Academic and Integrity and Responsibility Framework
Punnichy Community High School strives to provide a high level of academic programming in which all students are given the opportunity to excel. Academic integrity, responsibility and honesty are key values that need to be embraced in conjunction with this goal. Punnichy Community High School expects students to maintain a high level of these key values in the pursuit of their studies.
Academic Integrity: Evidence of one’s own learning through the demonstration of responsibility, honesty, trust and respect. Actions that demonstrate a lack of integrity may include but are not limited to:
-having others complete the work
-buying papers from the internet
-resubmission of previously submitted work
-missing due dates
Late Assignments: A late assignment is any assignment that is not handed in to the teacher on the date assigned.
Cheating: Cheating occurs when you present the work of another individual as your own. Some examples of cheating may be but are not limited to:
-copying and/or providing for another an exam, assignment, project or other classroom work
-receiving/providing test questions/answers prior to an exam
-using answers during an exam or using “cheat sheets” during an exam
-using programmed technology unless permitted by the teacher
-file sharing or copying files from another student
Plagiarism- Plagiarism is the taking on anther’s word, thoughts or ideas and presenting them as your own either deliberately or accidentally. Some examples of plagiarism may include but are not limited to:
-using all or part of anther’s speech, paper or idea as your own.
-copying a passage word for word and not using quotation marks
-copying and pasting a passage from the internet
-not acknowledging or documenting sources
Horizon School Division Beliefs:
Assessment must be fair, curriculum-based and accountable.
Assessment must be an accurate reflection of the students’ learning.
Assessment needs to be planned, timely, continuous and responsive.
Varied instructional and assessment strategies should be used to meet students needs.
Assessment should align with curriculum and be respectful of different learning styles.
Student Engagement:
Assessments should involve students in the process.
Students should be made aware of assessment expectations.
Assessment expectations should be clear and communicated to students.
Students are an integral part of assessment, having input and involvement.
Students’ learning includes ongoing and timely feedback.
Communication about student assessment should include clear expectations, identifiable goals, and a purpose.
Communication about student assessment is timely and ongoing.
Strong assessment practices enhance accountability.
Roles and Responsibilities:
For the purpose of this policy, the following guidelines will be used:
The Saskatchewan Education Act, 1995 states:
General duties of pupils:
150(2) Every pupil shall co-operate fully with all person employed by the board of education or the conseil scolaire and any other person who have been lawfully assigned responsibilities and functions with respect to the instructional program of the school or any special ancillary services that may provided and approved by the board of education, the conseil scolaire or the department.
150(3) Every pupil shall:
(a)Attend school regularly and punctually;
(b)Observe standards approved by the board of education or the conseil scolaire with respect to:
- General deportment
- obedience
(c)Be diligent in his or her studies
(d)Conform to the rules of the school approved by the board of education or the conseil scolaire and the conseil d’ecole; and
(e)Subject to subsection (4), submit to any discipline that would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent
Pupil accountable to supervision
151(1) Every pupil is accountable to the teacher for the pupil’s conduct on the school premises during school hours and during those hours that the teacher is in charge of the pupil in class or while engaged in authorized school activities conducted during out-of-school hours.
151(2) Every pupil is accountable to the principal for the pupil’s general deportment at any time that the pupil is under the supervision of the school and members of the teaching staff, including the time spent in travelling between the school and pupil’s place of residence.
Duties of the principal
175(1) Subject to the stated policies of the board of education or the conseil scolaire and to the regulations, a principal, under the supervision of the director, shall be responsible for the general organization administration and supervision of the school, its program and professional staff and for administrative functions that pertain to liaison between the school and the board of education or the conseil scolaire and its officials.
175(2) The principal shall:
(a) organize the program of courses and instruction approved by the board of education or the conseil scolaire for the school;
(e) exercise general supervision over the well-being and good order of pupils while the pupils are at school or participating in school activities;
(h) conduct, in co-operation with the staff a continuing program of planning and evaluation with respect to the objectives, curriculum, pedagogy and effectiveness of the instructional program of the school;
(i) define and prescribe the standards of the school with respect to the duties of pupils and give direction to members of the staff and to pupils that may be necessary to maintain the good order, harmony and efficiency of the school;
(j) administer or cause to be administered any disciplinary measures that are considered proper by him or her and that are consistent with this Act;
(k) establish, in conjunction with the staff, the procedures and standards to be applied in evaluation of the progress of pupils and in making promotions;
(l) develop, in co-operation with the staff, procedures for preparation of reports to parents or guardians on the progress of pupils and establish mutually acceptable and beneficial channels for communication between the school and parents or guardians of pupils;
(m)maintain regular liaison with the director with respect to all matters pertaining to the well-being of the school, the staff and the pupils;
General duties of teachers:
231(1) A teacher is responsible, in con-operation with staff colleagues and administrative authorities, for;
(a)advancing the educational standards and efficiency of the school;
(b)participating in educational planning by the staff and the board of education or the conseil scolaire; and
231(2) A teacher shall:
(a)diligently and faithfully teach the pupils in the educational program assigned by the principal;
(b)plan and organize the learning activities of the class with due regard for the individual differences and needs of the pupils;
(c)co-operate with colleagues and associates in program development and teaching activities pertaining to the class and individual pupils;
(d)maintain, in co-operation with colleagues and with the principal, good order and general discipline in the classroom and on school premises;
(e)conduct and manage assigned functions in the instructional program in accordance with the educational policies of the board of education or the conseil scolaire and the applicable regulations;
(f)keep a record of attendance of the pupils for statistical purposes in the form that the department may prescribe or in any other form that may be recommended by the principal and approved by the minister;
(g)report regularly, in accordance with policies of the school approved by the board of education or the conseil scolaire to the parent or guardian of each pupil with respect to progress and any circumstances or conditions that may be of mutual interest and concern to the teacher and the parent or guardian;
(h)participate, under the leadership of the principal, in developing cooperation and co-ordination of effort and activities of members of the staff in accomplishing the objectives of the school;
Infringement of this policy will be considered to have taken place if a student of Punnichy Community High School is found to have displayed poor judgment and/or lack of effort in the areas of timeliness of assignment or plagiarism.
Violations and Consequences:
Students who hand in late assignments may be penalized for handing in the assignment late. The amount of marks taken off will be determined on an individual bases for each assignment. Students may be allowed to hand in late assignments without penalty for the following situations: illness (with a doctor’s note), attending a funeral, attending a cultural event. Please note that the list is not limited to the ones listed above.
Students who hand in an assignment that has been plagiarized will be penalized for their actions. The amount of marks taken off will be determined on an individual basis for each assignment.
Any parent/guardian who wishes to appeal a mark given to a student must contact the administration and express their concern at which the administration will set up a meeting with the parents/guardians, teacher, student and administration.
Communication of the Policy:
The Academic Integrity Policy of Punnichy Community High School will be clearly communicated to the students at the beginning of each block by the class teacher both verbally and in the class syllabus. The policy will be clearly stated in the PCHS Student Handbook and will be found on the PCHS Website.