
Mr. Greenberg Math 433

Word Problems Practice

Solve each word problem. Be sure to define any variables and clearly indicate your answer.

  1. A teacher wants to take a group of students to the Museum of Math. The entrance fee is $12 per person. If more than 100 people go, everyone’s fee is reduced by $0.75 for each person over 100 people. At least how many people must go to make the fee less than $8 per person?
  1. Ralph needs to earn a B in his Geology class. His current test scores are 91, 94, 79, and 74. His final exam is worth 6 test scores. In order toearn a B, Ralph's average must lie between 80 and 89 inclusive. What range of scores can Ralph receive on the final exam to earn a B in the course?
  1. The length of a rectangle is 8 meters less than 5 times the width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is at most 104 meters, find the greatest possible width of the rectangle.
  1. Two siblings Edwin and Rhea are both going skiing but chose different payment plans. Edwin’s plan charges $45 for rentals and $5.25 per lift up the mountain. Rhea’s plan was a bundle where her entire day cost $108. What is the greatest amount of trips that Edwin can take up the mountain and still pay less than Rhea?
  1. Natasha is planning a school celebration and wants to have live music and food for everyone who attends. She has found a band that will charge her $750 and a caterer who will provide snacks and drinks for $6.50 per person. If her goal is to keep the average cost per person between $8 and $9, how many people, p, must attend?
  1. If the absolute value of the sum of three consecutive integers is equal to 13 more than twice the smallest integer, find all possible values of the integers.


Mr. Greenberg Math 433

Mixed Review

  1. Ifx= –3, what is the value of |x– 4| –x2?
  1. What is the result when (2x− 3)2is subtracted from 5x2?
  1. Solve for x:
  1. The cost of three notebooks and four pencils is $8.50. The cost of five notebooks and eight pencils is $14.50. Determine the cost of one notebook and the cost of one pencil.
  1. Given thatab, solve forxin terms ofaandb:

b(x− 3) ≥ax+ 7b

  1. Determine whether each statement is true or false:

If ab, then ac > bc. ______

If ab, then a – cb – c. ______

If ab, then a2b2.______

  1. Simplify:

(-2)4(-y)3 / 3x – 2(5 – 2x) /
  1. Solve A = 2πr(r + h) for h.
  1. The school book store sold 8 more pencils than pens one day. The cost of a pencil is $0.05, and the cost of a pen is $0.20. If the day’s sales of pens and pencils totaled $8.90, how many pencils were sold.