaslikelybroughtaboutthisprettysignificantincreasewe'veseen in forestfireactivity," said John Abatzoglou, leadauthor of the study.
The Washington Post (tieredsubscription model) (10/10)
Other News
- Studyoffers look atevolution of ManhattanCityLab (10/11)
In today's competitive business world, transforming from a paper-basedorganization to a digitaloneis imperative. Documentanalytics can be your secret weapon for makingyourdigitaltransformationambitions a reality.
Research, Education and Global Change
What'snext for the Anthropocene?
Scientistsoften focus on solvingproblems, butthisapproachdoesnotalwaysinspire the public, writes Elena Bennett, an ecosystemecologist and geographeratMcGillUniversity. Bennett and hercollaboratorshavecreated a database of social and environmentalprojectsthatpoint the way toward a positive future for the era some refer to as the Anthropocene.
The New York Times (free-articleaccess for SmartBriefreaders) (10/6)
The world is living longerbutchallengesremain
A study in The Lancet reports longer global lifespans and progress againsttransmittablediseasesevenasdeaths from cancer, heartdisease and otherailments are a problem. In much of East Africa, respiratoryinfections and malaria are killingfewerpeople, and mortalityisdeclining for children under 5.
Pacific Standard online (10/7),New Vision Online (Uganda) (10/7)
Other News
- The difficulty of measuring a coastlineAtlas Obscura (10/7)
Do youwant to improve the safety culture atyourworkplace? How aboutreducingcosts, improving morale, and increasingproductivity? ImplementingBehaviorBasedSafety can change the culture thatleads to accidents and lostproductivity.Clickhereto download a FREE Infographic on "How to Complete a SafetyObservation"!
Technology and Applications
White House launchesclimate data project
The White House recentlylaunched the Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness, an initiativethatwillmakegeographicalclimatevulnerability data public. The project's website will use interactivedashboardsthatcould help peoplevisualize and understandenvironmentalissues.
Undark (10/7)
Digital mapping aids Ethiopia'scrop production
A farm in Ethiopia (Jenny Vaughan/AFP/Getty Images)
A digitalmappingprogram in Ethiopiaisproducingresults in the form of new fertilizercombinationsthat are increasingwheatyields. As part of the project, satellite images, historical information and ground data havebeenused to assesssoil and rainfallpatterns.
Thomson Reuters Foundation (9/29)
Other News
- Google'smappinglibrarygoes open sourceVentureBeat (10/5)
SmartReport on ISTE 2016 ispacked with highlights and insights from the year'sbiggest K-12 edtech show. Wediscusshow to rewrite social codes to achieveequity and transform the status quo; learnhow BYOD ismovingpastdevices to create individualizedworkspaces; and discover the myths and truths of edtechfunding. ReadNow
Association News
LocatingGeographyEducation: Sarah Bednarz'sPastPresident'sAddress
AAG PastPresident Sarah WithamBednarzwillexplore the evolvingrole, nature, and relevance of geographyeducationasviewed by formerpresidents of the AAG from 1910 to the present. AAG presidentialaddresseshave, attimes, commenteddirectly on educationissues; atothertimes the topichasbeenavoided, ifnotignored. Whatchangeshaveoccurred over time in howgeographyeducationisperceived and valued? Whatpersistent educational concernshas the discipline wrestled with? The session will take place 11:50 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. on Friday, April 7, 2017. Additionaldetailscomingsoon. Register to attend.
Roger Downs to ReceivePresidentialAchievement Award
At the close of the PastPresident'sAddress, Sarah WithamBednarzwillpresent Roger M. Downs, professor of geographyat Pennsylvania State University, with the 2017 AAG PresidentialAchievement Award, for his long-term, major contributions to the discipline. Join us on Friday, April 7, 2017. Register to attend.
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Nobody made a greatermistakethan he whodidnothingbecause he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke,
statesman and orator
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