What is Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)?

The application of evidence-based strategies and systems to assist schools to increase academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish positive school cultures.

What would Positive Behavior Intervention Support looklike on your Campus?

  • A campus based Team would be developed that would be a representation of your staff and will meet regularly to plan the PBIS process. The team would report to the staff and request ongoing input from the staff so that the process is a true reflection of the needs of the campus.
  • Data will be used to help track progress and identify areas to target for intervention.
  • Discipline referral Processes & Procedures will be Consistent throughout the school.
  • The school will develop and use school-wide Expectations & Rules in settings across campus to Teach students’ appropriate behavior.
  • A Reward System will be used to encourage and model appropriate behavior and Effective Consequences will be developed and used to discourage inappropriate behavior.

PBIS is the Behavior Component to Response to Intervention

  • School-wide/Universal – intended for all students and staff in all settings across campus
  • Classroom –school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with pre-planned strategies for classrooms setting
  • Target Group –addresses behavioral issues of groups of students with similar problem behavior or behaviors that seem to occur for the same reasons (i.e. attention seeking,


  • Individual Student –school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with team-based strategies to address problematic behaviors of individual students

Positive BehaviorIntervention Support Process with Region 14

•This is a 2 to 3-year commitment as part of the Texas Behavior Support Initiative.

•Year 1 focuses on school-wide positive behavior supports.

•Year 2 emphasizes classroom-level positive behavior supports.

•Year 3 pinpoints positive behavior supports for students with intensive needs.

•4 days of team training for the first year

•Campus team who is representative of the staff on your campus and will be responsible for bringing the training back to campus for implementation based on the needs identified from your campus data.

Key Element in order to be involved in PBIS Project starting in 11-12: At campus commitment for change from administration and staff on campus to go through the PBIS Process. Region 14 provides a 1-1.5 hour PBIS Overview with your staff so they have a good understanding of PBIS and what their commitment would entail and why it is important that they be a part of the process.

Contact for more information:

Lisette Spraggins

ESC Region 14, Behavior/PBIS
