Course : Exploring Drama

Code : IG 539

Chs : 2 Chs

Prerequisite :

Lecturers : Nia Nafisah, M.Pd/2329

1.  Objectives:

At the end of the semester, students are able to

1.  Have understanding of the elements of drama and performance.

2.  Appreciate dramatic and theatrical works.

3.  Engage and challenge their dramatic abilities through making and performing dramatic works.

2.  Course Description:

The course covers the concepts and practice of drama and performance which involve individual and collaborative works. During the course, the students learn about the terminology relating to drama and performance as well as read two texts of drama. In addition, they watch at least one theatrical play and appreciate it through writing an individual academic response paper. As the final project, the students work collaboratively to produce and perform a play to engage and challenge their dramatic abilities.

3.  Learning Activities:

Classroom communicative expository approach with reading, lecturing, classroom discussions and dramatic performance.

4.  Media:

LCD, film, realia

5.  Evaluation:

Evaluation will be based on the following components:

1.  Participation = 10%

2.  Mid Test = 20%

3.  Two response papers = 30%

4.  Final project (A dramatic performance) = 40%



-  Minimum 80% attendance is required to be able to involve in the final project .

-  Less than 80% attendance is subject to fail the course.

-  Late submission of individual assignment is subject to a 20% deduction.


Evaluation on students’ essay is naturally subjective. It depends heavily on content, organization, grammar, as well as logic. In addition, a trace of plagiarism will be severely reproved and will cause 0 (zero) score.

Grading Policy:

85 – 100 = A

70 – 84 = B

55 – 69 = C

40 – 54 = D

< 39 = E

Grading is subject to modify according to class performance.

6.  Course Outlines

Weeks / Topics / Sources
1 / 1.  Introduction to the course
2.  Syllabus overview
3.  What is Drama? / 1.  Syllabus
2.  Handout/Powerpoint
2 – 3 / Elements of Drama
-  Historical overview and types of stages
-  Elements of drama / The EMC Masterpiece Series
Barnet, S. (1997)
4 -6 / A Play: Pygmalion
-  Review on elements of literary works
-  Close reading
-  Interpreting the text / George B. Shaw’s Pygmalion
7 / Writing a response
8 / Mid Term Test
9 / Movie adaptation of the play.
First paper due
10 / Discussion on the two versions of the texts.
Appreciation of a theatrical performance
Selecting a play to perform
11 / A guest lecture
-  Discussion on production of a play
-  Preparation for a play performance
12-15 / Preparation for a play performance
Second paper due
16 / Play performance

7.  References:

A.  Main Sources:

The EMC Masterpiece Series: Literature and the language of arts.

Barnet, (1997). Types of Drama : Plays and contexts. 7th ed. New York: Longman.

B.  Other Relevant Sources:

Roberts, E. and H. Jacobs. (2004). Literature: an introduction to reading and writing, 7th ed. NJ: Pearson Prentice-Hall.

Session / Topics / Specific Objectives / Learning Activities / Evaluation / Sources
1 / Introduction to course outline and overview of basic concepts in literature / Students can explain basic concepts in literature. / -Introduce course outline
-Overview of basic concepts.
-Reading assignment: research on history of drama / Oral/discussion / 1.  Syllabus
2.  Handout/Powerpoint
2 / Elements of Drama:
-  Historical point of view
-  Types of stages / Students can understand the history of drama and different types of stages / -Discuss how historical contexts of drama influence culture.
-Discuss the types of stages / Quiz / The EMC Master Series (p.296-298)
3 / Elements of Drama:
-  Intrinsic elements and terms in drama / Students review the elements of literature and their similarities and differences in drama text. / -Discuss a short text of drama.
Assignment: watch a drama/ movie/ short movie / Classroom note
4 / A Short Play: Pygmalion (1)
Context of the play / Students are able to relate the text of the play with its context / -Discus the text and context / Classroom note
Short paper 1 dues
5 / A Short Play: Pygmalion(2)
Close reading: / Students are able to identify the intrinsic elements of the drama text. / -Discuss how the story is built on setting, plot and characterization. / Classroom note
6 / A Short Play: Pygmalion(3)
Interpreting the text / Students are able to interpret the theme of the text based on the textual evidence. / -  Discuss whether the evidence supports the students’ interpretation / Short essay assignment: first draft
7 / Writing a response paper / -  Students understand what they have learned
-  Students write a better essay / Discussions on the students’ essay writing / Peer and teacher feedback on 1st draft of paper
8 / Mid Term Test
9 / A movie appreciation / Students can engage and appreciate a movie adaptation of the play / -watch the movie version of the play / Classroom note
10 / -  Discuss the two versions of the drama text.
-  Appreciate a theatrical performance
-  Select a play to perform / Students can analyse the dramatic aspects of the text from the two versions / -Discuss the dramatic aspects
- watch a theatrical performance
- select a play to perform / Classroom discussion
11 / A guest lecturer:
-  Discussion on play production
-  Practice to perform / Students are able to understand the aspect of play production and learn from a professional on how to act. / Discuss the possible problems and solutions in producing a play / Classroom discussion
12 / Preparation for a play performance (1) / Students can produce a play performance. / Discuss the role of each student / Classroom discussion
13 / Preparation for a play performance (2) / Students can produce a play performance. / Discuss and solve any problem in production. / Classroom discussion
14 / Preparation for a play performance (3) / Students can produce a play performance. / Discuss and solve any problem in production. / Classroom discussion
15 / Preparation for a play performance (4) / Students can produce a play performance. / Dress rehearsal / Classroom discussion
16 / Play Performance