A Framework for Fundraising Success

Effective fund development depends on a number of critical elements: an understanding of your various constituencies, their needs, and how your organization meets their needs; clear institutional direction and ongoing strategic planning; shared expectations of staff and volunteers; and a governance and management structure that supports the fund development process.

While your organization may start fundraising without all these pieces in place, it may be useful to evaluate your current situation. This assessment survey is designed for use by each board member and leadership staff, e.g., executive director and development officer. Additionally, a comprehensive development audit can delve more deeply into areas of fund development performance. Use this assessment to create a shared picture of your fund development program. Then, together, outline the strategies to address any areas that need to be improved.

Does your organization have…

Needs Don’t

Yes No Improvement Know

1.  A justifiable reason, recognized by the community-at-

large, to raise public and private contributions? ______

2.  Services and programs that are deemed worthy by

your constituents and the community-at-large? ______

3.  A mission statement that can be accurately summarized

in a few sentences? ______

4.  A mission statement that is reviewed regularly by the board? ______

5.  A strategic plan that addresses program

goals, markets, and fundraising needs (both operating ______

and capital) over a period of 3 to 5 years?

6.  A process to review, update, and extend this strategic

plan on a regular basis? ______

7.  A positive public image? ______

8.  An accurate record of clients/audience, volunteers, and

donors? ______

9.  Ongoing strategies to build your constituent base and

cultivate relationships? ______

10.  A process that identifies constituents and new markets

and outlines strategies to develop and strengthen

relationships with these groups (i.e., constituency ______


11.  Institutionalized evaluation systems that assess

program and board effectiveness and a commitment

to intervene as needed? ______

12.  Management systems which fulfill accountability

and reporting requirements to government, donors, ______

and clients?

13.  An adequate financial management system which

includes annual budgeting and revision processes,

monthly statement of revenue and expense ______

compared to budget, fund accounting, and a

Finance Committee?

14.  Plans already outlined for programs and projects

before fundraising begins? ______

15.  A process to identify, cultivate, and recruit new board

members? ______

16.  A process to remove ineffective board members? ______

17.  Fundraising expertise and community contacts on

the board? ______

18.  An active and committed board whose members are

willing to fundraise on your behalf? ______

19.  Annual financial contributions to the organization by

100% of the board members? ______

20.  Annual financial contribution to the agency by the

Executive Director and the Chief Development Officer? ______

21.  A strong board committee structure including

fundraising committees as necessary for ______

your agency’s fundraising plan?

22.  Discussion of fundraising progress at every board ______


23.  Commitment to securing a diversified funding base

(i.e., grants, corporate, and individual gifts)? ______

24.  Board willingness to budget dollars necessary to

fund fundraising? ______

25.  Clerical support for the fundraising function? ______

26. High caliber professional fundraising assistance

available on an as-needed basis, through a

volunteer, consultant, and/or staff person? ______

27.  A persuasive, written case statement for each

project? ______

28.  The ability to develop annual fundraising plan

which includes solicitation strategies, volunteer needs

and job descriptions, and a timetable? ______

29.  An accurate record of all fundraising projects and

results for past years? ______

30.  Resources to design and maintain appropriate

fundraising record systems including segregation

of donors by gift size and type of approach, a donor ______

record file on each contributor?

31.  A system to acknowledge all gifts within 48 hours ______

of receipt?

32.  A system to recognize donors and their gifts? ______

33. A process for continuously identifying new prospects

for grants, corporate, and individual gifts? ______

34.  A process to regularly research and cultivate

individuals, corporations, and foundations? ______

Compiled by Simone P. Joyaux, ACFRE

Joyaux Associates

10 Johnson Road, Foster, RI 02825

Excerpted from the AFP CFRE Review Course

© Association of Fundraising Professionals, 2008 Page 1