You are to choose between:

Create a Natural High (PSA) Public Service Announcement

When creating your PSA video ~ make sure to hit these questions to qualify:

·  Describe what you do for your Natural High. A Natural High is an activity, art form, or sport that you love to do and makes you feel good inside.

·  Tell us what it is about your Natural High that you love. Why does it make you happy or what specifically makes you excited or gives you that rush?

·  Tell us how this Natural High motivates and inspires you to stay away from drugs and alcohol.


Create a PSA about the dangers of Alcohol consumption

Examples: DUI, binge drinking, alcoholism, etc…


Create a children’s picture/story book or cartoon: Create a child safe storyline, which explains a specific non-infectious disease of your choice. The storyline should informative though not scare a child of the disease. You may scan your drawn images to and then import them to iMovie to make a cartoon.


Create a News Report on a specific non-infectious disease using iMovie. Develop a CRHS News Crew. You will need one person to film while another person and acts as a news reporter.

All of the Non-Infectious Diseases Projects are further explained below

Choose a Non-Infectious Disease to research. A good starting point for information is the recommended health sites on CRHS library website:

All Projects should include:

·  Symptoms and/or characteristics of disease,

·  Facts (Examples: X amount of children/adults have this disease in the USA, this disease is the second leading cause of death in the USA, etc.)

·  Causes of Disease

·  Testing procedures for Disease

·  Treatment of Disease (drug medication as well as natural treatments) (treatment of symptoms vs. treatment of disease)

·  A bibliography with at least 3 sources.

GRADING: (25%) creativity; (25%) originality; and (50%) overall information/message.