Volunteer Application Information
Name: / Preferred method of contact: phone / mobile / email*Job title: / Organisation:
Work Tel: / Work Address:
Mobile Tel:
*please circle, or delete, as appropriate
Why would you like to volunteer for this project?Have you volunteered before? Yes/No*
If yes, in what capacity?
Do you have any experience of acting as a facilitator and motivating people? Yes/No*
What is your experience of using KPIs, measurement and performance management that you could bring to this project?
Please outline any experience you have of working in the charity/social enterprise space (NB. This is not a requirement) or which makes you suitable for this project:
What particular charitable causes interest and inspire you? (e.g. children, education, social care etc.)
Are there any charities/causes that you would prefer not to be linked with?
How far from your base are you willing to travel for meetings with the organisation?
ÿ up to 30 mins ÿ up to one hour ÿ 1-2 hours ÿ other, please specify …………
What times would suit you best for meetings with the organisation (eg usual working hours/evenings etc)?
If applicable, do you have the support of and permission from your line manager Yes/No*
Health and Safety
Do you have a disability or a health issue (including pregnancy) which you would like us to take into account? (If yes, please give details below) Yes / No*
Please provide us with an emergency contact name and number* for someone we can get in touch with in case of an unlikely emergency when you are on-site at the organisation.
Name: ………………………………………….. Relationship: …………………………... Number: …………………………………………
*This will be treated confidentially, and will be stored securely, and the emergency contact will only be contacted for that purpose.
Please tell us how you found out about this project (ie via which organization or website)
I confirm that:
· the information I have given above is correct
· I give permission for this form and my CV/biography to be passed on to the organisation I am matched with for this project
· I agree to follow the steps of the process and to adhere to the Code of Conduct (please refer to Part One in the Handbook)
· I am able to commit my time to this project and work to the suggested timeframe
I understand that completing the application form does not guarantee a place on this project, and that my participation is subject to finding a suitable match.
Signed: Date:
(If you are sending this form by email, please scan your name in the signature field)
Thank you for filling out this application. Please return, together with your biography or CV:
by email to: Angela Schlenkhoff-Hus,
or by post to: Angela Schlenkhoff-Hus, Deputy Head of Employee VOlunteering, Volunteering Matters, 18-24 Lower Clapton RoadLondonE5 0PD
Volunteer Application Form