Do Now
TLW- / *Journal Writing
*Grammar Bytes Work
*Channel One Sentences
*W 8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts / *Journal Writing
*Channel One Sentences
*W 8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts / *Journal Writing
*Channel One Sentences
*W 8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts / *Journal Writing
*Channel One Sentences
*W 8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts / No School for Students
(Strategies for Involvement) / *Cooperative Group Work for Vocabulary Learning
*Quizizz Competition – Grammar Work
*Ch. One News Stories
*Amazing Book Race! / *Cooperative Group Work for Vocabulary Learning
*Quizizz Competition – Grammar Work
*Ch. One News Stories
*Amazing Book Race! / *Cooperative Group Work for Vocabulary Learning
*Quizizz Competition – Grammar Work
*Ch. One News Stories
*Amazing Book Race! / *Cooperative Group Work for Vocabulary Learning
*Quizizz Competition – Grammar Work
*Ch. One News Stories
*Amazing Book Race! / .
Practice to
(Student Work) / *Students work in groups to learn their vocabulary. They choose one way to teach 10 words to the class.
*Compare/Contrast Essay Work
Read and understand the writing task / *Students work in groups to learn their vocabulary. They choose one way to teach 10 words to the class.
*Compare/Contrast Essay Work
Read and understand Passage 1 / *Students work in groups to learn their vocabulary. They choose one way to teach 10 words to the class.
*Compare/Contrast Essay Work
Read and understand Passage 2 / *Students work in groups to learn their vocabulary. They choose one way to teach 10 words to the class.
*Compare/Contrast Essay Work
Read and critique Mr. Wood’s sample essay
(Assessment) / *Students write their own compare/contrast essays next week
*Vocab Quiz next Friday
*Ch. 1 Sentences / *Students write their own compare/contrast essays next week
*Vocab Quiz next Friday
*Ch. 1 Sentences / *Students write their own compare/contrast essays next week
*Vocab Quiz next Friday
*Ch. 1 Sentences / *Students write their own compare/contrast essays next week
*Vocab Quiz next Friday
*Ch. 1 Sentences
Reflections / *How well does each student understand how to write a great compare/contrast essay? / *How well does each student understand how to write a great compare/contrast essay? / *How well does each student understand how to write a great compare/contrast essay? / *How well does each student understand how to write a great compare/contrast essay? / *How well does each student understand how to compare and contrast the novel with the movie?
HOMEWORK / End-of-year project work
Vocabulary / End-of-year project work
Vocabulary / End-of-year project work
Vocabulary / End-of-year project work
Teacher/Subject: Wood APEXELA Week: February 15 - 18
Guiding Question: What it does it take to write an excellent compare/contrast essay?
Materials:laptops; novel; Promethean board; movie; MICA website