World History IBN BATTUTA Assignment
For this assignment you will follow the trail of Ibn Battuta, a world traveler of the 1300’s. Your task is to read about each place he visits and then create a series of ‘letters’ that will explain the things you have learned. Your grade for this assignment will be determined by the quality of the various letters you write.
You will use a website that divides Ibn Battuta’s journey into chapters. FOR EACH CHAPTER you must write a letter according to the directions given below under the heading EVALUATION.
Follow the directions on the site to go from one stage of Ibn Battuta’s journey to another.
Write the letters after you finish one section and before you begin the next.
Click on this link to begin:
Letter home - Pretend that you are Ibn Battuta or that you are traveling with him. FOR EACH CHAPTER (1 through 12), send a letter back home to Ibn Battuta’s home – Tangier. Be sure to INCLUDE A PICTURE in each letter. (That’s a total of 12 letters and pictures.)
* To make the picture, you should control click on one of the pictures from his trip and “Save Image as" onto your desktop - use Microsoft Word and paste the image into a word document.
Under the picture you can write your letter.
* The letters should include important information, especially:
o The means of transportation (horse or donkey, camel caravan, ship)
o The distances traveled and how long the trip has taken
o The weather or climate
o Unusual sights or dangers along the way
o A description of the picture in your Post Card
o Other personal or cultural information that you want to share
* To see an example of a letter, follow this link:
* To send any mail during Ibn Battuta's time, your letter would probably be carried by camel, donkey, or horse by land, on dhow sailing ships, or even by carrier pigeon.