DISTRICT: ______BUILDING: ______COUNT DAY: ______

_____ Student Alpha Lists

_____ Student Information System Alpha List (By Grade)

_____ MSDS Alpha List

_____ Add & Drop Record (Entry/Withdrawal Report)

_____ Count Day Absence Form – Middle, High, Alternative Ed

_____ Count Day Student Schedules (Print or save electronically)

_____ Count Day Worksheet

_____ Master Schedule of Teachers (room numbers, class times, lunch breaks)

(List should contain proper names of teachers as submitted in REP)

_____ Proof of 75% Attendance Report

_____ Cooperative Ed Form

_____ DS 4061 Special Ed Categorical

_____ Early/Middle College List of Pupils

_____ Expanded Online Learning List of Pupils (21f)

_____ Experiential Learning List of Pupils

_____ Homebased Pupil List

_____ Homebased Teacher Log – Instructional Dates/Times

_____ Homebound/Hospitalized Pupil List

_____ Homebound/Hospitalized Teacher Log – Instructional Dates/Times

_____ Homebound/Hospitalized Certification from Physician

_____ Nonpublic Shared Time List & Calculations – Educated at Nonpublic Site

_____ Nonpublic Shared Time List & Calculations – Educated at Public School

_____ Nonpublic Shared Time FTE Summary

_____ Nonpublic versus Public Course Offerings

_____ Nonresident List of Pupils Form

_____ Residency Affidavit – Home of Relative

_____ Part-Time List of Pupils

_____ Post-Secondary (Dual) Enrollment List of Pupils

_____ Proof of Payment

_____ Reduced Schedule List of Pupils

_____ Reduced Schedule Request & Approval Form

_____ Seat Time Waiver List of Enrolled Pupils (Requires Additional Forms Listed Below)

_____ Seat Time Waiver Mentor Teacher Log

_____ Seat Time Waiver Record of Student Logins

_____ Special Education Pupils with Less-Than-Full-Day Schedule (claimed for 1.0 FTE)

_____ Special Education Worksheet A & B

(If submitting any “new” Section 53 students on worksheet A, please submit supporting documentation, i.e. court documents, etc.)

_____ Split Schedule List of Pupils

_____ Suspension and Expulsion Pupil List (Only Students on Count Day)

_____ Verification Statement Form (Includes Birth Verification)

_____ Virtual Learning, Distance Learning & Independent Study List of Pupils

_____ CTE Work-Based Pupil List

_____ Non-CTE Work Based Pupil List

_____ SpEd Transition Pupil List

_____ Work Based Training Agreement/Plan

_____ Gen Ed Teacher Visitation Log

_____ SpEd Teacher Visitation Log

Please return this form with required paperwork. Check off items as you complete your forms for submission. If an item does not pertain to your building, you can note “NA” next to that item. DO NOT submit forms that do not apply to your program. Each line item should contain either a “check mark” or “NA.” The principal’s signature verifies that all required forms have been submitted and that the line items marked as “NA” do not apply to this program.


Principal’s Signature Date