
Achilles Tap Test

Anterior Drawer Sign

Drawer's Foot Sign

Duchenne's Sign

Hoffa’s Sign

Lateral Stability Test

Medial Stability Test

Metatarsal Test

Range of Motion

Silllond's Test

Strunsky's Sign

Thompson's Test

Tourniquet Test

Cervical Spine

Adson's Test

Allen's Test

Bakody's Sign

Barre-Leiou Sign

Costoclavicular Test

Distraction Test

Eden's Test

Foraminal Compression Test

Georqe's Test

Hyperextension Compression

Jackson Compression Test

Lewin Snuff Test

Libman's Test

Halilul Rotato;y Compression

Modified Adson's Test

O'Donoghue's Maneuver

Range of Motion

Rotation Compression

Shoulder Compression Test

Shoulder Depression Test

Soto-Hall Test

Spinal Percussion Test

Spurling's Test

Swallowing Test

Traction Test

Valsalva's Maneuver

Vertebro-Basilar Maneuver

Wriqht's Test

Circulatory Tests

Allen's Test

Barre-Leiou Sign

Buerqer's Test

Claudication Test

Georqe's Test

Homan's Sign

Perthe's Test

Vertebro-Basilar Maneuver


Abduction Stress Test

Adduction Stress Test

Bracelet Test

Cozen's Test

Finkelstein's Test

Froment's Sign

Golfer's Elbow Test

Kaplan's Test

Mill's Test

Phalen's Test

Ranqe of Motion

Tinel's Sign

Ulnar Tunnel Triad

General Nervous System

Beevor's Sign

Brudzinski's Test

Duchenne's Sign

Hantinvton's Sign

Kerniq's Sign

L'hermitt's Sign

Morquio's Sign

Neri's Sign

O'Connell Sign

Thomas' Test

Tinel's Sign


Allen's Test

Bracelet Test

Bunnel-Littler Test

Ext Digitorum Communis Test

Finsterer's Sign

Flex/Ext Pollicus Lonqus

Maisonneave's Sign

Phalen's Test

Profundis Test

Sublimis Test

Tinels Test

Simulated Complaints

Burn's Bench Test

Hoover's Sign

Libman's Test

Magnuson's Test

Mankopf's Maneuver

Sitting Lasegue Test


Actual Leq Lenqth

Allis Test

Anvil Test

Apparent Leq Length

Buttock Sign

Cope's Test

Ely's Sign

Ely's Heel to Buttock Test

Erichsen's Test

Fabere Test

Gauvain's Test

Hennequin's Sign

Hibb's Test

Hyperextension Tests

Laguerre's Test

Lewin Standinq Test

Ober's Test

Ortolonl Click Test

Patrick's Test

Phelp's Test

Ranqe of Motion

Thomas' Test

Trendelenburg's Test

Thoracic Spine

Adson's Test

Beevor's Sign

Chapman's Test

Chest Expansion Test

Costoclavicular Test

Forestier's Bowstring Test

Lindner's Test

Murphy's Test

Murphy's Punch Test

Schepelmann's Sign

Soto-Hall Test

Spinal Percussion Test

Sternal Compression Test

Wright's Test

Sacroiliac Joint

Anterlor Innominate Test

Beery's Test

Belt Test

Buttock Sign

Erichsen's Sign

Gaenslen's Test

Hibb's Test

Iliac Compression Test

Laguerre's Test

Lewin-Gaenslen Test

Mennel's Test

Pelvic Rock Test

Piriformis Stretch Test

SI Resisted Abduction Test

Sacroiliac Stretch Test

Yeoman's Test

Lumbar Spine

Adam's Sign

Astrom Suspension Test

Bechterew's Sitting Test

Belt Test

Bonnet's Sign

Bowstring Sign

Braggard’s Test

Buckling Sign

Buttock Sign

Chapman's Test

Cope's Test

Dejerine's Triad

Demaianoff's Sign

Deyerle's Sciatic Tension Test

Double Leg Raise Test

Duchenne's Sign

Ely's Heel to Buttock Test

Fajerstajn's Test

Gluteal Punch Test

Goldthwait's Test

Heel Walk Test

Hyperextension Tests

Kemp's Test

Lasegue's Test

Lasegue Rebound Test

Lewin's Lasegae Test

Lewin Punch Test

Lewin Snuff Test

Lewin Standing Test

Lewin Supine Test

Lindner's Sign

Milgram's Test

Minor's Sign

Murphy's Punch Test

Nachlas Test

Naffziqer's Test

Neri's Bowing Sign

Obturator Test

O'Connell's Test

Popliteal Press Test

Range of Motion

Sicard's Test

Smith-Peterson Test

Spinal Percussion Test

Straight Leg Raise Test

Supported Forward Bending

Turyn's Test

Valsalva's Maneuver


AP Drawer Test

Abduction Stress Test

Adduction Stress Test

Apley's Compression Test

Apley's Distraction Test

Bounce Home Test

Childress Duck Waddle

Drawer's Sign

Dreyer's Sign

External Rot. Recurvatum Test

Fouchet's Sign

Knee Drop Test

Knee Flexion Stress Test

Lewin Standinq Test

McIntosh Test

McMurray's Test

Patella Apprehension Test

Patella Ballottment Test

Patella Grinding Test

Patella Scrape Test

Payr's Sign

Perkin's Sign

Q-Angle Test

Range of Motion

Slocum's Test

Steinmann's Sign

Wilson's Sign


Abbott-Saunders Test

Apley Scratch Test

Apprehension Test

Biceps Tendon Stability

Bryant's Sign

Calloway's Sign

Codman's Test

Dawbarn's Test

Drop Arm Test

Duqas Test

Hueter's Sign

Mazion's Shoulder Maneuver

Range of Motion

Shoulder Rock Test

Subacromial Push-Button Test

Supraspinatus Tendinitis Test

Teres Test

Yergason's Test