Wonderland Wizards Youth Hockey Association

P.O. Box 55348  Bridgeport, CT 06610


A. Tryout Fee

The Tryout Fee is due and payable (cash or check) at the time of the first tryout for each level for each hockey season. The fee will be collected with the appropriate Registration Form (which can be found on the Wizards website). No one will be allowed on the ice without the proper forms and payment. The tryout fee amount will be determined by the Wizards Board and posted on the website prior to the beginning of all tryouts. The Tryout Fee is non-refundable.

If a player has an outstanding balance due from the prior year as of the tryout date, that player will not be allowed to tryout without paying off any and all outstanding balances. NO EXCEPTIONS.

B. Travel League Season Fee - Payable in ThreeInstallments

1. First installment - due and payable at the time of commitment to a team and will be collected once the on-line registration process has been completed. The amount of the first installment will be determined by the Board and included in the Travel Fee Payment Schedule (which can be found on the Wizards website). This first installment is non-refundable.

If the first installment is not paid at the stated commitment time, the player will forfeit their spot on the team. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. Second installment – due and payable by September 1st. The second installment (which will also be listed in the Travel Fee Payment Schedule) is non-refundable.

If the second installment is not paid prior to the team’s first practice, the player will not be allowed on the ice or to participate in any Wizards activities. NO EXCEPTIONS.

3. Third installment – due and payable by November 1st. The third installment will be for the difference between the total season fee and the amounts paid with the first and second installments (which will also be listed in the Travel Fee Payment Schedule). The third installment is non-refundable.

If the Season Fees are not completely paid by November 1st of the current calendar year, the player will not be allowed on the ice or to participate in any Wizards activities. NO EXCEPTIONS.

C. Tournament Fees and Other Miscellaneous Expenses

The Wizards Association pays the ConnecticutHockey Conference state tournament fees only. Any team that would like to participate in additional tournaments must collect and submit the associated fees on their own. Fees for the end of the year banquet, yearbooks, coach’s gifts, etc. should be handled through the Team Manager.

D. Midgets, House and Girls League Fees

Fees for the Midgets, House and Girls leagues are payable in full upon commitment to the team. Midget, House and Girls league fees will be determined by the Board and posted on the website.

If a player has an outstanding balance due from the prior year as of the tryout date, that player will not be allowed to tryout without paying off any and all outstanding balances. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Any questions regarding any feesmust be directed to the Co-Treasurers (listed on the website).

NOTE: There will be a $25 fee applied to all returned checks. NO EXCEPTIONS.

There will be a $50 late fee for all payments made past the due dates. No post-dated checks will be accepted; all checks must be dated for stated due dates. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Any and all payments are non-refundable. NO EXCEPTIONS.